Friday, November 07, 2008

Altered Boxes

Click on the above vanilla box for a more detailed view. This is a very easy project for children, but must be supervised.
I thought the small vanilla bottle box would be interesting to cover, and I liked the tea box because the lid was attached. Both are made of cardboard.

The paper I used is called Construction paper, from the dollar store. It is easier to glue, but any kind of papers you have on hand, will work. I saved myself a lot of trouble just by outlining the shape of this box as I rolled it across the paper on its sides, including the bottom and the flap.

Then I cut it out and folded along the drawn lines. The drawn lines will go on the box so that they will not show on the outside.

The glue stick works fine to place the paper around the box. I put a piece on the inside flap, also. A colored printed paper would look nice there.

With a contrasting color piece of construction paper, used shaped scissors to cut decorative borders.

Glue them around the top edge and lower edge of the box. Dot with liquid glue and sprinkle glitter over it.

To make paper roses, just tear a piece of tissue wrap and cut a piece of green construction paper.

Cut the green piece into a shape with five points, for the leaf, and glue it down to the box. Then, scrunch the piece of tissue with your hand and roll it into a ball. Glue the underside to the leaf. Dab some liquid glue on the edges of the rose, in various places and sprinkle with glitter.

The only thing that remains to be done with this wee vanilla box, is to find something to put in it. At the moment, the best thing I can think of, would be to cut a long piece of paper slightly smaller than the box, write a letter on it, and put it inside, for a friend. It would be such a thrill to open this little box and pull out a long letter.

(more to be posted later)


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    So cute, so tiny! You could keep bobby pins in there... my bobby pins float in disarray at the bottom of a vanity drawer.

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Hello Lady Lydia,

    I appreciate that you are sharing these ideas with your readers - this cutting-pasting-beautifying of what would otherwise become "trash" is inspiring and delightful to see!

    When I was a small child (long, long ago :-) my auntie made a small doll cradle for me out of a round oatmeal box. She fashioned rockers for it out of heavier cardboard, painted the whole thing with glossy pink paint and added glitter accents. There was also bedding and a dolly (not new and I still have her!)inside. It was one of the nicest gifts I ever received!

    Some of my other farm-wife aunties recycled oatmeal boxes to function as planters and had them hanging in south-facing windows to encourage slips of philodendron and Christmas Cacti to take root. Depending upon the artistic skills of the lady, some of them were quite beautiful.

    I've always been a fan of the homemade! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us.

    Kind regards from,

    Susan T.

  3. Susan,

    I am very familiar with the many uses of round oatmeal boxes. From them can be made:

    boys colonial drums
    a purse
    miniature hat boxes to store things in
    lunch boxes
    gift boxes
    bird house or feeder
    and as you commented, a doll cradle.

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What an adorable idea! We're always looking for good ideas for our mothers/childrens group. This is a definite one to pass on. Thanks!


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