Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tea Cup

Hello Ladies,

Today I am sharing a photo of an acquisition from the antique store in our little town.
I had put the idea out of my head of ever finding any of these at a reasonable price.  This was $7.00
It is not delicate; more of a restaurant cup built for daily use.

Since there are plans afoot around here to have an Empress Tea, I wanted to wait, but it was such a find I could not resist sharing. 

Picture from Pinterest


  1. That is an excellent find!!

  2. What a beautiful tea cup! It's so it. Kelly T.

  3. Lovely! What a great find! ��

  4. What a find!!! I've seen these online, but they are $89.00!
    I love finding treasures like this!

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM


    That is one beautiful find of a tea cup!

    I know you must be excited to have found such a gem to add to your collection!

    Thank you so much for sharing your recent joy.

    Have a beautiful Friday!

  6. OH, the colors are beautiful and so different! If I came over for Tea, this is the cup I would like to sip from.

  7. Could you ask the antique shop to call you if they get any more of them in? I bet if you check Ebay or Etsy you might find some matching ones. That is a lovely cup.

  8. That's lovely..and such a great price too! An Empress Tea sounds very 'swish'. Hope you find more of this wonderful pattern for your tea.

  9. Several years ago friends treated us to tea at The Empress Hotel in Victoria on Vancouver Island. I purchased one tea cup and saucer in their gift shop; I'm almost positive this is the same cup that I have. I'm not home, so I couldn't check mine! Enjoy your find - that's great!


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