Monday, January 31, 2011

Easy Valentines

These paper hearts consisting of only cardstock, paper and clip-art from old cards take very little time. They are only one layer and the greeting is written on the other side. They look as though the roses are printed straight on the card, but they are cut out and glued on with ordinary glue. Click on for a more detailed view.

This has to be my favorite, made with a piece clipped from an old card. Cardstock, on which it is  glued, can be cut with any kinds of scissors, including children's scissors.

No, this is my favorite. It is just a little card on a white background, glued on.

The large rose has been cut out of a scrapbook paper, and the handle for hanging comes from a scrap left after cutting the shaped edging. Just two pieces, plus a dot of liquid paper-glitter, makes this very easy.

The pattern for these hearts are in the previous post. You can also use fabric to decorate with, by tracing around your card template, cutting it out with fabric scissors, and applying the cloth shape to the cardstock heart with a glue-stick. The liquid glue does not work as well with fabric-on-cardstock as well as the office glue stick. I've used a punch to make holes to insert ribbon for hanging.

I have changed my mind about my favorite, for I believe the above is really my favorite, and it is very simple. Just cut the edges with deckle scissors (sometimes available at dollar stores and discount stores), then cut out a piece of clip art with scissors that will cut details, glue on, add liquid glitter, and there you have it. Please be sure to click on for a larger view. This one is cut of cardstock, like the others.

You can either clip out the rose in detail, or leave it as is and apply to the card as you see above.

These are all made with red construction paper and they look great on a plate for a centerpiece at a table. A slightly smaller white heart, the same shape has been put inside the large heart, and then a picture of a rose put in the middle. The one on the right has a glittered foam heart, applied with white liquid glue.  The clip-art is all applied with Elmer's liquid school glue. The only card that uses the sticky glue stick is the fabric one. I found the liquid white glue to work better with this kind of simple project, but it only needs a tiny bit outlining the piece, and then pressed firmly with your fingers.  These pretty hearts fit inside the long business style white envelopes.

Some of the clip art is available on Victorian clip art sites.


  1. Some of these will be used as invitations to a tea in February. We will be having a gift exchange: something the guest does not want anymore, that someone else might enjoy and would be suitable for a ladies gift. I will be interested to see what everyone brings.

  2. Lady Lydia,

    So very pretty - and easy too. I have never attended a tea party and would love to organize one - do you have a past post that gives ideas and/or suggestions?

    Thank you so much.


  3. I love making Valentines, I get a bit more elaborate though with German die cuts and such. These would be just perfect for my younger girls to do, thanks:-)

  4. I went to a craft store today and there is a fresh new shipment of these kinds of supplies. While it is so exciting to see the new glimmer mists and inks and papers, I know that many people cannot buy them or do not want anything too expensive or complicated for children. I believe the simple things like construction paper and pictures can be used in many different ways and in years to come they may be the current trendy craft that the supply stores are catering to.

  5. I need to add the smallest heart shape and the key to the pattern when I get time.

  6. I would be more than happy to outline the process of planning a tea, with pictures. I have some tea article but am not sure they show much about the planning.

  7. I'd love it if you would outline your teas!

  8. Yes, Lady Lydia.

    I would love it if you would outline your tea.

    Thank you.
