Friday, January 13, 2017

No Guests Today!

Hello Ladies,

Those of you experienced in extending invitations to tea or any kind of hospitality will know the outcome of no-show guests! This time, it was due to a sudden ice storm. 

Here is what the party looked like when the guest list came down to just the hostess!
I had planned to post photos of the whole shebang anyway, so might as well show some:
What you see on the plate are called Devonshire Splits, a roll with cream and jam. The recipe is from The Little Book of English Teas, of which I will post a photo at the end.

Below: some hand made things given to me...

...and a guest book made for me by someone who created it out of a box in which waterproof dishwashing gloves are sold.  She cut the box open on three sides, covered it in scrap papers...
...punched holes to insert blank paper, added end-papers...
...tied a ribbon through it all, adding a pink pen for guests to sign their names.  I even signed the guest book and wrote about the circumstances and included the menu.
Also I wanted to show you a use for the plastic container bags you get at Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby for just a few dollars.  I insert all the mail I need to take to the post office so it doesn't fall out of my arms while struggling with car door, wallet, and so on.  I believe they call these "jelly bags" in the UK. 
Without guests, there was more time to do all the projects that cover every room in the house:

...urgent, unfinished sewing,

...urgent unfinished study materials for a class,
urgent unfinished correspondence,
urgent kitchen cleaning!
So far, only the room where the guests were to sit is in order:

This brings me to something I was taught when I was  in my 20's: 

Always have another plan in place for disappointment!  Have somewhere  to go or some interesting thing to do when there is a cancellation that spoils all your plans for company. Do not just sit there thinking it is a wash-out, spoiled day. Just continue as though there were no plans for a party and do what you want. 

It is good for Mothers to help children overcome disappointment by having other things to do by creating substitutions. In this case, I am looking forward to getting the sewing done and have also planned a care-package to take to someone.

My husband was always good at thinking of alternate plans, even at the last minute when anything fell through, and he can find interesting things no matter what the set-backs.

Hope you are having a lovely day and will attend worship in the Lord's church tomorrow.


The festive lights are still up in my home because they are so cheeful in dark days!

Teacup is Regency English bone china, and the pattern has no label or particular name or date.


  1. So sorry the storm cancelled your plans, but I did enjoy the cyber visit. I'm leaving my few stands of lights up to brighten the rest of the dreary days, too.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. You have such a cute and charming home! I am happy you were not disappointed by the change of plans. I enjoy seeing your posts. Take care. :)

  3. Even here in the southern US (southeast Ga, to be exact), I 've added a small lamp to the family room (which is open to the living room) for extra light. These early-dark days can be dreary, having to turn on lights sometimes at 4pm! COme on, summer!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely home, and tea with us. Lovely gifts, and a great idea, to sign and describe your tea/circumstances. Happy 2017.

  4. It all looks lovely and welcoming Lydia. I really like the fire drawn up to your heater and the tea on top - perfectly cosy

  5. Oh how I wish I could have been there to have tea with you. Kelly T.

  6. I love your plan to have another plan when your first plans fall through! hahaha
    Seriously though, it really is a fine idea....helps dispel gloomy feelings...
    How I love your readied pretty....your whole post is an uplift...I had heard you were getting very cold, stormy weather and was wondering what you would be doing to keep warm...Does your little fire box have real fire in it or is it an electric fake fire? It looks adorably totally cozy!!!

  7. How sorry I am that your beautiful tea was iced out! I would have still driven in it, because I'd be that blessed to have been invited for tea, ha ha!

    Your pictures are beautiful, and I look forward to a wonderful day where we can enjoy tea together, sweet friend.

    I'm so glad you still enjoyed your day!

  8. Wthe heater is electric with a fan that produces the heat out at the vent. A night light bulb operates the glow. Ypu can use the light alone, which costs practically nothing while the flames flicker. It would s from Walmart

  9. A pretty room setting! I enjoyed your cheery post.
    Every one will enjoy the tea on a better day ~ wish I could be among them!
    I have a little fire like that, they are marvellous for making a bright atmosphere on these grey, winter days, aren't they? Mine is the 'Springbourne' model, by Dimplex.

    The Devonshire splits look delicious, by the way!

  10. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and am encouraged by your blog. I have been reading now for a couple of years.

    I look each day in my email notices to see if there is a new post, and am always happy when I see there is.
    Thank you for this ministry.


    Hendersonville, NC

  11. Anonymous11:56 PM

    My how you went to such trouble to entertain your guests! I am so sorry things didn't work out. We don't have much control over the weather or some road conditions. Love the idea of having a back-up plan ready. Makes good sense.

    Your tea services are just beautiful and when I'm able to make it up your way again, I would love to have tea using them.

    Your tea table and the rolls looked so inviting, I can just smell them.
    Thank you for sharing. You show great perseverance and character by accepting what you must and being cheerful through disappointment. The Lord bless you.


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