Tuesday, January 20, 2015


At travel stop near the road we found a MacDonalds that not only had the famous food, but provided showers for long-distance travelers. A shop within the store had travel maps and souveniers, and you could buy a cup of tea actually served in a real cup, not a paper cup. It was a pleasure to see and to taste.

How about these breads and pastries, at MacDonalds.

These apples are like paintings.

I hope you are not tired of houses. I tried to resist taking another house picture but  I like the roof and the door.

Below: a banner in a  shop.
And now for the  crème de la crème: My hostess owned  a birthday record book published around 1820, which had a Bible verse for each day that was colorfully illustrated.

Reading this tiny book published so long ago made me think how important it is to be mindful of The Lord and have a clear conscience toward Him every moment of every day. Sometimes when a human being gets caught up in any duty or activity, it may be easy to let go of all spiritual training  and "have fun" but no matter where a Christian is or what the person is doing, there is always a line of direct communication and personal accountability to God.  If we get familiar with the New Testament we can adopt The Way, The Truth and The Life into our minds. This translates into the way we speak to others and the way we live and our worship habits.

It would be enjoyable to teach this way of embellishing verses to a child so that he has a colorful notebook. While writing the verse and doing artistic things with it, he is absorbing the teaching in his mind and dwelling on it longer.

Click on the pictures of the pages  for larger views.

We went for a walk to the nearby town for shopping and my hostess got some more florals that were quite nice. See the end of the page for a picture.

After eating three times a day during what would normally be our nighttime, I was getting a queasy tummy, but today I felt a lot better. We went to a nice tea room but my friend and I were so hungry we ate all the food and drank all the tea before I realized I had not taken any pictures of us or of the charming little tea room.I was listening intently to her explain her deep-rooted Christian values on various subjects and did not want to miss a word.  If I had to do it again I would have recorded her little talk, as it was very good. She expressed a lot of spiritual insights that were quite edifying and I will include some of this in a future article for Christian ladies in my "Elect Lady Series" which I am hoping to make available to print for free.

Below: one of the pieces my friend kept from her grandmother's things. It came out of an old cutting board, and the wood had deteriorated so she removed the plaster piece.

An interesting doorstop from a scarf tied in knots.


  1. What an interesting book! That is so neat! I cannot believe that McDonald's had pastries! Wow! The flowers are beautiful.

  2. I never get tired of the things you share, I always look forward to more. The book is so sweet, do you know the title? Those apples were beautiful and I love the houses there that you have put the pictures of. So interesting to see.


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