Monday, June 16, 2014

A Rainy Day

Still Life of Lilies and Roses by Margaret Margetts

The temperature has turned very cold and it is raining now, and that is why I am in the house blogging.I wanted to show off my repaired mailbox. A friend came and painted it, after her husband re-built the stand and secured it. Country mailboxes tend to loosen and lean and get a little beat up over the years, so he also smoothed out all the dents! The numbers will be up on it soon, but even though they are not, I am confident anyone can find my address on the web. :-)
It rains and snows hard all winter up to the spring and then, instead of slowly easing into spring, we get hit with a sudden heat wave and a dry spell. Gardeners rush around trying to get the flower beds looking nice before it rains again.


There is a very inexpensive weekly magazine called Women's World that I sometimes look through when I am waiting in line at the grocer. It is a publication of only good news, and every title has an exclamation mark! Not everything in it is conservative or modest, but once in awhile there are some very bright photographs of gardens, rooms, and places around the world, that are worth saving. Here is a peek inside the Issue that is out for the week of June 23, of the pages I am saving.

I thought this was simple, and those of us who are not using refined sugar can substitute some other sweetener from nature.

It is starting to rain and is quite cold outside, and as I could not take a picture of the front flower bed without getting raindrops on my ipad, I took one from inside. The garden isn't growing and filling out as fast as I would like, and I often see photographs of gardens located in even colder climates that are already lush and full. I do not know what their secret is!

I thought I needed a fresh batch of top soil to give the flower bed a boost, and this is what I bought for $4.50. I like the brand name: Filthy Rich!

These are called Keys Of Heaven, which is Valerian, an herb, that I understand comes in other colors. It grows prolifically and yearly in abandoned areas, especially around old church buildings and meeting houses, so it is no wonder it is doing so well in this spot.


The roadsides are full of the color of lupines, wild sweet peas, buttercups, cornflowers, wild roses and I cannot name what else, but I cannot get them to grow in my garden! They prefer the minerals in the gravel of the roadsides.

I have been sorting through things and have noticed the little gifts around my house sent to me by readers: a tea cup, a Dennis Lewan painted plate, Victorian gift books, crocheted kitchen things, cards, a hand made scarf, a shawl, and some other treasures. If you sent me something that I did not mention or acknowledge, please let me know. I do wish I had thought to keep a gift journal with pictures and details of the senders. I want everyone to know that I still have the things they have sent and they are appreciated. These days very few people have time to write or send little packages, so I consider it quite a sacrifice when someone goes to the effort to mail something.

For the lady in Australia who asked about the mailbox, here is a link to the photographs of mailboxes I took when I was in Australia last year:

The flag indicates there is mail for the postman to pick up. It prevents him from shoving the new mail on top of the outgoing letters. Then he puts the flag down to indicate the outgoing letter was taken.



  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    ///The roadsides are full of the color of lupines, wild sweet peas, buttercups, cornflowers, wild roses and I cannot name what else, but I cannot get them to grow in my garden!/// Sounds so much like a scene from Anne of Green Gables. You are lucky to be able to live in the countryside

  2. The magazine page of roses is lovely. I would have saved that too! Thank you for sharing so many beautiful things with us...

  3. I love the magazine pages!

    Give your wonderful flower garden will be full and lush!

    God Bless you!

  4. What a pretty and happy post! I really enjoyed it.

    We lived in the country for 11years and had teen children, during those years, we had the hardest time keeping our mailbox as their school acquaintances like knocking it over bad even stealing it as a prank. I don't miss that at all.

    My grandmother always bought Woman's World as she liked the big crossword puzzle in each issue.

  5. I like that magazine too. My library where I live now has a magazine exchange and I sometimes can pick it up there. The pages are really colorful and pretty. We have been eating lots of strawberries from the local farmers here in the last few weeks. They are almost over now and the cherries are coming in. I might try that recipe with some cherries and local honey. I think it might be good on top of morning pancakes or granola. I have always had better luck with the gardens when they are mulched. Some plants roots can get washed out easy when it's dry for awhile and then it rains heavily. A heavy rain also leaches the nutrients out of the soil. Mulch protects the roots and holds the nutrients in. It also keeps the roots warm. Either way the garden looks lovely. We are fortunate to live in the country and have such beautiful surroundings. I am planning a lunch picnic in a local park tomorrow and hoping for nice weather to do so.

  6. I agree with you about the rain. It does not make the soil better if it constantly rains and floods and washes out everything .

  7. Hello, I wish we would get a good rain here! In your magazine look for the article on drying Roses, as my dear friend of many years wrote that article! And your mailbox looks so happy and standing proud. So glad you are getting a few new makeovers!
    Blessings, Roxy


  8. I like your mailbox it looks very cute! I was wondering about the little flag on the side. Does the mailman raise it when he delivers letters?
    I live in Australia and we don't have those on our mailboxes, although they feature in a lot of children's picture books that we have here at home. I like the look of them but always wondered how the flag system worked.

    Blessings to you, and I know that not too far in the future we will see some beautiful photos of your overflowing gardens.

  9. I posted my answer regarding the mailbox, at the end of the article.


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