Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Color Pink

Pink Murex Shells

Painting by Guy Rose (1867-1925)

Pink Agates

Pink Grass

Tumbled rocks

pink parakeet

pink butterfly

Pink Sunset

Pink Lady Apples

pink flowers

I am busy sewing today but I wanted to post my collection of pink pictures of things God made. I prefer the lightest pinks for my home, or for making clothing for myself, but there are many dark pinks that are lovely. I believe pink has gotten bad press and sometimes when it would delight someone and lift them up the most, others are prejudiced against it. I remember having a cherry pink parka in the cold winter when I was a child, and how cheerful it made me feel when the days were so dark and dreary.

 When I get more time I will post some other pink things that are man-made : pink umbrellas, pink purse, pink pillows, and a pink house.

A pink dress!

The flower clip came from the fabric section of Walmart and is used to make headbands or add to knit hats. The fabric is also from Walmart. 

A cotton dress to wear at home.

The pattern is New Look 6352 with the neckline raised (see my sidebar on how to raise a neckline. Extra hint: hold the pattern up to your body and put the shoulders where they will be and then take a marker and mark the higher neckline right on the pattern paper)

The sleeves are from  Simplicity 2917. (Run the magnifyer on the picture at the site to see them better. I thought they were cute.)

...and this is the piping I put in the neckline.  Note: You can add ties to the waistline of this dress by making a clip at the pattern where it says "waistline" and when sewing, insert the ties. You make the ties by using the selvage or straight pieces left over on the fabric. Or, try wide grosgrain ribbon, to save a lot of work.

The dress-form is very short, so the dress looks very long, however even with the added ruffle, it is a very easy dress to wear around the home and is not too long (the hem cannot be stepped on, and it does not catch on things.)   Sewing hint: If you made a ruffle, cut a strip of fabric from which includes the selvage edge, so that you won't have to hem it. Use the raw edge to run the gathering stitch and attach to the edge of the garment.

Pie instructions have been added to the previous pie post, for those who are interested.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Thank you for the sewing tips. I learned at least two new sewing tips in this post!I have been adding a tie to dresses I make, but never thought of making a clip to mark where to put it. I was doing something different and making it more difficult than necessary.

    I like pink, too. I live in an area where many women dress in black, gray and other drab colors in the fall in winter. Wearing pink is a nice change from that. It is also much more flattering than the dull colors.

  2. Autumn has a LOT of pink in nature!

  3. Dear Lady Lydia,
    I have simply adored pink since I was a child and have been blessed with a little girl that loves pink just as much as I do! Pink just makes everything brighter and is a spirit lifter!
    Your dress is just lovely! How I wish I knew how to sew!


  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I am so glad to see your latest sewing creation and those sleeves are just so pretty.

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I forgot to say all of your 'pink pictures' are wonderful too...I love pinks...and the cherry trees are glorious, thanks be to God.

  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I just love the photos. Didn't know there were pink parakeets. So pretty.

    Pink was worn in many hues and tones during the Victorian era. My favorite was the muted pinks like dusty rose or mauve pink and rose browns for Autumn.
    People with the Summer color combinations can wear many shades and tones of pink.

    Thank you for the sewing tips too. Your dress is beautiful. You did a fine job.

    I too enjoy mixing patterns pieces to make an new outfit.
    Mrs. J

  7. I wear quite a bit of pink to work, pastel and bright and I always feel much more cheerful. In fact I wear lots of colours from reds to orange to purple etc... I also add lots of colour to my house, when I'm surrounded by colour it's hard to feel depressed.

  8. Wonderful post today. LOVE all the pink! Thank you for the sewing instructions, too!

  9. If you are talking about clothing colors, there is a pink hue or shade for every skin tone. "Color Me Beautiful" was a book published in the 80's which had a wonderful explanation of this, with color chips in it for every skin tone.

  10. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Lydia is so right...the Color Me Beautiful book is inspiring and useful in helping you select shades of colors that look the best with YOUR coloring.


  11. “Slow buds the pink dawn like a rose From out night's gray and cloudy sheath; Softly and still it grows and grows, Petal by petal, leaf by leaf.”
    Susan Coolidge

  12. Gayle, it looks like I will have to include pink poetry in the post!

  13. Thank you! Your post made my day. Perhaps I will post my recipe for Pink Chicken.

    Agape always,

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Love this dress! Could you show us how to make a ruffle on the bottom of skirts and dresses and pockets on the seam as well?

    Jeanie in KY

  15. I will be doing a ruffle tutorial soon.

  16. Elizabeth5:37 PM

    Thankyou for the lovely pink pictures! I do have to ask you though, being a parakeet owner/lover my entire life.....Where did you find a PINK parakeet! I have never seen one!

  17. the pink parakeets are called rosey bourke, if you are looking for one.

  18. Elizabeth6:36 AM

    Thankyou for the info on the rosy bourke. I researched it, and just have to get one! See, you are never too old, or wise to learn something new every day.

  19. Anonymous8:19 PM

    My favorite fall flower is blooming right now - dusty pink Sedum.

  20. Lady Lydia, I found your site not long ago. I am entirely enjoying reclaiming the feminine, starting with my home and my place in it. I am needed in it for ME too. This morning my 20 year old son headed off to a new job and he was anxious. I got up to make him a lunch to take and for an encouraging send off. I am a career woman and live like a "man", if you know what I mean. Nothing stops me & I fight all day long in a man's world. It is exhausting. After my son left I was agitated and I made tea in my new Christmas mug and have come back to bed. I had bought myself a little lamp that emanates a lovely yellow an d sat sipping my tea and looking at the soothing light until I calmed. I thank God for the simplicity of life in the home.


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