Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Make Your Own Battery Operated Pillar Candle

Be sure to use the plus or minus on the video to speed or slow it down. Run your mouse over each picture to read the captions.

To make a pedestal for the candle, just turn a dessert dish upside down and add a garland of your choice around the base of the candle.

Just do this per your own style: country, primitive, French, Shabby Chic, Homestead, Seaside, and the colors you like. You can imbed things in the wax candle: buttons, shells, pine needles, spices. You can use whatever rings that suit your decor, in whatever color pleases you.

Regarding glitter: You can glitter the small votive candles to if you are not going to burn them.

See also


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    What a neat idea,and I love that you added glitter one of my favorite things in life!Thanks for posting,I always love your ideas,especially your beautiful teas.Have a wonderful day,and God bless you. Love,Gayle

  2. I love it! Thanks for showing us how!

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    That is so neat! Thank you for sharing that.

    Shalom, Paula

  4. I love it too! :)


  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    But, why would I want a battery operated candle when I can use the candle the way it was???? I suppose it would be nice for situations where you are not allowed to actually burn a candle (like dorm room, or school room, but ?????)

  6. Anonymous2:40 PM

    To the anonymous at 8:55 AM - a battery operated candle is a good idea for a house with children in it. It can be a good tool for teaching them to be careful with candles, even if only battery operated. You mentioned some other possibilities. You can have the look of a candle with none of the danger.

    The number of house fires caused by the combination of small children and candles is shocking. Talk to any fireman and he'll tell you how many fires he's put out that started from unattended, forgotten or carelessly treated candle flames. People these days are so conditioned to electric lights that they simply don't treat candles with the respect they should, leave them burning in places where they can set draperies or papers alight, forget all about them and let them burn down into a puddle of wax that can ignite, etc.

    On the practical side, a battery operated candle never burns down, so it's quite frugal!


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