Friday, January 06, 2017

Russian-Cut Roses

Like many of you, I walk through the floral department at the grocery store before attending the business of bringing home the essentials. Yesterday I noticed some roses with the label "Russian Roses". They were substantially larger than ordinary roses. They had the look of old-world cabbage roses seen in paintings.

It seems we do not need to go far to see new things, and in these dark cold days, the Russian-cut roses were a very uplifting sight. God is so good  that he has created flowers for every climate!  Just when we think we have had enough of frost, snow, ice and cold fingers, we see these roses. 

You can look up Russian-Cut Roses on the web amd see what they are all about!

 Below is a painting by Russian painter, Igor Levashov, who has painted many canvases of roses.

While lookup up Russian-Cut Roses, I came across what is called a (1970's ) Russian peasant skirt by designer Yves. St.Laurent.  Being a stitcher and a sewing pattern reader, I thought the waistband shape was interesting, and the apprent rufflle or piece halfway around the skirt. It always seems strange to see the 1970's fasions referred to as "vintage" when they would be perfectly in style today and could be easily worn without feeling like a conspicuous costume. The styles of that era were very classic and had beautiful artistic designs.


  1. Roses ... my favorite, especially in winter.

  2. Both the roses and skirt are really unusual depth of ruffle on the skirt.


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