Wednesday, November 05, 2014



At this time let us remember that government exists as a servant of the people and of God. 

Pray for them so that the people can have a quiet and peaceful life, free to be Christians:

1Ti 2:1    I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

1Ti 2:2    For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

1Ti 2:3    For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

1Ti 2:4    Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

We at home have a great influence. Thank you all for the things you do to make the home strong and home life pleasant.

Be sure to click on comments, to read what other ladies have to say, for they have a wealth of valuable insights.  If you click the title of the post,  comments will automatically appear.


  1. Amen.

    Hope you don't mind my sharing from Ida Bailey Allen's Modern Cookbook(1924) recently borrowed from the library. The end was a little derailed so I ended the sharing where the sweetest.


    is the biggest job in the world; it bosses them all. It hangs over the others like a storm cloud, or a ray of sunlight, as the case may be. It is the gigantic hub of the wheel of life, with its radiating spokes of lesser positions on which the world rides to its destiny.

    Your giants of industry; your brilliant men of letters; your military geniuses; your titanic engineers; your world-renowned statesmen, philosophers, mystics; your musicians, painters, sculptors -- all -- yes, every mother's son of them--must own his subservience to the home and its influence, where were moulded and skillfully directed his earliest thoughts and ambitions. Yes, it goes beyond his earliest years even to the wonderful moment when his coming was realized, and through the long months until he was an actuality.

    His mother was more than "A rag and a bone" -- in each case she consciously, or unconsciously, possessed knowledge of the greatest science of them all -- that of home-making. She must have understood the value of the sunlight, of fresh air, water, cleanliness, good food well combined and thoroughly cooked; of sanitation; of common-sense nursing, and the influence of environment; of sensible clothing; of rest periods; of a good admixture of normal work and play; indeed, it is even more than probable that she was endowed with "the love of God" and with this light watched the unfoldment of the soul as closely as she watched that of the body.

    Hidden beneath the exterior of every personality there is -- of ambition. Every woman in the world has a secret longing to better her own condition and to help to make the world "homelike." . . .

  2. This is good advice as there is a battle with darkness. Many people do not see this battle very well....

  3. We cannot personally fix the world,but God told us to pray for the government. We can turn it over to Him and get on with our sewing and cooking.

  4. From an anonymous reader:

    Just a word or two about myself........I live in Florida, am 61 years old, married for 44 years and mother of two.
    I have 5 grandchildren.
    My husband is a church of Christ minister.
    I have always loved homemaking, and now that my children are grown and my husband and I are 'senior citizens' I love it as much as ever!
    I enjoy helping my children and grandchildren..........doing the things that show how much a mother/grandmother can do to help make them feel loved and appreciated.
    I love your blog. It encourages and calms me, in these turbulent times in our country.
    When I feel discouraged, and also feel that what I do is not very important, I often go to your blog and you seem to address the very subject I am in need of!
    I have a wonderful husband and family. They are appreciative and kind.
    But I do need to be reminded that homemakers have a great influence.
    We do not need to be 'in the public eye, running for some political office' to be doing a very valuable work.
    I hope you continue to write and encourage myself and others who are younger who need to keep being homemakers and raising their children/grandchildren to have godly values.
    Thank you again.

  5. Joyce I like the piece you contributed and would like to include it in another post.

    Laura, yes, ladies at home sometimes think they are totally safe from verbal attack, but it is better to be armed with the word of God. There are a lot of people who resent ladies staying home to keep house.

    Lady in Florida, your work is valuable and earth shaking even when the children are gone, because it is for spiritual reasons that the world cannot fathom. When you obey Christ, you have a host (army) on your side and you can work wonders.

  6. Joyce I like the piece you contributed and would like to include it in another post.

    That would be very lovely of you to do, Lydia ~ look forward to what you share with the Allen quote! :-)

  7. Dear Lydia, I have learned so much about praying for our leaders and voting myself by being informed and praying about it before I vote! But I did not watch all the bashing stuff that goes on! You are right, God is sovereign and He is in control! What I am doing is praying and keeping my heart calm and steady! I trust the Lord!
    Always, Roxy


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