Sunday, November 01, 2015

I Chose to Stay Home and Have Never Regretted It

Dear Readers,

Please use the contact button and sent me your success stories.  You name will not be printed, but your testimony is important to everyone. I hope to hear from you soon so that I may add your letter here!

Dear Lydia,

I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement.  You have done so much to impact my life!  It was probably more than 11 years ago that I first started reading your blog, and I don't think I've ever missed a post!  When I first stumbled on your blog, I was a raging feminist, trying to bring some comfort and order to our first home... I was probably googling for ways to keep house- I was lost.  :)  At that time, I was a registered nurse, working full time in Public Health.  Life has changed so much since then!

After the birth of my first child (8years ago), I left my career and became a full time homemaker and mother.  It was so hard to make that choice, but now, I'm so glad.  There was opposition from everywhere, and the only encouragement came from you and my husband!  Now, we have 5 children and are homeschooling them.  We've moved from Edmonton to a small town in Saskatchewan, and we are content.  I'm amazed at how the Lord answers prayers and makes a way!

Trusting the Lord has been the biggest lesson, as Feminism has taught us we must rely only on ourselves and plan for every possible thing... I have learned to trust that God will always make a way!  Any time I was tempted to lose my trust, I always mined your blog for encouragement❤️ 

Thank you, sincerely!  I love your blog, and also really enjoyed your video today!!

Another Success Story:

Hi Lydia,
So glad to read your previous post on being motivated at home and this new post on staying home. I will comment on them both here with my story.

Growing up, my father tried to steer me toward a secretarial profession so I would have a good job when I left home. This did not appeal to me. I loved gardening and wearing pretty dresses. Just wanted to be a homemaker like my mother. Bucking my father's wishes and deciding to take nurses aide training, things were pretty tense until I left home.

Eventually I married my high school sweetheart and in time we started a family.
I tried working outside the home as just a hobby, but was much happier at home. There I had the freedom to make my own decisions and my own schedule. I only wanted to serve my husband and be around to raise my children. 

There were great rewards to staying home: I only put my energies to serving my own husband, not a pushy boss, my husband was delighted to come home to a smiling face, clean home and hot meals, we had time together with no interference of double work schedules, no daycare to pay for, no extra work clothes and extra car payments or ride shares to contend with and so much more.
Best of all my husband and I had time to spend with one another, this did so much for our marriage. Most of our working friends were growing apart while trying to pay for their homes, lavish lifestyles and daycare.

We will be celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary this year. I've never regretted my decision to stay home either. Am more motivated each day to stay with it as there is a new generation seeing our contentment and watching to see how it's done.

I so enjoy the new video feature. So good to hear your encouraging words and your see your pretty smiling face.

Your student and friend, Janet 

Dearest Lady Lydia,

We have successfully graduated our youngest child from homeschool. The most difficult time was when our family was stationed in Germany for six years. As Americans we would be allowed to homeschool.  The other mothers were putting their children into the German schools, so they would know the language.  My children did eventually learn German, though not as quickly and not as well as they could have in school. We were able to form a close bond,  for which I am ever grateful, by staying home together.
I thank you for your website.  I am very careful about my online time,  but I find your site so encouraging that it is a motivator and not a time-thief. 

C in Central Texas

Dear Lydia,

I have been reading your blog since your very first blog post.  What a blessing this has
been for so many years.  I have printed off every post you did and they are saved in
pretty notebooks for me to enjoy over the years.  I have often read and re-read many
of them.  Being a stay at home wife is the best thing in my life.  

I left the work force
in 2001 after being convicted that I was out of my role.  I found that after
leaving the work force I was renewed in my creativity and desire to have a godly home.
I have enjoyed everything from decorating in creative inexpensive ways, to landscaping
gardening, master food preservation, crafting, hospitality and ministry. 

 I found stress
just sort of dissolved and I had peace and tranquility.  I was unable to have children but
still I was a stay at home wife.  The loss of my income was never really felt in that we
have always been very frugal.  I knew in order for me to have some of things I wanted I
would need to be creative..I learned to shop thrift stores on half price days!  I made
menus with known sale items at the grocery store.  Never once did we not have our
needs met.  I am so grateful for my role and cherish it everyday.  

My husband who
was an unbeliever did abandon our marriage.  Even in this, the Lord saw to it that my
needs were met.  I remarried a godly man and continue to be a keeper at home.  Women
should not think they need a job "just in case" their husband leaves.  I am proof that God
will defend the defenseless and provide through many channels.  I am glad I did what
the Lord wanted me to do.  It has been a joyful journey.  - Colorado.

Dear Lady Lydia,

Thank you for your wonderful blog!  I was searching for like minded women when I came across it.  I think I typed in Titus 2 when I was searching. Just to give you a bit of background.  I was not raised in a Christian home. Before she died my mother did give her life to Jesus!  God is so merciful! But I was raised in a home where the mom worked outside the home.  She was a good  house keeper and trained us three girls in both that and cooking.  So from that I fell in love with domestic life.  However, when I became a Christian, I did not realize that being a keeper at home was a calling.  So when my children were small and my husband at the time wasn't making much money a "more mature Christian woman" asked what my problem was and basically said I needed get out into the work force.  So I immediately started looking for a job.  I do not blame her, had I been more faithful about reading my bible I would have discovered the truth! And I never wanted a career, I longed to be home! I went through a divorce, that was very hard! So, then I was out in the workforce full time.  I still did not know it would be ok to pray to somehow be at home with my children!  The desire was so strong! My co-workers use to make fun of me because I took most of my vacations to be at home.  I loved all things domestic.  Thirteen years later I married a Christian man, who is a very loyal and faithful person.  He too was raised with a working mom, and liked that I worked.   So when we started our lives together I still did not know it was ok to want to ask or pray be at home.  By the time my daughter was graduating high school and I would mention it to other Christian women they would say, "but soon you won't have any children at home!"  So I felt foolish.....

But then one day I came across Titus 2, and it struck me.  I mean really struck me!  By this time I was a faithful bible reader.  So I started to pray.  Hubby wasn't yet receptive, and I still thought it was to good to be true!  I also thought I had to completely replace my income!  I was also reading book about obedience to your husband.  So that was a bit of a conundrum! 😊

I kept praying for a job at home that would completely replace my income.  I just couldn't think of anything! But the Lord is faithful, and the company I worked for was pulling out of Idaho!  So I asked my husband to please let me try a small business at home.  I really hoped it would take off so I could stay at home. Well that was just a little over a year ago.  And it hasn't taken off at all!  But we have been just fine with a third less income!  The Lord is so amazing!  Oh we live differently but I can honestly say I don't care!  Instead of rushing to get things done in the morning, and having a horrified look on my face when my husband wants to do something on Saturdays, I go from task to task and get things done during the week , and am ready to do things with him on Saturdays.  And I now enjoy things like cake baking during the week with my grandchildren! ( I am hoping to influence them to stay at home when they grow up!) Instead of getting home at 5:30 and slamming dinner on, I now totally enjoy more involved cooking and serving it to him with a relaxed smile.  I have also started sewing and playing piano again!

Well that was the long way to tell you thank you for the encouragement I have gleaned from your blog!  Keep writing your blog Lydia.  You never know what young lady, or not so young lady, (I'm 55) will come across it and be greatly encouraged to be at home.

In Christ



1 comment:

  1. Hearing these testimonies was so inspiring.
    Thank you ladies for sharing.


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