Sunday, February 03, 2008

February 3rd, 1008

Thank you so much for feedback regarding my poll about why you are at home full time

and what kind of example you had to follow while growing up. Since a few people sent comments not related to the exact poll, I will save them and use them in another post. I know that everyone has a reason for what they do, but I was only asking why so many women were coming back home full time or planning to be full time wives and mothers and homemakers. There were several unrelated comments that have issues that can be addressed at another time.

Also, I usually try not to publish anything that would degrade or discourage or be a put-down of stay at home wives and mothers. Thank you for respecting that and for respecting their convictions. One lady wrote to ask me to address the problem of how to answer those who challenged her decision to be at home. Perhaps there will be a post on this later so that people can offer their best help on that subject. Others want to know what to do to reclaim the time that they have lost by being out in the working world for so long; how to re-discover and re-establish their home life and their homemaking abilities. This also, though somewhat related the the "poll" is still too different to include, but a later post may surface sometime with that discussion.

Dissenting opionions will be provided a place in the near future. Until then, please be patient, as it is


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I was wondering if you thought not being a keeper at home is a sin? The verse that states older women are to teach the younger women to ....All the things listed, to be pure, chaste, etc. are sins or blaspheming the Lord if not obeyed. Keepers at home is listed there so wouldn't it be considered sin to disobey? I just see so much devastation in the world b/c of women going to work.


  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hello, what poll did I miss? I would love to leave my responses. Your writings have positively impacted my life and I think you are doing a wonderful and needed job of explaining to us what it means to live as ladies in this increasingly mean world. If it is not too late, please direct me to the poll that you spoke of so that I may be allowed to leave my comments. Thank you. Sherri Killion

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hello, what poll did I miss? I would love to leave my responses. Your writings have positively impacted my life and I think you are doing a wonderful and needed job of explaining to us what it means to live as ladies in this increasingly mean world. If it is not too late, please direct me to the poll that you spoke of so that I may be allowed to leave my comments. Thank you. Sherri Killion

  4. It was in the previous post about a concern of a young man. I am afraid I was not specific enough about it, as I got several posts I didn't publish (saved for another article)on different subjects. What I wanted was for girls not married to write in if they were planning on a home and family and staying home, as well as reasons for staying home from women who have raised a family or women who have no children at all. I realize some people work part time or do not have children at home or are not married and are working, but I wanted to hear from those who were actually at home and not in a career, even those whose children were already out of the nest. I wanted them to post their reasons for being home or wanting to be home when they had a family.My apologies to those who didn't get their post published. I was trying to limit it to a certain type of person and not open it up to the onslaught of condemnation, criticism, and judgement that comes this way from so many students who haven't experienced the life as a homemaker, wife or mother.

  5. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hi Lydia, My sister and I love your site. She has 2 beautiful children and is a homemaker and I am a homemaker without children. My husband and I would love to have children. we lost our first baby last year due to eptopic pregnancy. we are hoping God will bless us with more children. With or without children I am going to always with God's help be a homemaker. Many people find me strange a homemaker without children. I am always busy and feel very blessed that God brought me to this place in life were I am a homemaker. I am just so happy and feel so sorry for many women who will never know the joy of giving themselves completly to their husbands, children and God. Jesus taught us to be great is to be a servant. I am the best servant I can be giving by myself to my husband and to others through homemaking. I find one of the greatest lies to women from the devil is....leave your home and serve yourself. God bless you Lydia. You have enhanced my life. Thankyou.

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Perhaps women can just say, when asked or grilled why they stay at home, "Because my husband prefers it that way." (only if that is the case ....don't want anyone to lie)

    my point is, that in doing that - it takes the pressure from the woman and places it on the Man -which, in my opinion, is how it should be anyway. God made them able to handle such things for a reason.

    Also, she will show respect to her husband by showing that she is a HAPPY stay at home wife.


  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I am a atay at home mother. My husband and I discussed it before our first was born. We felt it was important to form that bond early. Now my children are in school, and we still feel it is important to be there when they come through the door. I am availble for them to call me from school, they can count on me for support in their activities, and I am availble when their friends are at my home to play. I will continue to be home for all their years. Teen years are important years of exploring who they are becoming. Our early influence gave them the self confidence to know who they are and where they heading. They came to a place of light, and I want them continue to know that they are a child of God.

  8. Anonymous2:12 AM

    During the years that we raised our six children, I was always a stay-at-home-Mom. My husband and I felt that it was very important for me to be there. I was home if a child was sick and couldn't go to school, home for after school and had time to fix a snack and talk with them. I was able to do my housework during the day so that I had time for my husband in the evenings and time to relax. I was able to cut expenses by cooking meals from scratch,shopping wisely and sewing for my family. When my oldest daughter was 25 and married, she called me on the phone one day specifically to thank me for always staying home with them. My husband and I have now been happily married for 54 years and all of our children are grown and married. Looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way - most importantly we were able to share our faith and values with our children on a day to day basis.

    Mary L


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