Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Creating a Cozy Table Setting

Here's a silent slide show for you with a table setting idea.


  1. Thank you for sharing your table setting Lady Lydia it has inspired me to change my own a little for a different style. It's good to ring the changes! I agree it is good to make your family feel special in this way.

  2. My little girl (age 7) enjoyed watching this together. It is often her job to set the table and she's always loved it. She is always trying to choose the exact table linens she wants to use. :) Thank you for your encouraging blog!

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    This is such a nice primer, Mrs. Sherman. Mealtimes should be special, & all it takes is a little forethought. I think it's important to eat like a civilized person, no matter the type of meal, or how many people are at the table...even is it's just yourself!


  4. JUst wanted to extend a thank you to the lady who commented she had ordered the book, "Just Breathing the Air" for her mother. I hope you are uplifted and blessed by this book, and if you want to make a comment for me to pass on to my mother and father, please email me. This book is also suitable for children and will give parents some ideas of things to do on long winter days.

  5. I loved this video. I have been getting a bit lazy in my table setting but I am inspired to do better, thank you! (o:

    And thanks for mentioning my blog. As I've told you before you and your blog are a big part of the reason I feel good and confident in my role as a homemaker.


  6. Thanks for the lovely pictures and easy to follow instructions. I was distracted from watching for a second by my son and was surprised when I turned around and saw the ivy suddenly around the candle. It just POPS up like a surprise after you put the dinner plate on the table. I had to rewatch thinking I had missed a step. NO! But you know, I liked that it was a surprise :)

    My daughters love to set the table all pretty like this. It is a loving ritual. Just the act of setting the table in a pretty way is LOVING and I think when they do that, it reinforces a bond with the family. I enjoy "puttering" so much and table setting for the evening meal can be done as soon as lunch or afternoon tea is done. No rushing then, and once it is done it is pretty to peek in and see that dinner is going to be an occasion.

    Thank you for the pretty and practical helps you give. This was another encouraging little lovely thing in my day. I am going to go right now and set a pretty tea table for us to enjoy later this afternoon.

    Bless you for mentoring me in these simple things.


  7. Kimber...I wondered if I should say when the ivy was put on the candle...since I do not do these videos all myself, my crew, consisting of more computer-literate members of my family (especially the younger ones) help create the videos for me. The ivy was put there to reflect the ivy motif on the plates. In Victorian days, when a woman married, someone usually gave her ivy to plant and grow around the doorway of her house. It meant loyalty and was a symbol of lasting marriage, and overcoming problems.

  8. That was a nice video. I know doing things like that takes time, and we (your readers) do appreciate the time you put in here. I love all your different puttering ideas.

  9. Dear Lady Lydia,

    This comment is more for you so I'll leave it up to you whether or not you wish to publish it.

    I wanted to pop by again and thank you again for this post. I used your inspiration today for an impromptu lunch with my husband. He unexpectedly came home for lunch today and we ended up eating at our round table next to the picture window. And your post was part of giving me the idea to dine there today. I also used my primrose for the center of our table. I just did a post about it on my blog if you'd like to read more about our lunch.

    Thanks again!

  10. Lydia,

    Yes I noticed and liked that the ivy was a match to your plates and it really filled in nicely around the candle. I love the effect of "greens" in just about any table setting. Thanks for sharing about how new brides were given ivy to plant. That is a nice thing to know. My oldest daughter is going to be married this coming August. Sometimes I will tell her little wedding trivia items and this will be a good one to share.

    You know, I imagined that you did have your helpers when making the videos! How nice!!! I have helpers too and it makes for a lot of laughter whenever we work together to accomplish anything.

    Please don't think I felt you had to be completely perfect in any of the descriptions or pictures. I'm not hung up on perfection. What I love is that it all was so sweet and homey. Sometimes I think a little "surprise" in a video or in pictures like this is definitely a good thing. It actually made me pay closer attention :) and I wanted to tell you that it actually made me just really SMILE when I saw it pop up in there! I always enjoy the creative things you share on your website.



  11. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I think your use of ivy is very pretty. We have ivy growing around the door of our house. I love its symbolism and how useful it is in decoration.

  12. I really enjoy having a centerpiece on the table when we dine, however our table is rather full after setting it and we don't have enough room to serve the food "family style" (from platters and bowls at the table). Please advise me as to the way you serve the food. Do you plate the food and serve? Or do you use a small cart or table to hold the food off of the table? Buffet service seems to be a logical choice but my husband doesn't care for that type of service unless we have guests.


  13. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I notice you use lace and candles. My husband doesn't like lace or candles. I think we have to be careful not to do things that our husbands disapprove of.

  14. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I notice all you homemakers are interested in is decorating and tea parties. Don't you have something more intelligent to do?

  15. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It is too bad you do not present both sides of things. There are women out there who do not cook and who do not set the table. What does it matter, anyway?

  16. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I like your decorating, but my husband doesn't like things like hand knitted blankets for the back of a chair or crocheted things on the shelves.

  17. I have allowed a few of the immature comments on board today because they reminded me of two quotes from authors of the 18th and 19th century:

    Jane Austen in "Pride and Prejudice" writes about Maria being twisted up with anguish over the method in which Lady Catherine said that dresses ought to be properly packed in a trunk. Elizabeth responds to her: "Maria, these are YOUR gowns and this is YOUR trunk. You can pack them whatever way you like. Lady Catherine will never know!"

    (Anonymouses---these are your homes, your husbands, your things: you can do what ever you want with them. No one will ever know!)

    L.M. Montgomery wrote in one of her "Anne" books, portraying Anne teaching in a girl's school. The girls submitted their names to her as Irma I. Ball and Fanny B. Hind. Anne responds that she wasn't aware that parents were such nitwits at naming their children.

    (Anonymouses---I didn't realize that young girls these days were so inept at choosing good husbands that they pick those who do not enjoy the comforts of home enough to put up with a clean and orderly house, and a few knit blankets on the couch. These are things you can find out without much effort, before you marry them, but now, you'll have to live with it.

  18. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I really enjoyed the slide show. It was neat to see how your table came together bit by bit.

  19. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Anon 2:19 said:"I notice all you homemakers are interested in is decorating and tea parties. Don't you have something more intelligent to do?"

    Like trolling on the internet you mean? alas, we aren't as good at it as you.

  20. I am so thankful the way you handle things...and actually I am sorry that you have to put up with rude remarks...but alas...that is part of life.
    I am in the BBC series..Wives and Daughters:

    ANd will mention when you watch these type of things to include Jane Austen, as a woman I am inspired to be more proper, more quiet...and more controlled, especially in the area of my tongue.

  21. This comment is for anonymous. Poor anonymous, my heart goes out to you. What joy there is to be found in feathering a nest. I hope someday you see it.

    Maybe this can help you in your situation. My husband doesn't care much for lace, doilies, pink, etc., so we compromise. Our rooms are decorated to suit his tastes and embellished to suit mine. Items like lace, doilies, and feminine colors are accents throughout our home. I like to think about it in terms of clothing. The basic decorating scheme is like the dress (which my husband picks out) and the feminine accents are like accessories -- a scarf, a pin, a hat-- which I pick out. Just an analogy..... Another area of compromise in our decorating is dishes. He picked out the colorful Fiesta Ware for everyday, but we inherited very feminine china from our grandmothers. Our everyday dining is pleasant and cheerful, and our extra special meals consist of lace tablecloths, white china with pink flowers. Very feminine!!

    I really like your decorating, Lady Lydia and would decorate the same way if it wouldn't make my husband uncomfortable. Since it does, I am content with feminine accents.

    Hope this helps poor anonymous. Also, my husband never notices or compliments me on my nicely set table and neat, ordely, comfortable home, but I wake up every morning joyfully commited to keeping house anyway. Sometimes men just don't notice these things or if they do are too embarrassed to say so.

    Poor anonymous, my heart goes out to you. What joy there is to be found in feathering a nest. I hope someday you see it.

  22. Your table setting inspired me, I posted it on my blog.

  23. How nice to learn the 'layers' of creating table settings....and your choices are really pretty....


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