Friday, November 29, 2013

White Friday

Black Friday sounds rather frightening so I am having White Friday, with white fog in the morning. Since my last post, I have been making a dress a day for a 6 year old. I was trying to follow the sewing plan I sketched and showed in a previous post, but after making the dress I thought it was so fast and easy, I should keep going. One dress looked good, and two seemed even better, so why not ten? Therefore, being stuck on the dress, I am not anywhere close to getting all the other things made. The pants, vest, slippers, hat, bag, doll, blouse and skirt are all cut out waiting to be sewn. The dresses you see in the picture are all made from flannel from the Walmart sewing dept. There are a couple more dresses not pictured. One, I could not get off of her because she loves the soft flannel. I am thinking of making some adult size dresses in flannel, also. Each dress is supposed to have a matching pair of pants to wear with it. Though the dresses look plain and shapeless in the photos, they look better on the little girl, and some of them have elastic bands in the back to pull the dress up more snugly.
I have nearly used up this jar of buttons I got at Walmart. Since there were no buttons alike in the whole collection, I had to use them quite playfully, with different sizes and slightly different colors. I thought you might like to know about this before you buy these. They come in whites and blues and reds and other colors but none of them are alike. These are the buttons on the dresses.
I do hope to write a meaningful post soon!



  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Very impressive! I hope you remembered to eat and take tea these last 10 days, Lady Lydia!
    PS your posts are always meaningful, inspiring and thought provoking.

  2. Oh, those are just adorable! I cannot wait to see the rest, whenever you get to them. I am trying to plan out a wardrobe for a 10 year old...a bit of a challenge as she is getting opinionated about what she wants to wear!

    Thanks so much for the inspiration!
    Missuz C

  3. The dresses are amazing! What a lucky little girl!

  4. What a blessing to have a grandmother or mother that sews and is willing to teach it to you.

    As a child, I would have given a lot for just one of those dresses and felt quite fortunate if I received a hand-me-down dress from an older cousin.
    My mother made three dresses for me. A sleeveless dress each in brown and blue calico and when I was thirteen she made a blue satin and organza dress for me so I could join the Rainbow Girls.

    Mother taught me the most basic lessons in sewing and the rest I learned from home economics teachers and from paid for classes I went to.

    To be sure my granddaughters will be taught at my elbow if they are willing.
    Again you have inspired us. Thank you for sharing.
    Mrs. J.

  5. Your dresses turned out so pretty. I love to see little girls in dresses.

    Amy Jo

  6. Very pretty, what a very blessed little girl!
    Love seeing what you have been up to.
    Michelle in Australia

  7. That is beautiful work Lydia.

  8. I don't think I've ever made any clothes with flannel before except night clothes. It sounds so warm and cozy though, I don't know why I haven't. Thanks for the idea! You've been so busy. What a blessed little girl you have there. Very pretty dresses.


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