Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prayer Request

Cabin on the Pond by Ervin Molnar
I just wonder if I might request your prayers. My son, Stevie, is hunting this week. Please pray that he will not get a bear. I do not want a bear rug, and mostly I don't want a bear carcass on my front lawn or even the back yard.
Thank you.


  1. Oh dear! Yes, I will pray that he doesn't even see one of those dreadful creatures!

  2. I had to laugh at this Lydia. My husband is going Elk hunting with some men from out of state this week. I am wondering where we would put it's head if he too gets one. Can I add my prayers to yours:>)

    Just joking!!

  3. I read this to my husband who shook his head in astonishment! He of course was thinking, how could anyone not want a bearskin rug. Right now, we have a moose skull soaking in a bucket of bleach by our back deck. I shudder when I pass by, but remind myself that, someday, it will be good for a homeschool science lesson.

  4. Oh dear...I'm with you!
    love anita

  5. When he brought home a deer one year and hung it upside down to drain, I was reminded of Phoebe Brown's comment about the Wasp Nest that Roger gave to Molly: I wouldn't touch the horrid thing.

    With all the articles on here, all the years I've posted, I get the feeling this one is going on the"most popular" section.

  6. Merryrose and her sis made up this poem. I think it suits Stevie just fine.

    "All I want is a Frigidaire,
    15 feet of the cubic square.
    With one Enoooormous bear ,
    OOUUwww wouuuuuldn't it be loverly??"

  7. Anonymous12:24 AM

    your prayer made me smile.

  8. You really don't want him to get a bear, which might turn into a bear rug?

    I thought killing a bear would prove his strength as a hunter.

    The prayer request is kinda funny. :)

  9. If he does get a bear, maybe your community has a program like ours, where the meatcutters donate the meat to families in need, and you actually never see the carcass?

    Not much help with the bear rug, I admit...

  10. This post has me laughing, which I needed this morning! :)

    It reminds me of when we lived in Iowa. We really liked our neighbors across the street from us but the Dad of the family loved to tease us by hanging his latest hunting prize (almost always a deer) from the rafters of his garage so we could see it at the start of the next morning.

    That's been years ago and it still gives me a smile as we'd play the "game" and pretend to complain about him going after Bambi.

    Hmmmm... a bear? Sure you don't want to change your decorating style to Alaskan Primitive?

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Oh, I too had to laugh! I DO hope your dear son does not read your blog! Yet I totally understand your point of veiw. My dear husband's trophies are relegated to the basement, until we can redecorate the schoolroom as a study/library sometime in the not too near future! Gill.

  12. Gill,

    I spent many years with that kind of decor, when we lived in the wilderness. I know a woman whose house is decorated north-woods style and she had done a great job with it. I just didnt' think I'd ever be dealing with it again!

  13. Aww, mom! Don't you want to cook some greasy-bear stew for old time's sake?

  14. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Too funny, Lydia! Your prayer request was so short and sweet and to-the-point that I got quite a chuckle out of it. After I read it to my husband and 17 year old daughter they burst into laughter. I think anyone who has ever cheerfully tolerated the results of a successful hunting trip could totally relate!

  15. Lydia,

    My husband told me today he hopes to get a trophy Elk on his hunt this coming week. I realized it was important to him and I thought I better change my prayer request to his:>) Since I want to "adapt" my helpmeet call to support his venture- plus all his friends are coming out from Texas to the mountains to hunt, I want to see them succeed. I just pray he will want to find room in his shop to hang his mount if he gets one.

    Aren't you glad Stevie is "the son" and not "the spouse" at least you won't have to bear the bear rug!!!

  16. He did get a bear. I guess God was on his side.

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The rifle is my favorite fashion accessory.

  18. Well congrats to Stevie! Nevertheless, God's will is done. :) I guess it's time to look up some good bear recipes. We have a restaraunt here that serves Elk, deer, bear, and moose. Now Stevie doesn't even have to take you out for a gourmet meal! :)
    My condolances Lady Lydia. *hugs*

  19. When I left the homestead I didn't have a desire to eat bear anymore, and probably won't be eating any myself. Nonethless, please post recipes in case I have to cook any of it. If you don't have any recipes maybe some creative ideas of what to do with bear.

  20. Oh, bless your sweet heart. I had to laugh when I saw this prayer, but have to say, that I certaily agreed with you. Clearly God had other ideas, though...

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    tea parties on the bearskin rug?? Is he going to make sausage out of it? Bear sausage is pretty good, IMO.

    (And congrats to Stevie!)


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