Sunday, November 12, 2017

"I Wonder if That Inn Serves Tea?"

Just popping in here today to remind you to have tea and gather your thoughts. Tea tastes so good in a thin, delicate tea cup.

It is raining now and I have come in from a crunchy walk through the dried leaves. I like hearing the rain drops on the umbrella, too. As I returned from the field towards the door of my cottage, I said to myself, "I think I will see if that Inn over there serves hot tea!"  Sure enough, they do!

There will be some sewing coming up in a future post.  I am going to sequester myself indoors during this rainfest and get it done.

I have been walking daily, drinking more water and sleeping on a comfortable mattress. I also have been trying to call or text a friend or two once in awhile and all this is really giving me a lot of energy and creative inspiration. 

Do you think the foliage in the distance looks like a village and a small castle?

Today was the Lords Day and at worship Mr. S. announced,  "I want to give you my business card" and he passed out some pocket size Bibles  (the size of a man's suit pocket) that still had adequately large readable print. I guess if you are going to have a gimmick from the pulpit, that would be a good one. 

No matter what your pressures are, I hope you can look out the window at the rain and serve yourself a hot cup of tea and pretend you are in a fancy place. I remember how much fun that used to be when we were children and I think it serves us well today.

Someone told me once: Don't let anyone steal your happiness.  This is so hard, since there always seems to be someone who wants to make a rude remark or make your life harder than necessary. Just rise above it and continue on the road to your goals. Think about that while you take tea today.

God Bless,



  1. Oh Lydia, your imagination is so wonderful. I played similar imagination games when I was little, but your's are better and more vivid. I did imagine an old tree stump to be a saddle of a great Belgian horse that I was riding on an English plain... and yes, your trees do look like a castle with a forest all around it.

    I love the Thomas Kinkade painting that you shared and the picture you took of your pumpkin on a pedestal with that beautiful tree in the background. You sure have an eye for good content.

    Can't wait to see your newest creation!

  2. Dear Lydia,

    It’s so lovely to visit with you, and better yet, enjoy a cup of tea in a china cup while doing so.

    I have been absent (busy with a few trials of living) for awhile, but have returned to you like an old friend, and as ever, feel the better for my time reading through your posts.

    You are blessed with ability to make us not only look around us for the beauty of our surroundings, but also to gently remind us of what’s most important to the Lord and our place in this sometimes difficult world.

    My mother has been gone for some time now, and I do not live among people of faith, but just knowing you are there and I can “drop in” anytime means more than you can know.

    God Bless you and Thank You,

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    It is always such a joy to visit your Lydia... yes, I will enjoy a cup of tea after I do my morning stretches, and commune with Our God, while the day unfolds :)

    Have a blessed day dear lady :)

  4. Yes...I see the castle! How fun!
    and I won't let anyone steal my happiness as well...that is a fine reminder! Thank you, Lydia!

  5. Thank you for this lovely post and the good reminder to keep our minds on pleasant things. I look forward to seeing what you have sewn. Right now I am working on a stack of soft flannel hankies, as cold season is coming up. I found some pieces of soft pink flannel in my closet that were too small to do much with, so that's what I'm doing. The thread I am using is very old (I recently inherited some rather antique sewing supplies) but it seems to be working fine.

  6. A short but beautiful post. . brief and to the point. . most pleasant, most understandable. Well said, well written. . well spoken. .

    Blessings Lydia and all.

  7. Yes, Lydia! The trees in the distance do indeed look like a village and castle. When I was young, I would often set the table in my mother's finest dishes and pretend the Queen of England was coming for lunch. Sweet memories! Thank you for the reminder to not let anyone steal my happiness. The biggest culprit in my life is the news and even religious talk shows that constantly beat the drum of despair, especially regarding the culture war. Thank you for such a bright spot!

  8. Jenny,

    I have been all day thinking about your words here, especially the "culture war".

    The media and especially the religious media seem to want Christians to pay attention to the attack on our culture and I suppose by this it means our way of life as Christians i.e, home and family. But this has always been going on from the beginning. That is why Titus 2 says to guard the home. It isn't good to be in a continuous state of apprehension over the disintegration of culture, because then you can't provide a sweet and stable culture within the home. The important thing is you and your family. If we each made that our obligation, there would be less families in peril and fewer people abandoning their responsibilities at home.

    Often overlooked is the attack on the home from within, in the form of selfish, demanding behaviour (even from men). We can't focus all our thoughts on the world's distractions (entertainment, popular commercial things, trendy activities, communication). There is enough to do just practicing kindness at home and enjoying the family and the dwelling place. We have to guard the home.

    iWe actually can't fight the culture war. There isn't time. If a woman worries about all the new things that are threatening "the culture" she will find her family grown up and without a stable culture of their own. She spent so much time trying to correct the culture around her she missed out on developing her home life.

    There are some of us who are old enough to see there have always been the horrible political and disaster reports. It has never changed. And we know by worrying about it we use up the energy God provided for our families and to take care of ourselves.

  9. So comforting and inspiring Mrs. Sherman.
    Thank you..
    God bless

  10. Thank you very much, Lydia, for your response to my comment. Your encouragement and wise reminders are such a blessing to me and many.


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