Friday, July 13, 2012

More Hand Made Picnic Baskets from Boxes and Other Things

The Picnic Party 11

Picnic on the River 
by Henry John Yeend King

Picnic Set-Up  in South Australia
photograph by John Hay

I realize it is winter in Australia, but it is not to early to get things ready in anticipation of summer activities. I don't know how many times I wish I had spent the winter more productively, getting ready for summer, to save preparation time, so that I might have more hours to actually enjoy some summer leisure. 

In this post, and the previous one, you'll see some ways to use ordinary cardboard boxes for picnic baskets.

Some of us in the northern hemisphere have already been through a hot spell, but are hoping to prolong the summer and enjoy more activities.

This is the box I have been working on recently, to change it to a memorable picnic basket. The beauty of doing this, is that very small boxes can be used to pack individual or couples picnics, and the box can be given away to the recipient of the meal.  I have used a large cardboard box here, which would be appropriate for  a family.

This one began as a very plain cardboard box, which probably everyone is familiar with.
I've laid out all the materials needed to cover this box. I would suggest, with any large box, to use wrapping paper that comes on a roll, as it covers the large boxes more easily, without using small pieces. However, in this case I am using scrapbook papers that I got in a packet for $5.00 at Walmart, and I am going to fold and cut and glue them on the box in various places.

Lay the flaps of the box open on the white side of the scrapbook paper and draw around them with a pencil. Cut out and apply with white glue. I won't be covering the inside of the box, because it will just have a tea towel inside of it where the food will be packed. 

Swirl white glue all around the areas to be pasted and brush evenly with a sponge brush before applying the papers.

Using whole sheets of paper, cover the top of the box, and wrap around to the bottom, if it will reach. These two papers are applied in opposite ways to give it a climbing rose effect. You will have to first lay your papers on the box and look at them in several different positions before deciding what look you like best.

If the cardboard shows through on the corners, cut thin strips of paper and fold them over that corner to give it an even finish.

With clear packing tape, secure two long lengths of wired ribbon on to the bottom of the box, in several places.  Here you see the paper strips glued to cover the edges.  You'll have to wrap your ribbon around the box first and tie it in a big bow to determine the length to cut, before you tape the pieces down.

Using the tied ribbon as handles, lift the box and take it to your location. Happy memories!


  1. I am so thankful that you are back. I was worried when I could not find you this morning. You have been such an inspiration to me, a new stay at home wife at 48 after spending over 35 years in the workplace. Thank you for your posts and encouragement.

  2. So happy you are back,I so look forward to your posts,and all the information you have been so kind enough to put in your sidebar.You are an angel and I am glad you were able to get things in good order.Wishing you a lovely day.

  3. Thanks for the warning, Lydia!
    It is hard to know when to trust some of the "messages" that suddenly appear on the screen.
    The grass in the picnic photo looks wonderful - I'm so looking forward to spring!
    bless you..Trish xx

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    So relieved you were able to set everything right! How I would miss checking in with you every couple of days. :o)


  5. I couldn't agree more about the need to in winter prepare for warmer months, you want to be ready and prepared to enjoy the most of the warmer months, not trying to do both at the same time.

  6. Thankyou for that information, it is always good to be prepared.

    Yes, far too cold for picnics at the moment, but I quite like sitting in a patch of sunshine with a hot mug of tea. Sometimes the cat joins me.

  7. Your site is always so restful. It reflects Christ and I like coming here. I am thankful that you are still here!!

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'm glad you're back also. I so look forward to reading your blog and all the comments. Also love all the crafts, and practical information you come up with.

    I agree with you about preparing all winter for summer. Our summers are so short in the Pacific North West that I want to enjoy every minute of it.

    Thank you again for sharing, makes my day.

    Mrs. J.

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM


    we in Sydney have been enjoying a bit of a 'false Spring' these past few days, and for us here, its time to think about our Spring/Summer plantings (veg etc, though our Winter' is almost as warm as a Northern summer. The picnic basket sounds lovely. Now, how about some delightful picnic recipes to fill it with...

  10. Good idea. Maybe I can fill the next box with some food, and add the recipes.

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Loved the box, so pretty. I thought it looked like designer fabric.
    It would be great to have a dress or skirt made of that print.

    Mrs. J

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    How very pretty and useful! Love picture of it on the little pastel quilt....

  13. I loved the photo by John Hay, I came from South Australia and that little creek looks like one we had on our farm - I can remember lush grass like that in winter.

  14. See more John Hay photos of Australia and other places here:
