Thursday, January 14, 2010

Organization Motivation

BHG Cottage

Homemakers are extra busy, especially if they are also homeschooling. It is very easy to get behind in house keeping.  One really good solution to getting the house back in order is to have an email friend to whom  you can send before and after pictures.  This is very motivating, because there is another purpose in cleaning up a mess.  As a friend stated, " If you are cleaning up the living area for the purpose of a photograph, it somehow makes it more fun."  Children will be eager helpers for the "after" pictures.  Houses get messy after a few intense days of other projects, or after a trip, or illness, rennovation, or company.  Having an email friend to  share the disasters and the triumphs through photographs is invaluable.  Housework goes much faster when you feel obligated to show the "after" pictures.

 I knew one woman who had a chronic illness, and was trying to teach her children to take over the house keeping.  She had taken pictures of the rooms in her house, in various stages of cleaning and organizing. She put the photographs in an album, along with step by step instructions on how to clean a room.

There are also programs on Google that you can use as reminders, through your email, to clean out a box, wash the dishes, clean one room, or whatever you program it to say. Instant messenging is also a great way to challenge each other to get the house cleaned up.

Making a list of the things that are the most urgent to do, is also very helpful. You might not get the things accomplished, but list-making can help you organize your thoughts when the housework becomes demanding.


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I remember my grandmother always had a little 'to do' pad at her place on the breakfast room table each morning. When I was in business, I learned to write out my 6 most important things to do for the next day...and now that I'm a fulltime homemaker, I still do that list almost every night...and put it at my place on the breakfast table for the next day...just as my grandmother did. It's frees your mind for other more engrossing thoughts.

  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

    That's a good idea, having an 'email friend' to send before and after pictures to.


  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Long before flylady, I had major areas that I rotate weekly and a chore spot for each day of the week. It's never been a problem to keep the house clean with my system, and I never do "spring" cleaning.

    I used the idea with pictures when my children were small. After I cleaned their rooms spotlessly, I took pictures for a wall chart. They didn't have much problem understanding what a "clean" room meant.

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    This is my first time to visit your blog.Very good ideas!It's always good to get some encouragement on homemaking. Thanks.


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