Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Finished Sewing Project

When I showed a photograph of Pumpkins called Pink Porcelain Doll, I did not know there was also a variety called Blue Doll.  They are quite a bit more of a blue hue than the picture shows.  While both colors are great for indoor and outdoor seasonal decor, they apparently are quite tasty for soups and pies. I am watching the price on these pretty pieces and as soon as it gets more affordable I am going to buy one or two and place them on the tables for centerpieces on the front porch.

Picture below:my summer line of clothing.

The daisy fabric is all used up now except for a small plastic bag of tiny scraps.  The blouse and skirt on the left are the last addition to the set, and shown are garments for Me,  Mommy, and Daughter.  The ruffle on the skirt is a bias circle style trim that sews flat and easily onto the hem. The other two dresses have gathered ruffles which are more difficult to stitch.

When I am getting ready to sew, I select some patterns I want to eventually use, and put them in order according to which ones I want to sew first, in a small container. As I finish each project, I file the pattern in the back of the stack or put  it away in the big drawer I showed in the previous post, and get out another one to add to my box here.

You might be getting tired of seeing this fabric, so I have something quite different coming up in a future post.  After this sewing was completed I had to take a whole day to catch up on housekeeping. I sew like a quilter, with the slow-cooker filled with delicious food that will last all day, and some classical music playing in my sewing room.  I fill my thermos with hot water to make cups of my favorite herbal teas without having to take too much time away from my task.

Something free came in the mail this week that I enjoyed a lot.  It is a catalog of Victorian style reproductions that have a nostalgic look.

Victorian things are sometimes depicted as being overly dark and somber, which it find sad and depressing, but this catalog merchandise is quite pleasing to look at and very cheerful.

It is beyond my budget to order anything but it is lovely to look at and enjoyable to spot similar items at thrift shops and Goodwill for much less cost!  You can turn the pages of the Castle and Cottage 
 catalog at Victorian Trading Company online. Be aware that not every item this company sells is in good taste, but for the most part it brings back the beauty of some of the Victorian decor and architecture.  I like the pieces that reflect the beauty of nature, just like that bowl of roses on the first page instead, and I am thinking how easy it would be to make a similar bouquet for the mantel using a round jelly jar and some fabric roses.

I hope to post again soon concerning a subject that seems to be pursuing me: Should homemakers worry about everything?  How much should news reports affect her?  Should she get all tied up in knots over her future in the home?  My conclusion of course is already decided: The New Testament commands that Christians not be anxious.  It is actually against the law of Christ to fret and worry and get too caught up in some things.  Perhaps we can all talk about this.

Our days are still filled with sunshine.

Since sewing this, I have cut the sleeves shorter to wear in warm weather.

Fabric in a container, showing the pieces I want to use next.


  1. Dear Lady Lydia,
    I also love to look at the pictures in the Victorian Trading Company catalogs. I do as you do. I use them for ideas and then go to thrift stores and second hand shops to shop for similar items or head to the craft and dollar stores to make pretty things to decorate my home.

    I love quiet days at home with beautiful music playing in the background as I go about my daily chores. Making a lovely home environment spreads joy to our family members and friends who visit.

    Christ should be the heart of every true home. Then a clean home with small touches added to brighten each corner, the smell of something delicious simmering in the kitchen, the sound of sweet music, birds singing, and loved ones in the background, a warm greeting, uplifting conversation, courteous behavior, a soft cushion and cozy throw, a cup of hot tea in a pretty cup, and time valued, cherished and not wasted or rushed--these are a few things available to all who truly wish to make their house a home.

    I look forward to the discussion on your blog about how we should react to current events. I already agree with you that we are not to worry but are to pray and cast our cares upon our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the best ways that we can be prepared for the future is to read our Bibles daily and know that there will be wars and rumors of wars,sickness, etc. Spending time with our Lord will give us calm and purpose in the midst of the storms of life.

    Thank you for your wonderful and informative blog.

  2. Debbie, you said it perfectly. Jesus said there would always be wars and rumors of wars.

  3. Lydia,

    another great post! Love the skirt and top and you did a great job on them as well.

    I so enjoy a quiet peaceful home and time to myself too. However it can be quite lively around here when the grand children come to visit. They keep me young with their activities, interests and wonders. I probably wouldn't appreciate the peaceful times if I had them all the time anyway.

    JoAnn Fabrics had a 60% off sale on Blizzard Fleece Tuesday and I purchased two pieces of it for making a couple new coats for winter. Raspberry pink and soft charcoal grey.
    I find Blizzard Fleece is so dense that it is water repellant to some degree and so very warm.
    Thank you for sharing your new clothing line with us. So inspiring.

    Mrs. J.

  4. I used to get very worked up and emotional about family discord, epidemics, news of wars and crime when I was younger. I am past middle age now and find that Christ has taken care of me all these years through many tough situations including a son at war, miscarriages, illness and family problems.
    What really helped me is to draw closer to the Lord through prayer, reading the scriptures and allowing the Holy Spirit to remind me that Jesus loves and cares for me and my concerns every moment. Its like a spiritual (((hug))) whenever I need one.

    Mrs. J.

  5. Janet, that's a hard thing to do if you are used to doing things yourself, but it has better consequences.

  6. Dear Lydia, I have another question about patterns. Have you used cotton fabric with patterns that don't suggest cotton? How can you determine if a garment will work up fine with cotton? I thought you or some other sewers who read your blog might have some thoughts on this. Or is it best to just buy patterns that list cotton?

  7. Commercial Patterns do not seem to be made for cottons, so I always sew them larger. I either cut larger seams , such as the next size, or I sew the regular seams a fourth inch rather than 5/8 inch.


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