Friday, April 18, 2008

When Are You Going to Get a Job?

Victorian Spring by Susan McClure

In asking other people for good answers to those who inquire about why you are staying home, I received some good answers. Here is one of them.

"So, when are you going to get a job?"

"As soon as I get caught up on all my house work, put all the important papers into a binder, make scrapbooks with all the children's school work, finish sewing the clothes I need, get the yard trimmed and the flower beds cleaned out, clean out the closets and get rid of old clothes, learn how to be a better cook, sort all the books in my book shelf, painting the house, planting a few vegetables, sorted all the toys, gotten rid of things we do not need, cleaned all the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen, read to my children, get the bathroom cleaned up, find a shelf for my cookbooks, make a gift for my m.i.l., shown hospitality to those on my list, caught up with my correspondence, found someone to take my place taking my place helping my mother and grandmother...need I go on?"

It sounds like she already has a job... Maybe the inquirer should offer to help her.

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