Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pretty Pumpkins

These pumpkims are called Porcelain Doll. I plan to go and see them at a farmers market tomorrow, but if I find they are too pricey for me,

I have already made a pink pumpkin from the leftover pink cotton fabric I used on the ladies summer jackets shown in the previous post.  This is made by gathering a very large circle of fabric, stuffing it with fiberfill and gathering the openning, (leaving a small openning for the stem)with quilting thread. In the absence of pumpkin leaves added fake ivy leaves from a garland I got at the dollar store a few years ago, and then used raindrop stickers (I see I got some of them upside down) in various places. The stem  is made of three short cinnamon sticks, which make such a nice scent in the room.

There has been a rain storm and now it is bright and warm outside.


Col 4:5    Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.


  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Oh my pumpkins :) I have never seen that color. I like yours also... something that can be made with any kind of fabric. Thanks for sharing Lydia and Good Morning to you!

  2. Very pretty!

    Autumn is on the way...generally, it has been here by now. The leaves are barely starting to change colors here! It's quite unusual, but I'll take the extended warmth before we have to be shut in for winter!


  3. I am not rushing the next season. I need more summer and we are having warm days and I am so thankful because of the summer sewing I need to finish.

    I do not know how magazines publish autumn issues so early,more how stores manage to stock all new autumn products that were obviously manufactured way ahead of fall. To me, a season has a mood and its hard to put out a pumpkin if the weather is still hot and the leaves have nit changed color. That is why I am still living in summer.

  4. What a blessing you must be to your husband and family with all your sweet homey touches and creativity!

  5. I like the pretty pink pumpkin that you made. The raindrop stickers add a very nice touch. I didn't even know there were such things as raindrop stickers. I have some "silk" flower arrangements that would look pretty with raindrops on them.

    In the past, I have found some of the real pumpkins to be a bit expensive for me, considering that I don't ever cook them and they usually end up in the garbage after the season is over.

  6. I love those pink pumpkins. I do hope you have plenty more long, summer days to enjoy.

  7. Susie I agree about the real pumpkins being expensive. When you pay by weight of the pumpkin, they are costly. It is a lot to pay for a a decorating item. I would like to try making another pumpkin to see if I can get it to look more like the Porcelain pumpkin.


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