Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pretty Pumpkins

These sage-green pumpkins are called "Sweet Meat" but someone called them "Mother Hubbard." I like the color; it matches my home decor, and I like seeing them as I approach the old knarly steps to the porch of the house. This page has instructions for making the sage-green pumpkins for decorations in the house. Scroll down on on that particular page and see other hand-sewing pumpkins.

I cannot resist showing you this cute bouncy-car. There are so many interesting and BETTER things for babies these days.   The car provides bumpers all around it to prevent the baby from bouncing into a sharp edge of a wall or doorway. 
This one is from EvenFlow
and comes in other colors. I have seen this car "in action" and can tell you that the baby loved it and the other children in the family were just as excited about it, as they sat on the floor to watch the performance of the baby in the car.


  1. What beautiful pumpkins!

  2. I aagree with Gayle....they really are beautiful...that color is so pretty.

  3. Gorgeous pumpkins! Our house is sage green and I was looking specifically for these and couldn't find them. I had to settle instead for one called "Cinderella", which is mostly dark green with a bit of orange on the bottom. It looks like it has this same sage color drizzled over the top like glaze on a bundt cake (best way to describe it, sorry). I got them because I loved the light sage green top, but I'd trade all of mine for one of these beauties.

    I saw a white pumpkin that had wonderful Halloween silhouettes painted on it and I wanted to do something similar with one of these green ones... do you have anything special planned for yours?

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Ooooh, those are pretty pumpkins. They look so pretty with the brick step and dark green ivy. The pretty white tea pot really finishes the picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Mrs. J.

  5. Oh Lydia, those are such a pretty color. I bet they look nice where you have placed them.

  6. Yes, those Cinderella, Fairytale pumpkins are beautiful Look at the top and see sage green and gold through a misty type of covering. You can shine them with a cloth and the colors are different. I have not see any of these pumpkins this year.

  7. I can really appreciate the car with bumpers! My son used to love his baby bouncer as a baby, butas a toddler later on he would swing his baby sister hard into the doorframe in his effort to "play" with her.


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