Monday, February 27, 2017

Housewife Radio

Afternoon Tea by Paul Fischer, 1863-1934

Please note: there are two recordings so far, but the dates are wrong and we will try to fix it.

If you get a chance to listen to this (it is saved, so if you missed it live, you can still hear it) please leave a comment on this blog post!

Today, barring last-minute glitches we will hear (clearly rather than my previous muffled attempt) from a lovely lady who has a lot of great things to say about her experience of finally coming home and her personal response to the Titus 2 instructions to Christian women.  Let's remember that Titus 2 is also addressed in a large part to men, so read it it carefully for the details, which include young and old alike.

As per usual, ladies, please do not think you have to stop and listen to this. It  is designed for you to tune in when convenient, such as when you are folding clothes, doing routine things where you might need some music or appreciate someone talking to you. I remember  how much I enjoyed hearing my children read to me while I did some kind of house keeping. It paced me and I got a lot more done!

To the lady at Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth blog, I am extremely honored by your posting of my Visitation video. Your blog brings me a lot of visits.  I am sure that subject deserves a lot more conversation.  My biggest problem is finding someone at home to visit, or getting someone to come and visit. I see a definite trend downhill on this, from former times.  While we all do our regular visits to institutions such as hospitals, etc, we need to find these neglected people who are at home who may also need visits. I know that places like children's homes, retirement centers, etc. have plenty of activity and regular visits, judging by the amount of people going in and out of those institutions, but what I see is an absence of home visitation, and not necessarily to the shut-ins, but to homemakers. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that so many home keepers have to be out of the home either working at a 2nd job or else running errands and doing a lot of necessary things elsewhere to keep the home running.This might be a good topic to discuss on radio sometime.


  1. Anonymous4:38 AM


    I honestly believe your show went well yesterday. I could hear your caller clearly, and you as well. Even though I was a bit sad it ended, I know you are so careful minded about others time it makes me look forward to the next show! It was exciting talking to you yesterday through that type of medium on your show. Thank you for answering me!

    Anyway, I wanted to deeply express my appreciation on the time it takes for you to get the House Wife Radio show going and your complete dedication to it and us.


  2. Good Morning, I truly enjoyed this new program! I was able to listen to it while making our bed and unloading the dishwasher! It inspired me to once again enjoy being home and to be a homemaker! Robin did a great job and her story about coming home and how she prayed to come home will inspire others! This new Housewife Radio will be a big hit! I look forward to the treasures we will glean from this great idea!
    Just hearing the voices of you both gave me a sweet smile. The topics of guarding our husband's income, being purposeful of what we cook. And to hear that she started resting a bit in the afternoon she recovered better health.
    I loved the comment of the pressure of your work, compared to being at home, underlying pressure... two heads!
    Blessings! Roxy

  3. I really enjoyed the radio program! You really sounded like a professinal radio host! It was nice to hear conversation that shares my own values. Thank you! - Jackie, NYC

  4. I am sorry to say that when one is hard of hearing this is not workable..wish is was.

  5. Thank you so much for this radio time. I took your wisdom to heart and got up to "do" something will I listened. I finally got my desk organized and my bulletin board cleaned off...I even found some encouraging homemaking quotes under the old papers!

    I loved Robin's sharing. Especially about the time. I am just realizing I have been that way since I have been a homemaker and I have always been stressed. No wonder my health never got past certain points. Now I am practicing being in the moment with the Lord and listening for His inspiration. I have "markers" in my day that I try to adhere to, like lunch time. res/tea time, starting supper etc. But the rest of my day I am trying to just "allow" and do what my one or two most important things are that day.

    I so appreciate this. I am a homemaker "without", my kids are grown and have grandkids but they live about 30 min away. When we get to see them it is wonderful. I love connecting to other older women who choose to be home even though their children may be grown or they weren't able to have children.

    Hugs to you Lydia and wishing you God's peace,

  6. It's sad. . .I try to see friends.. but they're all working multiple jobs. . so no time to visit .. .and the desire to work multiple jobs is their own. No real "need' . . just a desire to take expensive cruises and such. . .

    In early March I attended an Expo and ran into someone I hadn't seen in years. Later that day we sat in quiet conversation for several hours. It was delightful. I said how much I enjoyed myself and she said 'Would you like to continue another time?' . . I said yes, of course.

    She sent me an email with a list of 'Activities' . . . (rather than talking). She lived in an expensive condo downtown and suggested, Museums, concerts, riding bikes along the lakefront (in March???)blah blah blah, but nowhere was just sitting down with a cup of tea and talking. I didn't want any of those activities. Nor did I want to come downtown to do them. She was insistent!!!

    I suggested a few inexpensive options and was met with a cold 'wall' of NO! So I finally said, thanks but I'll pass. She said "another time then!" to which I would say 'absolutely not'. It has to be pleasurable for both parties involved. As I work downtown and abhore it. . to go downtown and be subjected to train schedules and such on my days off (which are few) is not even an option. I'd rather stay home and mop the floor. . so I did just that. And she lost the opportunity to talk with someone who wanted nothing from her but the sheer pleasure of her company. Too bad.



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