Saturday, August 02, 2014

More Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's Lace is especially abundant this year. It limes the roadsides and and pathways like a thick foam. 

I found some very intricate embroidery of the flower. The part that looks like a wore birdcage is what the flower looks like when he buds have fallen off, and these pieces are just as pretty as the whole flower.

A book I got for the children a long, long time ago shows one way to draw Queen Anne's Lace:

 There is a demonstration on a video here:      

It makes me happy that this flower grows freely in uncultivated areas and anyone may have it. Brides are now using them in their bouquets, and the silk imitation is available, too.

The heat so oppressive and sometimes I think the sun can sunburn your mind and make your thinking a bit blurry.  I have found it helpful to wrap a cold wet cloth around the neck, or even a cold wet bandanna with a bit of ice rolled in it.  It really cools the whole body.  Pitchers and bowls of ice water placed around the house can help it feel cool indoors, as,even with an air conditioner, it sometimes is not cool enough when there is humidity.

Using a blue background and Polymer latex paints (also called Scribbles) I have made a quick copy of the Queen Anne's Lace in the art book:


  1. The Queen Anne's Lace is such a pure, elegant flower, even though it is common along the roadsides in certain parts of the country. We don't seem to have mud of it here in the high altitude and dryness of Colorado. Thank you for featuring it. I always enjoy your blog posts.

  2. Lovely Queen Anne's lace post! We have an abundance of it here in Tennessee, too. There are lots of it in the parts of our pasture that we don't mow. I collect herbs for home remedies such as passionflower and self-heal, so we don't mow it all down. It's such a shame that most everyone feels they must do that. The Queen Anne's Lace embroidery is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Lord's Day.

  3. What a pretty post!

  4. Hello Lydia, I have seen so much of the Queen Ann lace flowers also!
    I have always just even loved the name of it! I love this time of the year! But it has been warm and so much humidity also. But with all the rain, I will not complain.
    I need to go get dinner started, I did make some zucchini bread earlier this morning! Blessings, Roxy

  5. Thank you for the lovely post. I have moved to southern Colorado on the mesa and I don't get to see Queen Anne's lace much.

    I really like the linens. Did you embroider those? I am hoping to get back into sewing and creating things for the home now that most of our items have found their permanent home and boxes are gone. I don't like moving.

    I like your outdoor garden getaway this summer. Do you leave it up even if it rains?


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