Thursday, March 22, 2018

Beauty on a Cold, Cloudy Day

Pictures sometimes look pretty good when taken during overcast skies!  

Mr. S. Asked me today to make a dress to go with the pretty pink blossoms on this tree, and I do have one. Hopefully I won't miss the photo-op as I did the Violet's a few months ago. That dress is still laying unfinished on my sewing table, the effort being interrupted by other types of living!

There is nothing like a photo to remind me how much needs to be done to improve the look of the house.

It is going to be tea time soon and the ladies will be coming to the Ladies Bible Class, discussion and tea time in a few hours.

This is a candle lamp someone gave me. I was in Hobby Lobby with a friend, and since I provided transportation and also provided her with a cup of tea and scone at my place, she wanted me to pick out something that was half price! I later painted it, as it was a trendy rust item, and in my house, the shabby chic look does not look well.  I find in these old worn houses that fancy things look a lot better. What is your opinion?  In a brand new house, you can get away with some of the burlap and rust, but in older places like this, the primitives make the lace look more sad and run down.  I love the contrast of a sparkly chandelier or shiny new dishes!  It just gives me such a lift, and especially when I am having someone over for lunch or tea.

Later on I hope to continue my posts about travel in historic towns, and include pictures from a Walmart restroom. It reminded me of the high-end department stores in the 60's  where the decor was a priority and when they provided a little couch and left a little hand lotion for the ladies.  I will show you some pictures soon.  It's nice the average car travelled can have some dignity when stopping for amenities, and if any of you remember how BAD the restrooms used to be on the road sides, you know what I mean!

Thank you to the reader who donated $15 recently! I appreciate it and also appreciate your visit to my blog.


  1. I've never been to England, but this misty springtime pictures make me think of England. They are lovely.

  2. My skin feels so much softer and dewy since moving to the Pacific Northwest from the semi-arrid Southern Calf.
    Being happy at the views of green grass, flowing creeks, mountains covered with beautiful trees and flowers and breathing fresh sweet air. This is some of the beauty I appreciate around me daily. The cloudy days are the icing on the cake for me
    I love the rain. Thank you for sharing.
    Janet Westrup


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