Tag-Cards with a paper pen: Above is the elegant pen pattern.
These pens are wider and can be made to look like paint brushes.
Post cards or tags with old fashioned heart shaped dip-pens are fairly easy . The pink pen on the upper left is flat, and the others are rolled to be rounded, and taped onto the card. A wired ribbon or plain wire could be used as a hanger. If you have pre-glittered paper, you could cut the heart from that and glue it onto the pen. I used glue and glitter for this project.
Using the pattern, cut out the pen with the flaps and wrap around a pencil. Tape together and place with rolled tape or foam tape, onto the card in the position you like. It is supposed to appear as though someone just finished writing a greeting. Trace the little heart on to the tip of the pen and add glitter-glue. Use any colour paper for the pen handle, or make it in white cardstock, adding stickers for colour.
This is what the elegant pen pattern looks like. Roll the wide part around a pencil, and tape. Add a sticker for design on the handle. Prisma glitter is glued on to the nib.
The template should be printed on cardstock or glued onto cardboard. This is what you use to trace around on your paper or cardstock. I used cardstock for this project. The square is for the tag. Add smaller pieces of co-ordinating papers or cardstock, and pictures or stickers, to match the pens. To make the point of the pen more slender, just trim around it.
The elelgant pen pattern: paint the nib with glue and add glittler color of your choice.
I hope you dont have any difficulty printing this pattern, but if you do, you can make your own pattern the way I do it: fold a piece of paper in half, draw half the image and cut. Unfold and paste on cardboard. Cut out and trace around it on various types of coloured cardstock or paper or whatever you like.
You will have to fold that rectangle piece and cut it straight. It isnt accurate.