May we give thanks for the freedom we have in this nation to worship Him in spirit and in truth. May we remember that all freedom is bought at a price and give thanksgiving for those who gave their lives that we may have this freedom. Let us remember to ask God to guide the leaders of this country and to raise up those who will lead it back to the one true standard. Let's praise Him for those who are daily working to do His will within our government. May we remember and teach, without fear and with all boldness of spirit, that true freedom can only be found in Christ Jesus.
Happy Independence Day
"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36 NKJV
Note: Thank you for this, and for all you do at the Romans Sixteen blog.
And now, I will relate a few of my own thoughts, on various topics.
Facing a shameful time in history.
It is difficult to write with any joy about "our" special national day, because of this shameful time in our history---not that the shame is on common citizens, but on a government whose actions do not represent our beliefs. The President also defies God's word in many of the things he promotes overseas. We, like Nehemiah want to remove this reproach. People in foreign countries who participate in their hearts and minds with the documents of our Founding Fathers (yes, "fathers") are also upset at the outrageous activities of the government which has trod on our freedoms and threatened the freedom of other countries. My husband and I and the rest of my family want the world to know that we think it is wrong for the U.S. government to spy on citizens of our country and expose their personal privacy, and spy and other countries, and that those who exposed this wrongdoing are heroes, not criminals (providing that it is not a total hoax, which is entirely possible.)It is ironic that a government that thinks we are not allowed any privacy can be so outraged when their own private evil is exposed. The Bible says to reprove the "unfruitful works of darkness." Ephesians 5:11
We who are disciples of Christ are in a better kingdom that benefits the nation.
While the wicked may be in power, let us not forget that the kingdom of light (those who are disciples of Christ) will always be at odds with the kingdom of darkness (those who defy the Word of God, which is the will of God.) Making disciples will put more people in the kingdom, and get more people out of the kingdom of darkness, so this is why having the liberty to teach the gospel and make disciples, is so important.As Christians we are citizens of a different kingdom with a heavenly passport and a holy constitution, the word of God, which much of the federalist papers (the rough drafts of the Constitution) were based on. Citizens in the Lord's kingdom will be better citizens in any country.
Do not think that a harsh ruler will allow you religious freedom.
Some people idealistically say that under duress and persecution, the church will simply grow in numbers and "thrive," and therefore, they feel it does not matter how the government behaves. What they do not remember is that the nations that live under dictatorships (North Korea, Zimbabwe, Cuba, for example) are not able to teach the gospel or send out missionaries. Under a socialist, communist, dictatorship, Christian parents will not be able to freely homeschool or teach their faith to their children. Parents will be imprisoned while the state takes their children. That is why it is so important to govern the government and keep it accountable and to maintain freedom. I believe that young men like Ted Cruz, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and others are very brave to correct those who are elected and unelected. It impresses me that they are all so young, and that there is a young generation of determined and energetic conservatives.
True U.S. Citizenship.
I noticed that Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and that many people wrongfully believe that he cannot run for President. Having lived in Canada as American citizens, during a time when many other Americans were hired to work in the oil and gas industry there, I am certain that Cruz is a citizen. Our oldest child was born in Calgary, Alberta (as was Cruz) and is an American citizen. Just as children born to ambassadors serving in foreign countries to American parents are automatically American citizens, my child was considered an American, even with a Canadian birth certificate. Therefore, Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas, born of a naturalized American citizen father (from Cuba) and an American mother, is an American citizen and is qualified to be President, should the American people desire to elect him.
Re-establish your country with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Finally, I would like to remind you of the tiny country of Estonia, who threw off a foreign government by enacting their own culture of national songs, national flags, colors, sayings, constitution and beliefs. We are in a situation of being so demoralized by what those in D.C. are doing that we do not feel like singing the songs which proclaim the greatness of this country. We do not believe we ought to be blessed by God.
We do not believe that we have our country anymore and are ashamed to sing "God Bless America, " or "America the Beautiful." The first and easiest thing to do which will defeat a people is to demoralize them, making them think they are "no good" and unworthy and that they deserve to be brought low; deserving every evil thing that happens to them. That way, Satan and his allies can actually get us to cooperate with them in our own defeat.
We look at the things that the media publishes that are so shameful and we conclude that "we" are all wicked and that America is a wicked nation. We need to understand that this is a type of demoralization so that we will not feel we have anything to be happy about and will think we deserve to suffer. This kind of thinking will demoralize us and immobilize us so that we will not continue to pursue the various personal enterprises that make a country strong and great and good.
I was greatly encouraged by watching a documentary film called "The Singing Revolution", which recorded how Estonia re-established their nation-hood, their language, their constitution, their flag, their government, their songs and their culture. Although you will not agree with all of it, the main principle is to live who you are, and to practice your faith and to insist on your freedom, erstwhile getting those who oppress you to leave.
So, sing your songs and read the Constitution aloud today. Go to town and dress up like Yankee Doodle and take a copy of the Constitution and stand on a wooden box in front of Safeway or Dollar Tree or WalMart and take turns with your friends reading portions of the constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Bring your family and friends to sing songs and proclaim liberty throughout the land. Publish your opinions and beliefs on the Internet and spread the cause of freedom, just like the FOUNDING FATHERS did before.
From the Declaration of Independence are some applicable statements for today:
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
These words, written so long ago, serve today as a chastisement upon the current administration and past decades of elected and unelected people in government. I hope they will take note.
You might enjoy this video by a perhaps future president?
Dear, you accidentally typed 'southern fried children instead of chicken.
ReplyDeletethat is one of the disadvantages to the automatic speller that takes over the words on a computer! I did not even notice! In the heat, these really are hot, children complaining they feel fried!!
ReplyDeleteI loved your post and got very emotional during the reading of it. I didn't celebrate today. "What was there to celebrate?" was my thinking. What? To celebrate the bits of freedom we have left? Ah, but your post set me aright. Oh, God in heaven help us stop the freight train of evils that's attempting to take over our land.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lady Lydia for your inspirational words, I needed it.
Your parade sounds lovely. It sounds like a warzone outside my house...
ReplyDeleteYour parade sounds lovely. It sounds like a warzone outside my house...
ReplyDeleteI would love to see your grand parade and take part. Also, I appreciate all the thoughts you've shared here on your post. I would hope that we can push back the evil in this country by shining brightly.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm late chiming in, but happy independence day. Your joyful zest for living the life of faith in such a vivatious, engaging manner always brings sunshine to the darkest corners of our world's problems. Keep blazing the light of Christ in all you do. Your recipes sounded fantastic, and your 'fourth of July programme' sounds fabulous!!
may god continue to bless you as you lovingly, cheerfully do Christ's work and inspire us in the process.
Love and God's blessings,
ReplyDeleteJust me again,
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! for bravely speaking the truth about Edward Snowden and (our very own) Julian Assange, both of whom I consider to be heroes and truth-defenders. Yours is the only Christian US blog espousing Biblical standards that is standing up for these two dear souls persecuted by tyrnny.
Here is a compelling Australian investigative journalism piece on Assange presented by one of our most respected journalistic flagships (four Corners).
Please do not be put off by the rather eye-raising title; it is one of the most even-handed pieces on Assange I have come across and is well worth the listen.
Keep speaking the truth and standing up for genuine, godly freedom in the face of wicked despotism.
Love and God's blessings,
Your parade sounds delightful! My church once did a parade like that and I dressed up as Betsy Ross - it was quite fun :) Since my husband, son, and I just got back from Canada, we had a quiet but relaxing day. It was lovely to be able to spend time with one another. Thank you for your post - I appreciate what you wrote and had to say. Blessings to you!
How I love all the comments! And how moving is your post,Lydia. It is difficult to express just how much your post here affected me in a very positive manner....amen to all it contains....
ReplyDeleteAnd on a lighter note, hope the fried children were delicious too...hee hee!
ReplyDeleteThank you for making a stand. Freedom must ring so all can hear!
I know in my heart I want to be a part of a generation that says NO to all that those things that are being done against the freedoms God has given us, through men and women who have paid the price. And the women who have sacrificed so much (their sons and daughters)
What about the prayers and intercessions that have been lifted up.
Blessings, Roxy
How I loved your description of your Independence Day celebration! Lots of fun, I'm sure.....the costumes, the music, the food. And the "meat" of your post, Lady Lydia, is just what good Americans need to read, & take to heart. Efforts to demoralize are commonplace, & we who believe in the nation that our forefathers began must be moral support for those who seem to be weakening.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Living from Glory to Glory, when she says that she wants "to be a part of a generation that says NO to all those things that are being done against the freedoms God has given us...." I, too, count myself among those persons who find themselves increasingly opposite the prevailing culture. I had to become used to the feeling very early on (in my early teens), & though it felt a bit lonely at times, I do believe that God was preparing me to stand firm in the face of even larger & more difficult challenges.
Thank you for a fine post!
I know things are bad in our country, but I also know that for every evil that exists, there is an alternative good that is available. The schools teach things contrary to our faith, but we can home school. Decisions are made without our vote regarding marriage and birth, but we can teach otherwise to people and teach our children and grandchildren the truth. The clothing that is sold is so immodest and unbecoming but there is nice clothing available or you can sew. You just have to search a little more carefully for the good alternatives.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were children we were taught how our constitution is supposed to work, and shown how it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. We were extremely grateful to be here and to experience the opportunities here. Now we have children who are growing up being exposed by the media to all that is evil and they will be sad about this country, instead of excited like we were. It is important to show God's way and strive toward it, even if it looks like it is hopeless. That is the only way to be happy. Otherwise, we will just sink into despair. I do not know anyone who is happy about the decisions made by the courts to overthrow our votes and to establish policy and force the liberal agenda on us. I think even the most politically liberal minded people do not like it either. Everyone loves freedom. There is something that you might not expect, though: the young people are not going to be as tolerant of everything as the older generation was, and if their freedom and rights are threatened, you better watch out. There are some very brave young people who will not tolerate government interference in their lives.
At the end of the post I put a link to a wonderful speech by Gerald Celente. I dont know why we cannot get a president like this.
ReplyDeleteA nice post for the Fourth of July, and reminder that we must keep hope and work for better things.