Monday, April 30, 2018

A Note From F.W.

I received this notice today from the ladies at the Fascinating Womanhood site:

Hello Lady Lydia!

I hope you recall my name, as I know you are very busy with a ton of readers!  I have been a faithful reader for many years and just adore your blog and

what you stand for!  It came to my attention, via a Facebook group I am in about Fascinating Womanhood that  you wrote a lovely tribute about the late Helen Andelin.

I have recently become certified to teach Fascinating Womanhood and am in contact with Helen's daughter, Dixie Andelin Forsyth and her Executive Assistant, Jennifer Cross.

Dixie has asked me to email you to let you know that Fascinating Womanhood is very active these days!  I'm not sure if you are on Facebook or not, but the new website is   If you are on Facebook, I can certainly direct you to the FW page!  As you know, this type of information for women is needed now, more than ever

in our World!  Fascinating Womanhood and the Pro-Feminine Movement is rapidly growing and I wanted, as well as Dixie, to let you know it is out there!  I pray you are well!

Love, In Christ,

Tricia Barber

Jennifer Cross has left a new comment on your post "Tribute to Helen": 

"Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and we are very active over at and on Facebook and YouTube now. Helen’s eldest daughter Dixie has taken over and re-written fascinating womanhood for the 21st-century. We would love for you all to visit us and let me know if you have any questions we are happy to answer them."


Those of you who are familiar with this class from the 1970's may be interested, and maybe some younger women as well. This book unexpectedly launched a lot of other authors and today I see FW principles in most of the recently published books on marriage and the home. 


  1. Dear Mrs. Lydia:

    Thank you for posting this! Several months ago, I became aware of this book and quickly order a copy through Amazon. As I read through it, I began to practice what I was reading in responding to my husband. At one point during the reading and practicing and responding, didn't my husband come home with a beautiful yellow rose and a small box of candy! I was absolutely astounded. He has never done that before. :) Then, this past weekend at our marriage retreat, we were talking about our marriage. He made the comment that he really feels like I have "upped my game" in our marriage the past few months and he wants to follow suit. I know it all has to do with Fascinating Womanhood. I plan to reread it as often as I can to make ensure that this wisdom is second nature to me. :) Have a great day!

    Melinda <3

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Thank you. I need to reacquaint myself with FW. It greatly helped me and had a good effect on my daughter.


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