Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunny Cape

I am attempting to create sunny spots in the fog and rain. Today I had this picture taken of my butter-yellow fleece cape while it rained.

The fabric is 60" wide thin fleece from Wal-Mart, 2 yards at $2.96 a yard. Instead of buttons, I attached matching ties at the neckline, and the collar is made of white fleece.

This is the pattern I used.  This is probably not available anymore, but there are many current cape patterns available, which often go on sale for 99cents or $1.99.

This is what it looks like from the side,

and here is the front.

This is how the collar and shoulders look from the back.

Some ladies are hesitant about wearing the color yellow, because of the way it makes certain shades of skin look, but if you really like a color and it does not look good next to your face, just make the collar white, as I have done on this cape.

The cost of the cape and hat was under ten dollars, closer to $5.00.  Even if it had cost a little more, it is a great help to our family when I make a coat. Coats are extremely expensive, and it is so rewarding to make these capes in different colors according to the season or weather. 

Did you know that daffodils are not just yellow? Breck has a variety of pink daffodils. This is such an interesting flower, because sometimes it has the appearance of a rose.

The fascinator was created with a plastic dollar store headband, in a package of 3 for a dollar. I made yellow fleece roses and perched them atop a folded wired ribbon bow, also from the dollar store.  The bow was placed  on top of a piece of yellow sparkle sheer fabric. 
First, I cut an oval cap from white fleece and ironed it onto stiff, fusible interfacing, and hemmed it on the machine. This was hot-glued to the side of the head band at an angle, rather that around it, so that point was toward my face. 

To celebrate my completion of this cape, I found a tea cup with a yellow rose on it, from my thrift store tea cup collection. 

This is the only one of this style I have, but I have seen them in antique stores.

What I enjoy most about this cup is the little background scene with the steps on the terraced land, in the back ground. I used to see this kind of thing in front of older homes.
A close up view of those steps in the background scene.

It seemed like the perfect thing to do on a rainy day: sew a yellow cape and get out a yellow tea cup.


  1. Very nice. I love the pictures of the flowers. It's sunny but cold here, not Spring-like at all!

  2. I love your pretty teacup and saucer. The daffodils were beautiful and the cape is one of my favorite colors. Such a bright start on a gloomy morning. Thank you.

  3. I love your pretty teacup and saucer. The daffodils were beautiful and the cape is one of my favorite colors. Such a bright start on a gloomy morning. Thank you.

  4. I love your pretty teacup and saucer. The daffodils were beautiful and the cape is one of my favorite colors. Such a bright start on a gloomy morning. Thank you.

  5. I have been enjoying the series of capes you've been showing us--the yellow is my NEW favorite. You should write a book about sewing and creating all these little fancy bits.

  6. This is really a lovely series. You should consider another book. I have your homemaking book and love it :)

    Did you recieve my package a while ago? I wonder because I did have that e-mail problem.. :)

  7. Anita, I emailed you about the package, as I was not sure I would have time to write. Thank you so much. I gave details in my email.

  8. Ok dear. I had that problem with my e-mail, so maybe that's why I didn't get it. It's ok. I just wanted to check. I know you are terribly busy with your Dad and all. You take care, I am praying for him!
    with love, anita

  9. Anonymous2:28 PM

    You look very elegant in the cape.You have a pretty face,too,Lydia. I am struggling with a tablet,too, so this is a short post.


  10. Anonymous10:05 PM

    The step scene on the tea cup is so beautiful...i lived in a place with steps like that once...terraced down to the main lawn....a lovely way to do landscaping.
    Your yellow attire is so charming and Springish....love that yellow and your 'hat'...very creative hat too. So good to finally see some daffodils...I saw a robin today, so our flowers will be appearing soon too.
    Love all you do here, Lydia...bless you for it all.

  11. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Happy first day of Spring Lydia. The butter yellow cape is really fresh and lively. It looks like I feel today.

    The rose teacup is almost the same colors as the Old Country Roses pattern from Royal Albert. A favorite of mine.

    Very pretty pink daffodils.
    Thanks for the great post and for sharing.

    Mrs. J.

  12. You look so pretty in that sunny cape -- a perfect complement to the forsythia.

