Monday, August 23, 2010

Natural Cake Wins First Prize

The judges thought my fake cake was worth first prize, and I also got a hefty cash gift at the fair for it. I showed how to make this on the Woodsy Fake Cake post, earlier, so you can try your hand at it. Suggested materials: pinecones, cedar, wheat, and any other natural thing in the country. You might even try a sea shell and seaweed cake, which is what I plan to do. If you don't fancy a cake, you can use other shapes such as a frame covered in pine cones, a bucket or planter, a vase, or any number of things. There was a large re-cycling category that caught my eye because I did not see any altered boxes or boxes made into little books, so I might give that a try next year. I am going to use this fake cake on my porch until it deteriorates. It is scented with a berry flavored oil.  I will be using some of my prize money to pay for materials for future entries.   Please have a look at this interesting birch cake stand, with directions for making one yourself. There are also instructions elsewhere for making birch-bark covered candles and other outdoor themed items for the home or garden.


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Congratulations Lady Lydia! You're an inspiration... I'm still trying to follow your advice to be creative in some way each day- especially to ward off the sadness that can creep in sometimes! Today, all I was able to do was fill a basket with pretty freshly ironed napkins- but it did the trick. I love staying home and tending the nest... but what a steep learning curve it's been. Thanks for all your good advice and direction. You have been such a blessing to our family.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    LadyLydia, congratulations on placing first! Your natural cake is so very creative and fun to look at!
    I have to smile because you didn't think it would take any prize and here you placed 1st!
    Thank you for sharing all you do in both words and pictures. I also appreciate the simplicity of your blog which is restful to the eyes.
    Enjoy your prize!

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Good job.
    L. Rose

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I love that you won first prize-I remember when you first showed that cake! Congratulations!! You always inspire me so much.

  5. I do hope to continue with the beginner small hand-sew projects, as I still have a piece of that lovely fabric with the light blue back ground and the peach tinted rose.

    Also there is an outdoor tea coming up.

  6. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I checked the entry descriptions at my local fair. They look for original design, and innovative ways to use things in different ways to create art. The recycle section at our fair had a LOT of participants this year and the natural pieces were very nice. You can use things like pine cones for a lot of art, and some were making small trees and decorating them with other natural things. They also had a trash recycle type of entry, where you could use cans and boxes and bits of plastic and metal that was used in packaging. A lot of people entered that section and it was interesting to see all that they did with it.

  7. Anonymous7:50 PM

    That's wonderful, I'm so happy you won first prize!

    My daughter plans to enter a dessert and a hand embroidered dish towel in our local apple festival's crafts and baking competition next month. Last year she was pleasantly surprised to win second place and a small cash prize with her dutch apple pie, in the under 18 age group. It's a lot of fun, even if you don't win anything.

    We are eagerly awaiting your next post on hand sewing projects. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us!

  8. Patty W.9:14 PM

    Congratulations Lydia. The cake is quite lovely and very inventive.

  9. Congratulations on entering the food department. It was really big at our fair and the food looked great but they only let the judges taste it. They even had home baked scones. There was also a table setting department, where people brought little tables and set them in a themed or attractive setting with placemats, plates, and centerpiece. I think I would enjoying trying that, also.

  10. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Congratulations Lydia for winning first prize with your cake at the fair. You are so creative and I love that beautiful cake.

    It really looks good like one of those tall cakes with vanilla bark shavings.

    Janet W. (Or).

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Congratulations Lydia on winning first prize for your cake at the fair.
    It looks so good like one of those tall cakes with vanilla bark shavings.
    You are so creative and such an inspiration to us. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings, Janet W.

  12. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I'm so glad you won a prize. Your cake is so creative. I've made the pincushion and am waiting to see what you recommend for a needle case and scissors holder. Best wishes!

  13. Anonymous8:42 AM

    What category did you enter?

  14. This was entered in one of the art categories.There were several art sections. There were a lot of entries and none of the entries were duplicated or were alike.

  15. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Oh goody, I'm so glad you won! What an inspiration you are. And oh my, how you do spoil us home-lovin' ladies.....using your cash prize to make more treats for us!
    You're the BEST. xoxoxoxox!!

    Thank you.

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I always thought that was a unique "cake." Congratulations!
