Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Salve For Your Circumstances

Salves and ointments are mentioned in the Bible in both a physical way and a spiritual way. The Word of God contains answers to many problems that have been a concern to people since the beginning of time.  No matter how many new studies and therapies and modern methods people claim will "work", the answer to the bad mood is in the scriptures.  Let us see how to apply it.

Have you wondered why just a generation ago there were so many people who did not feel the need to vent their anxiety or their anger or have a "meltdown"? They were raised on the principles of self-control and long suffering, which they applied to problems in their lives.  They were willing to bear the stress rather than express it because they knew a temper fit would harm others as well as themselves. Self control was applied to discontent and frustration. 

In a capsule: Apply Christian virtues to your circumstances, rather than applying anger and vengefulness. Do not use circumstances as an excuse to blame, verbally attack, falsely accuse, or lie. When you are in less than desireable circumstances, when your plans have not worked out, or when you feel disgruntled, resentful, mean or jealous, apply "Love is patient, love is kind" instead of applying anger or stress.  

One thing that is prevalent today is the belief that although you can forgive something, you also have to level a punishment or payback.  This comes from a misunderstanding of the reality that one may be forgiven yet still endure consequences of his error. This is a true principle, but no one has God's approval who wants "payback."  Plans will never be realized when a person insists on personal justice, revenge, payback, or giving someone what they deserve.  This is an old feuding type of mentality that has emerged again.  People used to make comedies out of the feud and the payback mentality, but today it is being practiced  again, and what a sorrowful thing it is. We need to learn from past generations, from the great examples of the Bible, and from personal practice of the principle of forebearance.  A Christian has been redeemed and cannot go back to the old ways he once practiced. He has to put all that revenge stuff away.

Apply the Biblical salve of deference and understanding, realizing that not everyone is the same and not everyone has the same level of maturity.  If you insist on revenge, you are not giving people a chance to grow, and you are not relying on God.  

There are others who behave badly, verbally attacking family members, church members or co-workers, and then try to excuse it by pointing to the mistakes of others as "trigger points" that cause the outbursts.  There is nothing that can justify such bad manners. If this kind of boorish behaviour comes from a youth in training, it can be somewhat tolerated as long as they seem to be trying and learning to overcome it and improve. 

However, adults who should have long ago overcome such tendencies will be thought of as immature and untrustworthy (not worthy of being trusted with your confidence or your dreams and hopes) unless he or she excercises self control and overcomes the bad reaction.  There is a simple remedy: when the symptoms of resentment, envy and anger come on, take patience and understanding. If you blow up, you will destroy your credibility and develop a reputation  that will be hard to live down. If you take the cure of long-suffering, you will be a great example and others will want to live up to it. Our circumstances do not need to determine our moods.

Of course everyone forgets themselves from time to time, and it is best to forgive yourself and learn from your failings and try not to make the same error.

If you have been wronged, apply patience and allow time to let things work out. Often if you wait, you will observe those who are up to no good getting what they deserve in a natural way, and those who are wronged being recompensed by God.

Apply the Spiritual Salve to the circumstances.

Lighthearted quote for today: Ah! I see the tea is ready. Let us go and have some!


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    This was a balm to my heart.....I so look forward to the time I share with you reading your wise blog:)

  2. Thank you. I really needed this. God bless you.

  3. Amen. I agree wholeheartedly that once we become Christians we should forsake our "revenge stuff" knowing at what price we have been forgiven too.

  4. Thank you, Lydia. This post was a balm to my heart, as Shirley wrote above. I am in a frightening situation, possibly the worst of my life, and my courage needed some strengthening.

    Agape always,

  5. People used to believe that it was kay to feel bad or be in a bad mood bit to take it out on others was a sign of bad character. When we suffered rejection or poverty or were falsely maligned, we said nothing because we didn't want to reveal our own anxiety and make people lose confidence in us or themselves. Today we are accused of lying or of hiding something if we are quiet about personal problems or don't want to reveal private things. It was not considered "good form" to complain, and most problems were part of life, anyway, and to moan and groan about it was looked down on.

  6. I used this lesson for children, too. Suppose you awe walking through the house not paying much attention and you run into a wall or door. Will you curse and insist the wall or door be removed? What if you try to get your jacket on, and one arm was turned in the wring way--would you have a temper tantrum and insist the jacket is no good? Or, maybe you are trying t put something away and it spills all over the floors will you be angry and stomp around having a fit? These are circumstances, and though some of them are a result of carelessness or bad workmanship that may not be your own fault, we must respond to circumstances with patience and try again.

  7. Absolutely beautifully said, Lydia.I love the time of each day when I get to "come over to your house".

  8. Thank you for the very real and timely lesson, and by real I mean practical.
    Lots of love and respect,

  9. Anonymous6:13 PM

    When we apply Biblical wisdom to everything in our lives, the situation begins to change almost immediately :) Thank you for sharing Lydia... mari

  10. Wise words, as usual, dear Lady Lydia. When in difficult days, I always think of Abigail, one of my favourite women in the Bible. Talk about difficult circumstances! But there she was, doing her best, pursuing excellence in everything she did, not complaining, coping with a fool and ungodly husband. I always imagine her dressed in grace and serenity. I think she´s a model given to us by the Word of God for our encouragement, and I thank the Lord for having told us, weak and overwhelmed little women, about her.

  11. I thought it was an interesting account about Abigail also. She had to intervene when Nabal was not being reasonable, and she possibly prevented a tragedy.


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