Friday, August 24, 2007

Easy Baskets

Someone sent me this link to make easy baskets out of paper plates.

You can get very pretty paper plates and make these. They are even less expensive than getting a container at the dollar store, and will encourage children to be resourceful. I think they are good for giving, filled with home made things. Someone sent me a sample of their own version of this using a much prettier paper plate.

and this


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Thanks for sharing this idea and cute, lots of ways to use this craft for small gifts, etc. I have some shaped punches that could be used to add another sweet touch to this project! I always get inspired every time I visit this blog! God bless.....Marie

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    This is so pretty! My children love to make May baskets, & this would be just perfect for that. I think I even have some of the same kind of paper plate as shown in the example.....(o:


  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Amazing.....whoduthunkit? Great idea!

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Too darn cute!!!


  5. Hey, that's a very clever idea! Unfortunately, we do not have that many nice paper plates over here but when I am in town, I shall look for them!

    I am glad you liked my creative sewing. In summer, I usually take a break from sewing because the garden keeps me busy. By the way, I sewed some cushions and pillows last week, did you find that post, too? I guess I forget to lable it!

    Best regards from Germany,

  6. I just want to tell you that plain paper plates, even the cheap ones, can be decorated with glue and do-dads and glitter, or decoupaged with clippings, stickers, or painted on, to make these baskets. I saw a basket shaped like this, done in white, with fake pearls glued on the edges, and oval pictures on each side. I suppose a piece of heavy card stock could be used, by tracing around a plate!

  7. I am thinking Chrisrmas plates. Would you not like to get one of these baskets at Christmas filled with lots of goodies.

  8. A great example of how beauty and creativity don't have to be expensive!

  9. Weren't the early years of Victoria magazine wonderful? In particular, I loved the photographs. I look forward to them republishing this magazine. Let's hope that it's as nice as it used to be!

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Lady Lydia,
    I was looking through your archives and found your post on when the queens ride by. The post has a link to the rest of the article but it not available any more. Do you have the rest of the article?


  11. That is a cute project. I showed it to my youngest daughter who wants to know when we can get started on it :)

  12. I was but a young teenager when first introduced to Victoria in 1990. Looking back, I imagine I stuck out in the crowd in highschool while all the other girls were reading Seventeen and the like.

    I hope the new Victoria is just as nice as the early Victoria.

  13. cute baskets -- thanks for sharing!!

  14. I love making gift baskets! Thanks for the pic!

    I am new to the blogging world, but I've had your blog bookmarked for a while.

    I recently started my own blog: - and I put a link to your blog on there under "Inspiring Sites". I hope this is OK!

    I didn't know if you need permission to link to someone's site, but I thought it was the courteous thing to do!

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