Friday, December 03, 2004

Homeschooling Experiences

My children are all grown, and during our homeschooling experience, there would be the usual amount of people telling my husband to tell me to put the children in school, but I am so glad we didn't do it. My children are all doing very well, and I don't regret homeschooling them at all. My husband said he'd be glad to talk to any men who are doubting about it. People couldn't see where we were headed, with home education, and so they were frightened for us. Now that its been completed, they can see the end results and feel more confidence in what we did.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

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  2. Homeschooling is not really the right word for those who keep their children with them at home. We don't teach in the traditional sense, as you know it, from a teacher's view point. We experience life together and discover things about history and science, in a daily, casual way. It isn't sitting at a desk and studying as in the public school, for 5 hours a day. Those who try to copy the methods of the public school, find it very stressful. The emphasis is on the spiritual development of the family, rather than on heaping up tons of knowledge to impress people with. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, the Proverb says. Knowledge for knowledge sake, puffs up, but knowledge in the realm of trying to please God and please the parents, is a lot more productive.

  3. It is always astonishing to hear a teacher say that parents cannot teach their own children, while sending them home piles of homeword and expecting the parents to help!

  4. Some of you more experienced home schoolers might be amused at this article recently put on LAF

  5. Here are 2 more posts that have really been an encouragement to me. I have been home educating since 1985 and need a shot in the arm sometimes. Articles like these help remind me why I am doing this.
    The first is on "What is Education?"

    The second is on socialization and is probably the best article I have read on the subject.

    I hope they encourage you all as they have me.
    Love and shalom,

  6. Here is one more article that I read recently and it is very convicting and has made me change my approach to my teaching. I had got lazy and was doing the subject approach. Now we are centering it around scripture. I have been more and more impressed how important it is in these days to fill our children with His Word. He uses it to transform us and give us strength. I hope you will not be put off by the Messianic terminology this lady uses. She uses YHWH which is the Hebrew name of our Lord and is commonly translated "LORD" in the English scriptures. Torah is the Hebrew word commonly translated "law" in the English scriptures but it actually means "teaching." When she talks about keeping the commandments, she is talking of doing it out of love for our Redeemer, Yeshua(Hebrew name translated into "Jesus" in English), and talks of being born again which can only happen by trusting in His blood He shed for our salvation. This article is very good and gives a lot to think about in the days in which we are living. Please take the time to read it.
    Love and shalom,

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    We have homeschooled our children the past 5 years and they are doing beautifully. I have a girlfriend, though, who has 7 children, and all have been in homeschool since the beginning. Her oldest is 16y.o. and can hardly read. Her children are so far behind, that they would not even be excepted in the public school at the grade level at which they should be. Homeschooling can be a wonderful thing, but it is not for everyone. Be careful not to just "jump on the wagon" because everyone else is doing it. Please do not feel pressured by well meaning homeschoolers - there are pros and cons to every situation. They must be prayfully considered for each family.

  8. I will happily refute your points:

    JUst because someone is "behind," does not mean they should go to public school. There are many things written about schools that show clearly what their over all agenda is.

    "Behind" others, is to use a group as a standard. My son was "behind," didn't learn to read til he was 10 years old.

    Some 16 year olds in public school cannot read. I think they are better off at home under the protection of the parents, than in public school with all the influences, whether or not they can read.

    I always urge others to homeschool because it puts them in control of their lives.

    There are alternatives to public school that are far better than public schools. Public school is not for everyone. I went to public school and it took me years to get re-educated.


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