Saturday, July 21, 2018

How Not to Always Live "on the Edge"

Are you always rushing because you are not prepared for anything ahead of time? Do you almost faint every time there is a disappointment or bad news? In a panic, in a mess, rushing around, playing catch-up in your own home?

The best thing to do is pray for every step you take, and be sure to include the names of everyone in your family.

When you have children in the home, make a deliberate effort to pray aloud with them, and include their names in the prayers, asking God to bless and guide them, and to provide for all of you. If your children are not home, pray unceasingly for them, by name, by individual needs Then thank God for his care thus far, and include all the little things. It makes you notice it more.

 Mr. S. asked me to say:

Let God speak to you through His written Word, by reading it and thinking about it.
Speak to Him through prayer. Then, put feet to your faith by working and trying to achieve your duty and responsibility,  using tools like the calendar and your clock so that you don't miss your appointments. Learn how to make a list that counts backwards from your goal.  Looking for ways to organize a list according to importance, and how to get all the little things done is part of learning.

When you pray:
Praise God for something.
Ask God for something.
Thank God for something

Gradually, as you form the habit of praying, you will notice less panic, less unpreparedness. When you think of something that could happen, you will remember that you prayed about it, and it will ease that feeling of panic.

Praying for some accomplishment opens your eyes to God's guidance for solutions.

Praying can renew your mind and lift you out of confusion and foggy thinking.

You will find also that you become purer in heart and in mind, and are not tempted to worry, fear, over-spend for relief, or indulge in the wordliness to cover up grief, loss, and uncertainty. Let that praying be your first response, your habit, your "addiction" and your pasttime.''

You might find that you are more clear-minded, and that clarity will lead to finding solutions to quite a few things.

We can be grateful that we are still living and able to serve Him in our daily lives at home. Let us pray our homes and families can glorify Him and His creation.

I have recently begun to put my house on a diet, to make it weigh less!  I've prayed a lot about the mess I am in from approximately 20 years of homeschool and 46 years of marriage. I have neglected the house while I took care of a lot of other people --- grandparents, parents,  friends in need of help and respite, etc.  Now I am trying to lighten the load. I'm pretending I am on a ship, and everything has to be balance, and I have to sort out things so I can find that book I need, etc. The lighter the load gets, the less the stress and the happier my mind gets and the closer I come to doing more of what I really like to do, such as sewing and other things.

So I hope you too will pray about all the things that are bothering you and that you will then fill up the worry time with something good!

Naturally I want the utmost protection and care for my family, first.  And I also want to provide a home that will enable me to give them shelter and some pampering too.

Philippians 4:6

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

In my next post I will answer a question about my house routine. Im not sure you will be glad to know it!  However, when I feel good and when  I have time, I do have a routine!



  1. Thank you so much for all of your encouraging posts! This one spoke to my heart... a simple habit of prayer and scripture reading, in addition to simple use of calendar clock, lists... and decluttering -- guaranteed to decrease anxiety and lift spirits ❤️

  2. I look forward to seeing your posts in my inbox, they are always so encouraging and helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to bless us and to help us to be better wives and mothers.

  3. Hello Lydia! That was beautifully written. I too am on a journey to lighten my house.

    I had the blessing of going away on a weekend with my husband. We rented a small cabin, just the 2 of us. I felt so peaceful and wasn't running around all day, planning meals, cooking and cooking and cleaning or taking things from room to room. It feels like at home there is always something that needs my attention. At the cabin this was not so. We actually sat down and read books together and went for walks!

    So after being home for a bit, I prayed for guidance to help me see what to start with. I immediately thought of all my husband's "things", so I knew I had to change THAT thinking. I got my answer. Papers/books, craft supplies and my clothes. Those are my marching orders- if you will- to get me started. It is these areas that I feel over take me and they manage me, not me them!

    I love Mr S suggestion, start from you goal and go backwards. Sometimes it's so easy for me to get lost on the way and forget my goal, but using his method I can keep my goal in sight.

    God's peace be with you,

  4. So glad to read your post especially the ennd where you mentioned working backwards from your goal and organizing things according to importance. Such good advice. I have done this and it works wonderfully.
    Thank you Lydia for all your encouragement.
    Blessings, Janet

  5. Thank you for the timely post. I seem to get distracted by so many things that I forget to pray. Prayer needs to be at the top of my list.

  6. Lydia you always share good wisdom with us ladies. I enjoyed your husband's thoughts too. I pray blessings upon your day my dear friend.

  7. Dolores, thank you for being a loyal friend over the years. I enjoy your Pinterest.

  8. Janet, I will have to get Mr. S. to explain this concept, as I am not sure I could do so. I look at it as an archeological dig, where you are trying to get to the original state of things. It isn't really backward, it seems more like forward. Take the idea you have and dig down by layers until you get to the original idea. But others might have a different concept of this. If you can explain it better, please do so, step by step!

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Lydia, the wisdom you have shared is so needed now! I just love reading that you have placed your house on a diet! I had to chuckle since I have been doing the same for the past 4 months. It is not easy to let go of so much accumulation, but I know that it is doable!

    Thank you so much for sharing Lydia, I always leave filled to the brim and so encouraged! :)


  10. This post was a good strong but gentle reminder of the need for poise and prayer. I lack in both areas at times, and too often, really. Loved your husband's thoughts in this post. I also always love the way you write, which is as a friend would talk.

  11. This is such a sweet, encouraging post. It all comes back to prayer, doesn't it? And when we're hurried or overwhelmed it's so easy to simply skip prayer. Yet that's the foundation of our lives and the source of peace!

    I am going to remember this and read this post a few more times in the coming weeks as a good reminder.

  12. Prayer should be what we do at first, instead of at last. It should be our addiction! It should be the first thing we run to in all anxiety as well as in peace. Faster than email or phone, it brings us in touch with the most powerful person in the universe, instantly. Combined with His word and with putting action to our faith, it is a complete emotional combination.


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