Monday, February 26, 2018


Today I am showing Catherine Klein  postcard art from Pinterest.

Greeting, Ladies,

There is always the big plan around here to rearrange things and get the house where we can function in it a lot more smoothly, which always becomes more complicated, and takes longer that planned, as well you know!

I am stopping for a cup of fragrant passionfruit tea.  I remember as teenagers in Tasmania how we ate this sour fruit right of its bush, and people made delicious desserts with it.  

It makes a pretty tea, the color of strawberry tea and it looks lovely in this cup.
I found a new tea pot, amd I mean new, at the Goodwill, where using a 20% donation coupon, I was able to buy it for about $4.00. This one has no tea stains in it and I'm thinking of keeping it that way.

There is a tea room in the city in a mall that is operated by retiree gentlemen who had a marvelous idea. Due to restaurant restrictions, teaware has to be washed in the dishwashers, and teapots don't do well with that method. These men came upon a solution: fill the pots with hot water, hot enough to make tea, and put a variety of those elegant Tea Forte teabags on the table.

I'm thinking of doing this with my new teapot. Cleaning the spouts is a rather intricate operation.

One of my ladies that comes on Thursday says she will miss the hot tea made in the short my porcelain teapot, so I will continue that custom as well. 

There is a list of blog post subjects in my notebook and after my house is back in order, I hope to post or do videos on these things. I will be thinking of them while I progress around here.

I have collect d things by the front door to take to the storage shed which, although is within eyesight of my home, is still a dreaded walk in the rain. The dining room is full of things that need to go to their proper name laces and the kitchen is already a day of work to finish. If I can also clean the refrigerator and go to the grocery store today, I will think I'm stil 20 years old!

Hopefully I will be back here soon with more important things to say.  Looking at the bird in the first painting, reminded me how their homes blow down and smash apart in the wind and they have to begin again to rebut ld it, but they chirp all that time! I can learn a lesson from that.

One thing I have read on your homemaking blogs that many of you like to when facing grueling cleanup jobs in the house, is play a favorite movie in the background or music or some other preferred the g, maybe a favorite reading of the Bible from an online source, etc. when we were children we used to sing to make the time pass more pleasantly.

So let me think...shall it be Wives and Daughters, North and South (BBC), or The Quiet Man?

See you soon! 

Someone sent me this, and it made me remember how we used to muster up strength , ambition, and determination. Confronted with an overwhelming problem, we may have cried for a few minit s but then we got busy and tackled the thing and did it.

That reminds me I ought to post some more Edgar A. Guest poems.  I am thinking of making a special post to men to share how they can encourage their wives.

As in every duty or endeavor that seems insurmountable, drawing on the strength of these words will give clarity and purpose and motivation:

Heb 4:16  Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need.


  1. Such lovely roses. Best wishes in your cleaning/rearranging endeavors.


  2. Oh, I always love your Rose picture and Teacups you share, such beauty...
    Well, I think I would choose Quiet Man LOL
    Your home and blog post always turn our hearts toward HOME!
    Always, Happy March

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    What a delightful post :) I am also rearranging the cottage to make homier and more cozy for the coming months of spring and summer. I tend to enjoy the fluffing of pillows and making quilts just for the season ... many blessings to you Lydia... Maria


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