Friday, April 24, 2015

Pursue Peace

(Painting from Susan Rios)

Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

Awhile back when I had taken to my bed, my little nurse brought me this tray with a teacup I had retired because it had a chip in it. She remembered some fabric with the very same print. The fabric is still sold in fabric stores, and as far as I can recall, I got the teacup way back in the 1990's.  It isn't an antique, and seems to be stoneware, (I don't care for stoneware because it is so heavy and makes an unpleasant noise when stacking dishes) but the teacup was too pretty to abandon entirely.

It is interesting to me how some children perceive the care of the sick: a tray with food and a get-well card is medicine to them.  The get well card somehow contains an active ingredient that makes the sick person get well. When someone in the family is sick, this young lady makes a get-well card right away, as an emergency remedy.  A birthday card makes you happy, and other cards are supposed to have the applicable solution to whatever the recipient needs. I never thought of a get-well card being able to get someone well, but this young lady thinks it does.

Lately I have been thinking about how opposite the homemaker is from the rest of the world and how she actively pursues peace in her life and in her home.  The act of housekeeping itself brings peace, as there is peace when there is order and cleanliness.  When I looked up the 1828 definition of the word "pursue" I found it meant a lot more than just chasing after something. To pursue seems to indicate going after something with the intention of capturing it.  Would not it be wonderful to capture peace in your home? 

Perhaps the act of speaking with civility is one of the most effective ways of pursuing peace in the home: please, thank you and pardon me, soften the edges of daily life.

Romans 14:19  Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Much more can be said about the above verse. Perhaps the second part, "things that may edify another" could be discussed in your home or in a ladies class.

I noticed a new book by Janette Oke and I was attracted to the blouse on the cover because I used to own a pattern for it. I think it was called the Armistice Blouse, from Folkwear. The blouse I made in the 1980's  was soft linen and I wore it out   I really must sort through my patterns and see if I can find it.  I hope I still have it.  Is not it a nice thing that these historical fashions tie many generations of ladies together in like minds?  Ladies of all ages, young and old, can wear and appreciate this blouse.  One thing I liked about the Victorian era clothing is that there was not a lot of difference between the clothing of your grandmother and your daughter. In other words, there was no youth culture type of teenage clothing. Girls longed to wear grown-up dresses like their mothers.

Below: Pattern #210 from Folkwear.
Below is a drawing from a historical book, showing how the dresses were supposed to be longer as you got older!  Little girls dresses were short enou to allow them to run and play, and older girls were expected to walk gracefully enough to wear a longer skirt. 


  1. Good Morning, I loved this article, because I think what you said about being civil and kind and showing manners in our words do make peace in our home. Just being clean is not enough! Also, I agree with your sweet card to say get well works wonders! The tea cup was very spring looking and fabric to match!
    Yours, Roxy

  2. I love Susan Rios! I met her years ago and have many of her pictures throughout my home. She's my favorite! I will have to check out that Janette Oke book out. It looks like a good read.

  3. I think also that peacefulness is not passivity and that in order to have peace there has to be instruction and training and self discipline. If ladies at home allow the tension and worries of the world to absorb their minds, they will use up a lot of adrenaline and be constantly too tired to really manage their homes.

    I believe the New Testament addresses women and shows them the path to follow, not as a restrictive measure, but as a protective measure. It is not good for women, regarded in the Bible as the weaker vessel, to be nervous and upset.

  4. I was noticing the covers on the historical fiction books at the store yesterday. The art is very nice and I like the costumes and the backgrounds. Just the book jackets would make nice framed art.

  5. Peace in the home, I find, does have to do with speaking the truth in love, not just silently tolerating evil of one kind or another. I also think that keeping secrets is very wearing on the soul, as well. I am still learning so much about all this, and I am no spring chicken!

  6. Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, without it no one will see the Lord. -Hebrews 12:14

    It's such a blessed privilege to be able to be a "keeper of the home" and create peaceful environments where children can flourish and husband's can rest.

  7. I love this post, my sweet friend!

  8. Jessica, thanks for finding that verse. My e-sword did not show it!

  9. I was one of those young girls who couldn't wait to dress like a woman - with hose, low heels, gloves, hats; the works. My mother wore all those things and I thought she was gorgeous. But things changed before I reached that age and suddenly women were not dressing like ladies anymore, but like the teenagers. The saddest thing about my remembrance is that by the time I did become a teenager I forgot all about the lovely lady like fashions I had dreamed about wearing and happily adopted the clothing of my peers in the mid 70's.

  10. Joanie, the new fashions seemed exciting and the newness was interesting at the time. There was a general frowning on hats and gloves. I think we should wear them just to make it acceptable. More ladies will do it when they see it being done. Happily, today there is more social choice, as many people have adopted the Victorian styles in one way or another.

  11. Thank you Lydia for posting about this blouse pattern. Somewhere I read that this is and Armistice Day pattern. Most feminine pattern.



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