Friday, May 20, 2011

The Simplicity Primer by Patrice Lewis

It has been awhile since I felt I could recommend a book to everyone, and here is one I just received and can recommend wholeheartedly to women who want to be home. First of all, I just love pears and pear pictures, and once had a 6 piece canister set with hand painted pears.  My whole kitchen was pear-themed including matching curtains, potholders, dishtowels and dishes, so when I saw the cover of this book, I knew I wanted to see what was inside.

I have spoken to this author on the phone and I immensely love her wry humour and her quick summation of issues. Farm girls are the absolute best when it comes to clarity, and Patrice has told in simple terms how the feminist movement has bamboozled women into thinking that being a full time wife, mother and homemaker is just not intelligent or sophisticated enough. The chapters of this book are short and sweet and also make you laugh. My favorite is the one about reading a book. My mother was a homemaker and she was not always scrubbing floors--she read!  We used to have a big box of books that went from homestead to homestead. When we finished reading the box of books we sent it to the next homestead for another family to enjoy, and so every homestead wife had plenty to read to get through some of those long days when the sun never set or the dark winters when the sun never came. 

Because the prevailing culture does not approve of or support homemakers, many women feel guilty if they want to sit down and read a book. Since they are not earning money they are somehow free-loaders who don't deserve any leisure. Therefore if they are not on their feet all day working in the house, they are not deserving. But Patrice encourages women to go back to the old ways where women determined what they would do and when they would do it based upon what was the most needed at the time. There is a time to sit and read and a time to hang out the wash. There is a time to teach your children and a time to take a nap. there is a time to plant, and a time to pluck up. Bravo, Patrice.

I think women lost their God-given power over the home and the family when they succumbed to the feminist propaganda that they could not stay home unless they: a) had young children, b) had a home business and c)were retired with a pension, or d) were going to school to pursue a degree or e)any reason besides being a keeper of the home, as long as it involved money.  Women at home find it hard to read a book without guilt, and that should not be so.

Farm girls see life through the reality of rural existence, and Patrice has written a book that will put ease any fears or tension you have regarding this issue of being a homemaker, homeschooler, and CEO of the home. She covers finances, manners, cooking, cleaning, gardening, health, husbands, and a chapter on "educational snobbery."   These are short chapters, easy to read and understandable, which is perfect for a busy woman at home.

The Simplicity Primer is like a day-book, and you  will probably find that what you read is perfect for the day that you read it.

For more about Patrice, go visit her here and her website is here

You can find The Simplicity Primer here. If you get a chance to read it, please leave a review!


  1. I do not wish to give the impression that this book was only about reading books. That was just one chapter that jumped out at me. Each page is one chapter, which makes it easy to find your place and to pick up the book now and then. You could read one chapter a day, like a day book. She deals with raising children, teaching children, keeping house, organization, and applying spiritual matters to the home.

  2. I have been reading Patrice's blog for some time now, and I love her view of issues, farm life, and life in general. She makes me laugh. I hope to order the book soon.

  3. Oh, this book sounds interesting indeed! I have been blogging all week about misconceptions I have encountered regarding at-home wives. I just put up my last entry and then came over here and read this, and your descriptions of the book mention things that ring so true.

  4. If you have written a book that is for sale, I will be glad to write a review for you, if you will contact me and send me a copy. The book must have something to do with home-making or creativity, or anything that goes along with the themes represented here.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I am needing some good summer reading material and I am so excited to find this one. I'm planning to order it this week! I've not been commenting lately due to be very busy but I have still been keeping up with your wonderful blog. As always , I appreciate your encouragement to homemakers! I is a great help to me.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Dear Lady Lydia, I purchased a lovely book in a thrift store recently and I thought of you immediately. It is The Country Diary Book of Knitting, by Annette Mitchell. The illustrations in it and the patterns included are delightful! It was first published in 1987. I rather wondered if you knit, and whether you might consider doing a post or two on knitting, similar to your dressmaking series? I am sure that this book would be available through the library system, even though it is now "vintage". My knitting needles are busy already!

  7. I do knit but since there were so many marvellous blogs featuring knitting, I did not see the need to blog about it. I spend any spare time browsing the web looking at knit and crochet tea cozies, fun fake knit cupcakes, sweaters, hats and flowers! I will certainly be looking for that book to inspire me!

  8. I love your story about the book box! There is a time to teach your children and a time to nap? Wise words indeed! I love to read, and it is one of my favorite ways to spend that much-needed "time to myself." My kids are growing up to be readers, as well--which fills me with joy as a parent.

  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    When you said your family would exchange boxes of books it brought back memories for me too. My father used to exchange bags of books with the men at his factory job quite regularly. Then we children swapped books with our friends and my mother did her sisters and neighbors. Books were very special to all of us. It was always like another Christmas morning opening the box or bag! :) Now as my Grandchildren outgrow the many books I have here for them I give them to the neighborhood children along with any clothes or toys. It is such fun! Thank you for writing about this book. Sarah

  10. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Anon 9:20, I have that same book, "The Country Diary Book of Knitting", & yes, it is wonderful! :o) I made a couple of the children's sweaters from it, as well as the toy mouse pictured on page 145. And you're right about the photos...they are very appealing, & showcase the garments & other items very well.

    Happy knitting, Anonymous!

  11. Dear Lady Lydia,

    What a nice review, and wonderful memories of book-sharing! We're always on the lookout for inspiration in homekeeping, so this one will go on our wishlist, for sure!



  12. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I just got my copy. I am taking it a page a day :) that is about all the time I have! It looks great. love anita

  13. Thank you, Lady Lydia, for the wonderful resource. I'll be sure to check her out.



  14. "...many women feel guilty if they want to sit down and read a book. Since they are not earning money they are somehow free-loaders who don't deserve any leisure. Therefore if they are not on their feet all day working in the house, they are not deserving."

    Yes!!! I fall into this neurotic thinking sometimes! Thank you for all your supportive words of encouragement for CEOs of the home. : )


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