Wednesday, November 23, 2011

News and Notes

I've added Ronald Reagan quotes at the end of this page, and they rotate throughout the day. Some of them will tickle your funny-bone.  Please be sure and check Lovely Whatevers   because I will be adding more beautiful paintings of the Victorian era. Those artists were wonderful!  I also have found some scenic paintings by contemporary artists.

There are few more subjects coming up here, and as I get time, I will work on them:- Careful communication for homemakers, a proper perspective on living in this world, and the importance of rest and recreation at home.  There will be two new columns that feature the writings of two younger women, both in their 40's, and I think you know one of them: Mrs. Eliot in Australia, whom everyone likes. I hope to find enough of her comments worthy of a column just by her, which she has given me permission to do.


  1. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Thank you dear Lydia for all your effort. I'm looking forward to the new post when they arrive. Much appreciated.

  3. I met Ronald Reagan when I was going to college. He was a very charismatic person. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I don't know what careful communication for homemakers is, but I think I need it! :)

  5. grateful homemaker6:33 AM

    Dear Lady Lydia,
    I wanted to make some pretty notebooks to give at Christmas to my three daughters (one married with children,one close to engagement and the other just 19). Wanted to copy and include several of your articles supporting being a keeper at home including your most recent articles on occupying the home.Could you kindly tell me how to access those or a recommendation list?
    A separate issue is that my near engaged daughter needs encouragement to start her marriage off as a keeper at home. She has been clearly told by her boyfriend that she does not need to work he is fine with that. I do remember a long time ago you wrote about the advantages of starting off marriage not working outside the home and I wondered if that article might still be available?

  6. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and can't wait to read those future posts, cousin! :)

  7. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Sherman! I've contacted you many a time in the past. I'm expecting my sixth and would surely appreciate a few prayers as I am very, very sick with this one. It's getting difficult managing things with being stuck on the sofa trying to keep my food in my stomach...ugh. I'll be having my second home birth this time around.

  8. You certainly will be in my prayers. I love home birth, as I've assisted in 4 of them! It was a lot different than I had "heard", and the midwives and doulas were expert and calm. They had a lot of equipment with them that is used in hospitals but because of their carefulness, none had to be used. Everything is geared around the comfort of the mother and she gets a lot more choices than in a hospital.


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