Monday, October 15, 2012

October News and Notes

Tea Leaves 
by William McGregor Paxton
American 1869-1941

Heart for Homemaking has a beautiful blog, also added to my blogroll, with useful instructions for simple but elegant touches for the home, including sewing for the inexperienced, and tips for making the home comfortable. I hope she'll receive some encouraging comments, as she, like many others, shares the art of home living with the world. One of the greatest needs in the world today is for young women to find mentors in the art of homemaking and it is generous of this lady in the U.K. to share her home with the rest of the blog world.

Clothing Catalog 
Recently I received a paper catalog in the mail, full of pictures of vivid clothing , which evoke a feeling of Victorian designs, at least, to me.  I think the white suits in the Ashro online catalog have some of the quallities of the Victorian painting which is at the top of this post and quite a few of the designs make use of ruffles and drapes, similar to the painting above, and other works of art that I've shown here before. Also, I like the fact that the clothing is modeled by women who seem more joyful than the typical models today.

Ashro designs have Victorian similarities.

. Although the styles in it may not be for everyone, there might be just one special garment that is appealing.  Just compare the vivid colors, the design and shape, hats, etc. to some of the drab, industrial looking styles in clothing on the runways today.  I posted the link to give some inspiration to those who like to sew, to show the color combinations, the slimming lines, the way ruffles and drape is used, etc.  The garments are not wovens or cottons, and might not work as home clothing, but I posted this because as homemakers, we like our clothing to be cheerful and pretty, and the pictures just might the stimulus needed for sewing.
Color combination and design = great ideas for those who like fabric and enjoy sewing clothing.

These styles are an inspiration in this day and age of drab jeans, tennis shoes, and tee shirts.  I received the paper catalog in the mail and got some good ideas from it. The skirt sets show the use of pleats, gathers, tucks, ruffles, collars, peplums, fabric and color combinations, are used.  Ruffles are being used in interesting ways, both on clothing and things for the home, and I am planning to show how to make and attach ruffles, sometime n the future on this blog. 

Adapt to an everyday dress by using wash-and-wear fabric and a looser pattern, more conducive to active wear.

This catalog also has a lot of bright and beautiful caftans, which are so comfortable. The designs and colors are a good inspiration for making your own. Caftans are very easy to sew, compared to other kinds of dresses.


  1. Dearest Lydia, and readers of Home Living,
    What a delightful surprise to visit here and read these lovely things about my own blog! Thank you so much for writing them. I would certainly appreciate some comments and members at Heart for Home-making.

    I have discovered the fulfilment,joy and peace of Home living and Lydia has been my prime inspiration.

    Happy Home-making!

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    The models look beautiful, as if they are going to a royal wedding.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I love the yellow Ibiza skirt set, but I am partial to yellow. Such elegant looking clothing!


  4. Dear Lydia,

    These garments belong in my closet! Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful clothing line.


  5. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Yes the clothes certainly do have a Victorian appearance. So beautiful.

    They are inspiring too. Thank you for sharing.

    Mrs. J.


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