Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Reading of Good Books

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and look at the categories.
Quotes about books: "...and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading." Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice (1775-1817)
"A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity, and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight." (Robertson Davies)
"Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep; for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter." Paxton Hood (1920-1885)
"And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:12-13
Writing equipment in the desk are from left to right: envelopes, writing paper, round box containing stamps, address book below that, blank cards, larger envelopes. On the table area on the left is outgoing mail in the little holder, and on the right in the holder is received mail that needs to be answered. This is not an antique secretary desk, but a reproduction, likely 1970's, that has been updated with white paint.
The books in this desk are mainly inspirational. I would like to mention one that would be very useful for a mother- daughter activity and study project. It is a workbook called "The Joy of Womanhood," by Susan Zakula, from The Keepers At Home Series. In it, the last part shows things a daughter can be assigned to, that will give the mother a great deal of help. Though the teachings in this work-text will not necessarily be applicable to everyone, there are parts of it that are very useful. It is a Bible study that provides activities for being "others" oriented, physical fitness, art, baking, budgeting, yarns and quilting, family relations, housekeeping, journal keeping, music, sewing, reading, writing, and more. The author went to a lot of trouble to put this book together with all the assignments and orderly study pages. It should be read word for word from the very first page. The special skills section is in the back half of the book, so that you can work on study and then practical things each week. This company also has books for boys.
In the middle shelf, two books worth mentioning: Better Than Medicine, by Leroy Brownlow, which teaches the proper Biblical concept of "self" which is so needed today. It helps young people understand the ups and downs of life and understand how to be happy. "My Heart Sings," by Joan Winmill Brown, is a book of stories and quotes ranging from the 1st century to the 20th century, from people like John Newton, Queen Victoria, Alexander Solzenitzen and many others inbetween. This slender volume provided a good way of learning a little bit about the faith of historical figures when it was not possible to find books on each one. From this book, a child might become more interested in a particular person and do research further.
The third shelf contains a few other inspirational books, including "Tea For Two" by Brownlow Publishing (1994), a collection of quotes, stories, recipes, history and 19th century paintings depicting the culture of taking tea.
On the writing area of the desk: Spencerian System of Practical Penmanship by Pratt Spencer, a reproduction from Mott Media. This is also available in a kit with a feather pen, in some catalogs, including Victorian Trading Company. Pratt Spencer traveled the country teaching students in special Spencerian Schools, his special method of writing, influenced much of that century's handwriting style . Lillibeth has samples of it in her "Dear Carrie" series on her blog, where she shows photographs of autograph books.
I was taught the Palmer method of writing, as a child, which is a neat and simple way to write with a ball point pen or pencil, but became interested in the flourishes and technique of the Spencerian style when I was teaching my own children how to write. I thought it would make them more interested in doing a good job of writing, if they viewed it as art. The instruction kit comes in a package of 4 books, from beginning to advanced, and shows sketches of correct posture and the holding of the pen. I refer to it if I want to do something special with a capital letter or a tail. It explains that the writing becomes very individual, as each person adapts it to suit their own tastes, and that there are several ways of writing the letters of the alphabet.
Also included in my collection for girls are: How to Dress an Old Fashioned Doll (sewing) with drawings. The Folkwear catalog is somewhat historical, and helps you observe the different folk wear of nationalities world wide, and the patterns can be ordered from this book. It is advanced sewing, but the catalog is only about $3.00 and is fun to have around as enrichment for sewing. The Big Book of Papercrafts seems to be a reprint of an older book, and can give some ideas for making things out of paper. I found one or two projects I wanted to try in this book.
Other books: Daughters of Eve, by Lottie Beth Hobbs--explained some interesting things about the women of the Bible (published in the 60's), Days to Remember--a date book with really great art and classical poetry; Creating a SenseSational Home by Terry Willits (good drawings and great color), and The Spirit of Loveliness by Emilie Barnes.
In this shelf is a collection of other books: McGuffey's Readers* from the 1800's, The Art-Literature Readers, Best Loved Poems of the American People (has a lot of inspirational, can-do poetry from the past), America Revisited* and Gaining Favor With God and Man. *
The next shelf contains the Boys Handibook, which was originally published in 1882, and a reproduction was made in 1983. It contains all kinds of splendid things for boys for making and doing in all four seasons, from making a boat or kite, a bridge, a tent, and just oodles of other things. It was originally made for the boy scouts of an earlier era and is just great for families that want to help their sons be men.
The American Girls Handibook is similar, and although you may not want to use every activity, it has some wonderful creative things to do, from making a hammock, to conducting old-fashioned games at parties, and making harmless fireworks that were used in the 1800's by children. Lillibeth put some of the directions for the 4th of July sparklers from this book, on her blog, The Pleasant Times, last year. This is a great tool for parents to provide their own scouts activities at home, adding their own values and teachings to go with the activities.
"Our Good Old Days" was a privately published book by an elderly gentleman who just handed it to our family one day. C.L. Embrey wrote this book about his childhood and we really enjoyed reading the stories when our children were home. He told about how his family grew up without being spoiled! This is a good book for boys.
Other books in the shelf: The Christian Family, by Larry Christenson. I bought this at a used bookstore for about 2 cents but it has more than 2 cents worth in it. This firmly states the importance of marriage, home and family, by showing with out a doubt how the soul's destiny is at stake in the way the family is conducted. He states in one chapter that people were often willing to endure hardship in the present, to attain a blessing in the future. He compares it to the mentality today of avoiding any endurance or hardship.
How to Build A Happy Home by B. Charles Hostetter (1960). While a lot of people look at the 1960's as a time when the home was broken down by rebellion, there were preachers and writers who did their best to refute the new morality. I picked this book up at a junk store and I'm glad I did. The author says things that today would probably get him locked up, as they say. He tells the qualifications for marriage, the wife's part, the husband's part, the rearing of children, and what should and should not go on in a home if it is to be happy. I'll put some of it on the Sermons of the Past post. (someday).
Vestibules of Heaven, by M. F. McKnight (1982) - This man painted a picture of how a home can reflect heaven when it is conducted as it ought to be. He warns youth of the lures and temptations that will bring them down. He tells husbands of their responsibilities. He shows the things which break down the home and family and make it weak. People never want to admit that something as simple as the occasional vice (gambling, drinking, entertainment) weaken the marriage and the children, but he does it well in this sermon.
Mother, by Kathleen Norris. This was originally published in 1911, and a web search will reveal more stories by this author in their original form, on ebay and other vintage book stores. It was recently edited and republished, with a forward by Jennie Chancey, who found an old copy of it in a book sale, and was so touched by it she urged its reprinting. It basically tells of a high-minded young girl who thinks that since she's been off to college, she will "do better" than her mother, and not settle for marriage, home and family. Her attitude is noticed by a young man who would be interested in her, but is waiting to see the selflessness of her mother become reflected in the daughter. Eventually, the daughter realizes that her mother played the greatest role in the world by guiding the destiny of many other people in the family.
Carry A Big Stick. This is the story of Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president, which quotes him as saying, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," a motto that many wilderness forgers had to live by. I listened to my son-in-law read this book to his boys and enjoyed it immensely! It showed an adventurous husband and father who "just wanted to be a boy" and all the things he did for his family, including teaching a Bible class at church each week. Evidently he wrote a whole series of books himself, over 50 of them, including such titles as "Fear God and Take Your Own Part," The Conservation of Womanhood and Childhood," and books about the wilderness.
Handmade, Best Made, by Readers Digest. This is a very nice book with lots of do-able projects that are partly pioneer and partly decorative. It is worth having, just to browse through and see all the lovely things you can make with your own hands if you have the inclination.
Victorian Entertaining, by John Crosby Freeman. I found this book very useful because it gave the history of entertainment in the 19th century. It showed how boys and girls used to play and celebrate and how to make your own hammock, Kentucky fried chicken, and how to have a neighborhood parade and picnic. There are lots of recipes and wonderful photographs and very inspiring art. Show Victorian parlour games, seaside resort activities, and features photographs of the interiors of authentic Victorian homes.
A Bouquet of Flowers, by Barbara Milo Ohrbach (1990). Tells a number of interesting things you can do with your flower garden, along with quotes, poetry and pretty colored drawings. Even if you don't have a flower bed, this book is just great for ideas, like how to make scented stationery, use for rose petals, the language of flowers, and many other things that just make you glad to be alive.
Beside Still Waters by Brownlow Publishing (I guess you can tell I have liked Brownlow since I was very young) is another little book that was laying on my desk. It has the kind of paintings in it that I often post here on this blog and at Lovely Whatevers. This book is all about shepherds, sheep, and still waters. It is part of a miniature book series but I never found the rest of it.
These are homemaking books that have classes in them that can be followed: One is by Laurie Latour, called Future Christian Homemakers Handbook, and the other is Treasury of Vintage Homekeeping Skills by Martha Greene. It is good to have these books just for reference and they give you a guide if you ever get serious about really studying homemaking. Even in later years, you might want to take these courses and start a scrapbook with all the projects in them.
Even if you do not have a garden, here are three inspiring books that give the meaning of gardens: Gardens of Delight, The Old Fashioned Garden (pop-up books but very informative), and The Romantic English Garden.
To interest children in cooking, I used books like this, which were also entertaining to read. I like Gooseberry Patch catologs and cookbooks because of the pretty art on the covers, and because they contain interesting hints and creative ideas at the edge of each page. These two are "Gifts for Giving," and "Come On Over." The recipes seem to be a little better tested than some cookbooks, and I rarely have a cooking failure with them. Besides, they are just so cheerful to have on display. Use your JoAnn's 40% coupon and get them for half price in the store. The Heart of England contains beautiful photographs of historical country areas of England, along with traditional tea-fare recipes. It is worth having just for a coffee-table book.
As in all things, parents, please be sure to read books to determine what is appropriate for your child's understanding, nature and maturity. Not everyone will agree with every single book I have mentioned, but some of them might be useful in developing a curriculum for daughters at home.
Sew No More Home Decor shows how to use iron-on methods and glue to make curtains, placemats, table cloths, bedspreads, pillows, and much more and it has several different styles to choose from. There are also some wood painting ideas and other types of decorating besides fabric. The photographs show coordinating accessories in rooms, which can inspire anyone to want to clean up and decorate a room.
Asterisk* books means I'll try to provide quotes from these books and add to this article later, to show what I think is so grand about them.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Secretary

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bring Back Childhood

Charity, by Frederick Morgan

Check out Lovely Whatevers for more childhood paintings like this.

Lillibeth has updated her blog today with something about childhood in regards to the way the young singers and pop stars seem to be steering them. It is sad that many parents actually promote this diversion and cause their children to be distracted from a normal childhood. These girls are wrapped up in the culture of the current "star" and missing out on a lot. Whatever happened to experiencing nature, in the form of picnics, flying kites, floating toy boats, planting a little garden, or going for walks and looking at clouds? What about enjoying innocent indoor things like making paper dolls and doll houses, learning to draw and paint, or making up your own tunes and songs? Following after a singer will not give these children the resourcefulness they need for life and it will not grant them the kind of childhood they need in order to have right thinking and good judgement later on. A lot of money is spent to help make these young stars rich, when it could be spent on creative things to develop children's Be sure to read the article here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Fan

Elegant Spanish Beauty by Bagnold Burgess (1830-1897)

18th century fans

In hot weather, I noticed that people who visit me will pick up a magazine or a piece of paper to fan themselves. We have an electric fan, which gives wonderfully cool air, but somehow, it is never close enough to a person's face. I was thinking how nice it would be if the personal fan was back in fashion. I have seen the little battery operated fans that attatch to people's hats, and I've seen all kinds of other contraptions for personalized use, but none are as quiet or as pretty as the old fashioned paper fan.

The fan of the past had a great many other functions besides keeping a person cool. They were created as trade cards in the early 20th century. There were references to the fan in the Bible, in plays and dramas, and in books. I listened to an elderly man tell how he used to try to sit in church and get as close to the women with fans as he could, and if possible, sit between his motehr and sister and all their friends. They would wave their fans and he got the benefit of the cool breeze in the

If you have a luncheon planned or some kind of event for ladies, this craft might suit the occasion, even in winter months when crowded rooms can get a little warm. This is also a very easy children's craft and provides an opportunity to use up old papers and stickers.

This is a fan made on poster paper and covered with a left-over piece of old scrapbook paper. Odd pieces of wall paper would work, as well. It is trimmed with a piece of vintage gold ribbon that was used in gift-wrapping, and then finished off with a paper rose.

This one is made with a piece of pink poster board (cardstock will suffice), covered with half a paper doily and embellished with stickers. A hole puncher provides a place to thread a ribbon. Both these fans really do fan a nice breeze.

This one is a card, but it also "fans" quite nicely. It is made with stickers and glitter glue, on a parchment-look card stock.

Here is the inside, with a rubber stamped greeting.

This is a template pattern you can print yourself. I can see I need to learn to draw darker lines, but I think it will print out clearly enough. Just print it out on cardstock. If you use regular paper, glue the entire piece onto cardstock or poster paper for your templates. Cut them out and trace around them onto your favorite colored cardstock.

The one below is a larger fan, but the smaller ones are every bit as effective when you need to fan yourself.

This is the card pattern. I hope it prints out okay.

You could print scriptures on them or write sayings. They might even be good to give to guests at a wedding.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

Undisturbed Love by Liv Carson
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World is a poem by William Ross Wallace, that praises mothers as the preeminent force for change in the world:
Blessings on the hand of women! Angels guard its strength and grace, In the palace, cottage, hovel, Oh, no matter where the place;
Would that never storms assailed it, Rainbows ever gently curled; For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
Infancy's the tender fountain, Power may with beauty flow, Mother's first to guide the streamlets, From them souls unresting grow--
Grow on for the good or evil, Sunshine streamed or evil hurled; For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
Woman, how divine your mission Here upon our natal sod! Keep, oh, keep the young heart open Always to the breath of God!
All true trophies of the ages Are from mother-love impearled; For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
Blessings on the hand of women! Fathers, sons, and daughters cry, And the sacred song is mingled With the worship in the sky--
Mingles where no tempest darkens, Rainbows evermore are hurled; For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
The title itself is an oft-quoted passage, which has over time been reinterpreted in various ways, particularly in recent times, as a kind of perennial example of a social norm gone awry.
(Source: Wikopedia)
Comments: The most stable families, with mothers who care for their own children, will have a great impact on your country. This may be hard to understand, but to explain briefly: A child brought up in the home, where the mother is free to train him, teach him, and care for him in the home, will have a strong sense of his purpose in life. These children will have a stability that will enable them to be consistent in whatever they do.They will be able to see beyond impairments and beyond limitations. They will be possibility thinkers who can use problems as stepping stones to success.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

International Home Makers

I'm going to separate the homemaking sites into two parts: one is for the U.S. and another will be international. That way, if your blog is from Spain or Uganda, other homemakers in your country can find someone near them if they like. If you want to be on the international list on the side bar, please post and I will move your blog to that section, or add any new ones.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Joy of Service

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Value of Service

Secluded, by Barbara Mock, from Lovely Whatevers

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Blessing of Work

Pure Hearts, by Liv Carson, from Lovely Whatevers

Getting house work done in a timely manner can be quite a challenge with small children underfoot, but it can be managed. Just incorporate the children into the tasks and elongate the time it will take to do them.

Children love activity, and to them, tagging along with their mother is like play time. They actually do not know that shucking corn or pulling up weeds is work. They love organization and they are happier when their mother is busy. Of course the mother has to have the instinct to know when it makes more sense to sit and hold her child or to pay total attention to him.

Take the playpen into rooms you are working in and have the other children entertain the baby, peeking over the bed and sharing toys, playing peek-a-boo, and laughing. Older children can be told, "I'm cleaning house today, so bring your favorite toy or book and come along." Some of them can help, and others can be quiet and wait, others can be busy with a project of their own. Keeping them in the room where you are working, helps you get the job done without running back and forth to supervise the children or rescue them from some trouble.

All children, even a toddler, can help in house work, and it is very good for them. It is actually not good for children to grow up in a home where they are served constantly and where everything is focused on their comfort and their happiness. In helping with the housework, whether they are drying the plastic plates or putting away the spoons, they are being taught to work for the good of others, and not just themselves. By the time a mother has raised several children, she needs to be a supervisor, and let the children do the work.

Mothers have to delight in their work in order to give the children a healthy concept of work. God gave us work so that we would be happy, and the Bible says that in all labor, there is profit. The results of labor is sometimes the only reward we need, as we see the house looking better and the children appreciating it more. So, when working, it isn't too smart to act like a martyr, moaning and groaning and complaining. If you want children to love work, you have to at least act like you enjoy it and find something good about it. They will usually grow up having the same attitudes as the parents. Discussing the importance of work while employing your children, will give them family "sayings" to remember, when they are grown, sayings that will be quotes to live by, precious to them.

Helen Keller:
I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.

John W. Gardner:
The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.

Pearl S. Buck:
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.

Rudyard Kipling:
Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing: -- "Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade.

Mothers and Daughters at Home

I just got a new book:

Friday, July 11, 2008

The World of Good Books

For anyone interested in books for their daughters, here are a few. I know there are many good ones out there these days, but this is what we found valuable.

The Spirit of Loveliness, by Emilie Barnes (any of Emilie Barnes books are helpful)

Beautiful Girlhood by Karen Andreola (this book makes girls think about what they are doing, spend quiet time, and develop respect for their parents)

Back to Basics (Readers Digest Publication)

American Girls Handibook

Monday, July 07, 2008

That Sacred Refuge of Our Life

"Home: - that sacred refuge of our life." John Dryden, English poet (1631-1700)

The home is more than a shelter or a place to eat and sleep. It is not like the other institutions on earth, because it is made up of something far more spiritual. In the home, a lot of attention if paid to details that might not be noticed or even placed in an institution.

The homemaker is in charge of this place and she has the ability to make it a place of misery or a place of refuge. It is doubly important that she create beauty and order and quiet in this place, because the family will learn important values here. If it is allowed to be a place where everyone dumps their belongings in a heap, or a place where the radio and television and other media is turned on full blast, or where arguing is a matter of course, it loses its sacred purpose.

I discovered that the Bible uses the terms "home" and "house" interchangeably. "House" often referred to the entire family, which included relatives. The "house" of Jacob just meant all the people in his family, even if they were living in tents. The home was a valued place, worth keeping and guarding. The home was a private institution where children were taught the difference between right and wrong. The home was a place where people could live their convictions, without outside interference.

Abraham was told to go where he would find a "home." When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they were destined for a "home. " Churches met in homes, and homes were where ministers and angels were entertained.

Heaven is called "home" in the Bible. When I think of the prayer of Jesus, which included this phrase, "thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven," I can readily apply it to the home. It will have orderliness, beauty, neatness, without confusion, to glorify God, to influence others through hospitality, and to provide a little piece of heaven on earth.

The privilege of having a home and a family is not something to be taken lightly and mistreated. It is not something to treat carelessly or with disdain. No matter how humbly a woman lives, she can make that dwelling into something that makes people smile when they enter her home. This cannot be done if it is not cared for.

A woman at home has more time to put some intellectual effort into planning the day, organizing, creating, and making it a sacred place of refuge. She has to learn many things that challenge her mind. Women at home have to know which home cleaning products cannot be mixed together or used at the same time. They have to know what spices and ingredients go together and which ones do not. Women at home have to think carefully about their decisions and learn, like Solomon, to make good judgements. You see, a homemaker's job requires a great deal of knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

Homemakers learn which foods help a stomach ache and which foods and food combinations could cause illness.They have to learn about everything from the importance of fresh air in the home to the proper disposal of waste products. They develop resourcefulness in sewing and mending and repairing things. They have to know how to substitute things that they cannot buy at the moment. They have to know to manage their finances. They have to develop wisdom in teaching their children. They may learn how to grow, store, and repair food. They learn how to care for the family possessions and how to determine what is valuable and what is not.

There is a lot to be learned from home living, which greatly challenges the intellect. However, even if a woman does not possess the desire to study about the home, her presence is greatly needed there, especially to care for it and guard it. These are her things. These are her children. This is her responsibility.

Not many people are very rich and not many will be able to have servants or maids. It is important therefore, to learn by doing. It is just a matter of picking up something and putting it away. It is a matter of washing something when it is dirty. It means taking out the trash before it begins to smell. It means keeping the dishes washed and free of bacteria. It means keeping clothing in good repair. It means making wise choices at the market. It means guarding your house against anything that would steal your peace of mind. Guards of the home perform a task that is monumental, for they are not only keeping their own homes, they are teaching the future generations of men and women to value the home.

Friday, July 04, 2008

My America

Several 4th of July greetings have come to my family today. I was deeply touched by a couple of e-greetings from women who live in other countries. On particular one, from The Ukraine, where life is often more difficult and not as prosperous, sent merely an American flag flying in the wind. As I watched this moving picture I began to understand what America represents to people who living in oppression or without religous freedom.

from Lovely Whatevers

Another woman sent me a greeting that explained what some of her countrymen believe: that if American ceases to hold on to the values of marriage, home, family, free enterprise, worshipping God in spirit and in truth, it will effect other countries, as well. In many of his speeches, Ronald Reagan referred to America as a "city set on a hill," alluding to the great responsibility given by Christ to his followers in Matthew 5.

Another greeting said, "If you go under, we go under, too." It made me understand more how other people look at us and hope that we are good and that we still believe in things like honor and duty. When the first settlers came to America, they wanted the freedom to spread the gospel and to have their own families and homes and land, without interference from any totalitarian government. America is not America because it is named America and is on a certain continent. Besides being a country that is defined by borders and language, it is also a belief. Without that belief, it ceases to be America.

If you could watch a film called "A Man Without A Country," you would understand more clearly the dearness of such a place that is "one nation, under God." In his youth, this man uttered a hasty oath against his country. "I hate America," he said. As punishment, the judge ordered him to a lifetime spent at sea, and to never touch the shores of America, again. The captain of each ship was ordered not to allow this man to speak about his homeland or to say the words "United States of America" ever again. They warned all passengers not to discuss America around this man, at mealtimes, or any time.
Written in 1866, its purpose was to show what it would be like if people were punished for criticising their country, and bring about an appreciation for our freedom. Effectively, the story showed the folly of rash statements, even when angry, and helped people understand what life would be like without the blessings of this land.

As time went on, he began to understand the gift of home, family and country, and he missed it very much. He regretted his hasty denouncement, and he devised clever ways of finding out about progress in America. Since he was allowed to know nothing about America, the library books and newspapers all had the parts about the United States cut out of them. He figured out when a new state had been added to the union, by the shape of the missing piece of a page. He traced around it and formed his own map of the United States in his cabin. By this method, he even figured out who was the president every four years.

Throughout the story, this man reveals how once his soul was lacking in understanding, and how that bitter experience made him appreciate the country that God gave him. His cruel words in the beginning of his life, were softened by these words at the end of his life:

Breathes there a man, with soul so dead:

Who never to himself, hath said:

"This is my own, my native land!"

To read the free e-book, "A Man Without A Country," Go Here
and open up one of the zip files.

This is what the 4th of July means to me. It is not all partying and drinking and firecrackers. It is a belief, and throughout every generation, that belief is kept alive. Being rich in love, and good works, makes us a city set on a hill.