Sunday, September 09, 2007

Outdoor Evening Tea

High Tea
High Tea
Art Print

Graves, Abbott...
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You can go here to see other people's teas today and this week. I thought it was only for one day, the 10th of September so I kept trying to get mine ready. With all the busy-ness of my life and the care of my family, the time got later and later until finally it got dark, but I would not give up! I decided even if it was midnight, I was going to at least set the table. We did four takes because every single time, someone came into the filming area and asked for time, we will include the interruption just for sentimental value!

Be sure to visit for my daughter's is hilarious.

Here is my front porch tea. I waited so long for some time to get it ready that the sun went down, so I decided to make it an evening tea. The weather had been hot and now the wind was blowing. I used battery operated tea lites from the dollar store so the wind would not blow out my candles. With all the commotion in my home these days, it is sometimes difficult to find things, so I take whatever is near and do my best. A baby blanket makes a nice tablecloth for this outdoor table. The tea is hot water with a teaspoon or less of frozen purple grape juice, to make it pink, and of course everyone is delighted with it. I don't know if I will win a prize, but my daughter, who filmed it, is more than thrilled to be putting up a video here. Be sure to check over at The Pleasant Times (listed on the side) for her tea party. It is definitely more interesting!
To be fair to everyone, the first video clip is for broadband, and the second clip is for a slower speed internet connection. Hopefully all will be able to view the film without any trouble.

Broadband connections:

For Slower Connections:

Here is a photo of the tea, and a close up of the tea light that I used used in place of the candle flame ( I set it in a hollow place I made in the pillar candle):


  1. Your tea table looks so cute it makes me want to join you for a cup or two :)

  2. oooh that was lovely, Lydia! Just a little hint for people viewing these videos. When you press play, click on pause and wait until the progress line goes all the way across,and then click play again and then you will be able to watch it without pauses.

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Very lovely!! I thought I was the only one to discover those battery candles, I absolutely love them, they are safe to use just about anywhere and if you forget them, it is no danger! I have many different sizes/types to use throughout the house. I just bought some that you blow on to put out, isn't that clever?! Marie

  4. Your evening tea looks delightful!

  5. I love this idea, how wonderful. The atmostphere is so enchanting, looks like a lovely night for a virtual tea. Stop by my place for tea later. Blessings, Karen

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Lovely!! What is on the plate in foreground of the picture? Looks like some kind of pretty food or flowers?

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Your porch tea party looks enchanting. What a great idea.

  8. Lydia,

    Thanks for sharing! That is a very pretty tea table. In the dark the electric tea candle looks almost real. How clever to hollow out a taller candle and use the tea candle inside it to make a "flame!"

    I had hoped to be able to post a tea table for today as well in honor of the Make Mine Pink Tea Party. I just don't think I will have time, but am so glad I get to see yours ~grin~

    Thanks for putting up pretty pictures and sharing lovely ideas here. These little snippets of pretty things are on some days just the encouragement I need to not get discouraged. Sometimes it is just the nudge I need to make a new pretty spot here in my home.

    Have a beautiful day!

  9. Apparently the tea parties go on all week long, so there is still time. I put this one together in 2 and a half minutes---that is, the table setting. The sandwiches and other food take a little longer, but still, I find it a lot less time consuming than a formal meal.

  10. That is an artifical cake, which I can show how to make some day.

  11. Marie, I do not know where to find those battery candles that you blow out. They wouldn't work well in the wind, but they would be great indoors.

  12. Anonymous9:45 AM

    It does take some effort to blow them out (there is actually a tiny little pinhole that you blow into is how they work) but they flicker a lot like real candles, which is a very nice effect. I think they might be OK outdoors on a porch or patio. They are votive candle size, so they are a bit larger than the tea lights. I have several diffent sizes of those battery candles. I bought mine at Target, they were on the aisle with fire alarms and home safety devices! Blessings, Marie

  13. You mentioned once that you ran a tea business from home or something. I would love to hear about your experience, and I'm sure other readers would too. Would you mind sharing a bit about that? Your tea table pictures are beautiful.

    S. Belle

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The table is lovely, and the idea of an evening tea is terrific.
    I have a question-I bought a tea set just like yours a few months ago at a crafter's mall-it was used.
    I was told by more than one person to not use it for actual tea, because the pot would make the tea taste like tin, but to just use it for decoration. I noticed that you poured tea out of yours-is the taste alright?

  15. So lovely! I am really ejoying your videos. Isnt the color pink lovely!! It does so much more than like ..beige! haha :)

    Candy from Canada

  16. Have to laugh because I ran into a lot of problems too. My biggest ones were Willie...a very playful fella, and Wynona...a curious gal who only wnats to help..ummmhmmm. Finally had my SweetiePie take them upstairs so I could set up ... the kitties were not happy :)
    Your tea is lovely and I enjoyed it!

  17. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Dear Lady Lydia,

    Forgive me if I am repeating my comment - I have never left a comment before, and I don't think my first one went through because I didn't see it up yet. Sorry if this is a repeat.

    I just wanted to ask you if you possibly made the sweater in your tea video? It is so gorgeous! I just started knitting and crocheting two years ago, and I would love to make something like yours, I was wondering if you made it, and where I might find a pattern like it if you did? I just love it! Julie

  18. very nice. thanks for sharing. it has been lots of fun visiting all the blogs and seeing all the pretty settings.

  19. To answer questions:

    Yes, the teapot is metal and generally tea does not taste as good in them. This is a silver teapot we never use because of that, but we brought it out because at night, we needed a little more sparkle and shine for the video. The Porcelin tea pots, especially bone china, make much better tea or herbals.

    The sweater was from back when those kinds of crochet cardigans were very very popular. they consisted of a lot of crocheted rosettes joined together. There is a booklet pattern available. I had one around here for years and years but it was a difficult one and after several attempts at making it I passed on the instructions to someone else. I think it was produced by Leisure Arts.

  20. To answer about the Tea Room. Yes, we did teas and this is where my daughter's husband one day showed up and that is how she met him. Today, he is as important to our family as she is!

  21. What a fabulous idea with the video! thanks for the tea party, I loved it~!!!

  22. What a lovely nighttime tea!! Absolutely stunning setting. Beautiful music, beautiful table. I also visited your daughter's tea for Lillian & it was enchanting, as were each of the little guests!

    Please come have tea with me!

    Angelic Accents

  23. Very pretty! I always have tea and a good chat in the evening when I visit family in Cananda. This brings back memories.

  24. I love your candle --- and the tea party with RELAX is lovely.


  25. Anonymous6:45 AM

    beautiful!!! i wish i was there!

  26. what a wonderful supper tea, just beautiful

  27. What a pretty tea setting! And I love the word RELAX. How true that is! Sometimes we need to unwind and relax and just enjoy ourselves. I sure did! :)

    Janet Bernasconi
    Janet's Creative Pillows

  28. Anonymous5:14 AM

    What a pretty table you set. You moved with great efficency, you could tell that you have set table for tea many times before.

    I loved the video and it had such a feel of romanitic and quaint.


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