Thursday, November 13, 2014

Peaceful Living

Good morning, dear ladies!  I have been up early because I heard rain sweetly dropping on a flower pot outside and now I must see it, even in the dark. I love every melodic splash!  As I said in the previous post, I find that the weather does not dampen my mood if I create a sunshine atmosphere in my home. 

Anxiety pushes out peacefulness, and many a lady at home has felt a knot in her stomach over news reports, threats on the family income, a cruel accusation, troublesome neighbors, and the occasional unspiritual church member who wants to disturb others.  And yet, Jesus said we would be "anxious for nothing."  How can we have a peaceful life if something is always pushing to upset us at home?  Many ladies have found that to memorize portions of scripture can replace those thoughts of upheaval.  

People spend a good portion of their time outside the home waiting for something: waiting in line or sitting in a waiting room. Nagging worries and pressures can enter their minds, and this is the perfect time to silently recite a meaningful passage of scripture. Rather than repeating one verse several times, it is possible to memorize a passage of some length. The important thing is that it has meaning for you, individually, and that it gives you peace of mind.

Peaceful living can be acquired by paying attention to small things, like the sounds (wind in the trees, ocean waves, raindrops, music) or details that appeal to the senses such as scents and sights.  When a lady at home is sensitive to these things, she can encourage peaceful living.

One of the scriptures on peaceful living is found in Romans 12:1-21. Part of the  chapter shows a number of habits and attitudes to adapt into your life, and then concludes: 

"If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."
Romans 12:18

Mature ladies will want to seek peaceful living both at home and outside the home. They know that their peacefulness will attract others to their message of the Biblical home. The chapter (12) shows in detail how to attain that peacefulness.

Because  some people will not develop the desire for peaceful living, they will cause disturbances. A lady at home can develop a peaceful demeanor and not allow the war-like people to rattle her or cause her to lose her composure. This takes some training, which we may discuss in another post. Just remember the Rudyard Kipling Poem, "If", and this phrase: If you can keep your head, while those around you are losing theirs...."  This is the key to peaceful living.  

 Wreckers tear down things and never leave a thing in this world to be looked on with fondness. Peaceful people accomplish things. They build things, whether it be physical structures or lifetime relationships.

I appreciate my blog readers and the true friendship they show to me and other bloggers. I know they are lovers of peace and yet they can protect their homes and blogs  from the unpleasant attacks of those who seek to destroy. 

In closing, here is a poem for you:

The Builder Vs. the Wrecker

I watched them tearing a building down---
A gang of men in a busy town:
With a "Ho heave ho!" and a lusty yell,
They swung a beam and the side wall fell.

I asked the foreman: "Are these men skilled,
And the kind you'd hire, were you to build?"
He laughed and said,: "Why no, indeed;
Just common laborers is all I need:
They can easily wreck, in a day or two
What has taken the builders years to do."

So I said to myself as I went on my way:
What part in the game of life do I play?
Am I shaping my deeds to a well-made plan,
Carefully measuring with a rule and a square,
Patiently doing the very best I can;
Or am I a wrecker--who walks the town--
Content with the labor of tearing down?
(author unknown)

I have had a great deal of new visitors lately and I would love it if you would leave a comment!  


  1. I'm not new but I would love to comment.
    I have learned so much from you. Which I think is interesting because I'm not in my youth! It's never to late to learn. Especially, when it's the Truth!

  2. Good Morning Lydia, We awoke to 6inches of snow this morning. Everything looks so clean and pretty. Washed as white as snow! This is yet another wonderful post. I am learning each and everyday to stop, look and listen to what He is teaching me. These are very wise ways to live and respond to our lives.
    The poem was a very powerful word picture!
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Such a wise post. Thank you Lydia. I loved the poem too.

  4. Christine, Roxy, Lesley, thank you for such encouraging words. I like having contact with Christian ladies who have a spiritual view of everything in life.

  5. I stop at your blog regularly and I very much appreciate the inspiration I receive here. I can tell an improvement in my inner thoughts since I have started to read your blog.
    Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into spreading these gospel truths.

  6. I just came from the grocery where there is a general panic because of snow coming this evening. The young girl at the checkout was clearly having a bad day and had run out of change for the customer in front of me. She had a clear look of relief on here face when I suggested that she take her time and go ahead and get change and whatever else she needed as I was in absolutely no hurry. I gave her a kind pleasant smile to assure her it was ok. Peace and kindness is needed in every corner of the world these days. Cultivating it is not difficult if you take the time to look around you.

    I am a regular here and appreciate everything that has been written on this blog. I have learned so much and have made some major changes in my life for the good. I am a bit isolated because of lack of transportation these days and so the blogs by Christian ladies like Lady Lydia have become a huge source of support for me. I am very thankful for this little online family.

  7. I am a new visitor. I have been reading your blog and I love everything. But I also find myself feeling frustrated because I can't seem to find peace in homemaking as I would like to. I have five young children and feel very overwhelmed at the moment. I am very much inspired by all you write about. I wish I knew how to follow it all.

  8. Thankyou for blessing me with your wisdom :)
    Today is currently 36.c (98.8F) here on the East Coast of Australia, with no air conditioning, it has helped me to come back and read your previous post and this one, to be above the weather and cultivate that which is within me to overcome these uncomfortable moments in the physical!
    My children watch my actions and reactions, and I desire Jesus to shine through :)

  9. Getting yourself together at the start of the day, which is sometimes hard to do when the children are young,nis one of the key ingredients to getting a feeling of peace, because it is a preparation to face the day. But in the end it is not about having perfection in the house but about knowing you belong there and no one else can do it. You are uniquely created for your role. It is about being content in whatever circumstance you are in, but knowing you will not always be hindered.

  10. Do you mind if I copy the poem and put it on my Facebook page? I think it is so encouraging.

  11. Certainly. I think it is quite an old poem, judging from the wording.

  12. To the poster Ann,

    Perhaps I can be of help? I have eight children and twins on the way. My children are 17 (largely not home now with work, church, etc) 12, 11, 9.5, 5, 4, 2 and 1.

    I highly recommend making a schedule and sticking to it-of course, not so rigidly as to not allow for life, but really stay with it. If you can "conquer" chaos, you will have peace!

    Have ALL of the children do chores EVERY day. Even a 1 year old can begin to learn to throw his/her toys into a box/bucket for an older to take to the play area. Every day but Sunday, birthday's and holidays, my children have a chore list. If they are sick, the siblings take over their work.

    This means I do not have to do it all, it teaches them selflessness and also all that is involved with caring for home. My girls then help later in the day with meals and any extra projects they do, they get paid to do as it is over and above chore work.

    Remember, your work is to care for blessings GOD has entrusted in your care to raise for His glory. He will not leave you without strength to carry out your work!

    Keep it's a season only when they are small. Do require of them, however, as older lazies are no easier than younger unables! When you see your day as a blessing, and your children help and the day is peaceful, you will be able to have much joy!

    God Bless!


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