Monday, December 22, 2014

The Bed and Breakfast Inn

Dear Ladies,

Welcome to my Homemaking Blog where I share things about home and family, with a Biblical view.  I would like to introduce the book, above, called Storybook Cottages, which is available on Amazon. There will be more on that, later.

Today I am putting up the remainder of the photos from our meeting at the antique tea room and guest house, where we visited friends and one of the local preachers and his wife, who owns the tea room. She took me to the upper storey where I got a detailed, private tour about the restoration of the house and her furnishings, so I will try to relate what she told me.

You can read the previous posts to see the other pictures I posted.  The three guest rooms share a kitchen and dining room, where the owner has placed "the kind of dishes I would like to use if I were a guest."  As she was explaining the house to me, I thought what good pointers this would all be for the homemaker on how to make a guest room that your guests would love.

She has these in the shelves in the kitchen,

And these,

And these.  I told her how special it feels to be able to use real china when you are away from home, especially a tea cup.

Here is the dining table.

A dollhouse on the fridge.

I liked this tin tray she had set in a corner.

A broader view of the kitchen and dining area.

For brief moments on the trip home, the weather was clear enough for me to take pictures of the countryside.

When I see cattle I think of the Psalm that says God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

The darkness came quickly and a rainstorm accompanied us all the way home, making the visibility poor.  We Listened to mellow jazz and music from the 1940s and it all seemed to go with the theme of our trip.  It sure made the driving time shorter. We had left our own residence  at 10: a.m. and we arrived home in the dark at 9 p.m. 

I hope you enjoyed the trip, too.



  1. I like the light in the cabinet very much! Thanks for sharing! :).Christina

  2. Thank you so much for posting, I got so many ideas from the kitchen, especially. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  3. I really enjoyed the trip Lydia. You made it all so pleasant, thank you.

    My favorite areas were the bedrooms the way the owner placed the furnishings, the fluffy bedding and small details like the reading parlor with the fabulous old collection of Jane Austin books. I can just picture myself with a cup of tea and a chocolate reading one of those books on the balcony on a warm summer morning while the fragrance of the roses growing in the garden below gently wafts my way.

  4. Janet, I added pictures of the books.

  5. I also really like the lights in the cabinets...makes for a soft look. Old books are such a pretty addition to the home and are easy to find in thrift stores inexpensively. I think electronic books though convenient cannot compare to a good old book that rests on a shelf waiting to be read. Kelly

  6. I do love a bookcase full of old books :)

    Have a lovely Christmas with your family.

  7. A charming place, feels very welcoming. Have a merry Christmas, Lady Lydia!

  8. Thank you for sharing Lydia. With your lovely photos I feel I was on your trip also. The blooming rosebush was gorgeous!! White picket fencing so sweet and charming. And now I must make a cup of hot tea. Wish you all could join me.


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