Friday, August 03, 2018

Dressed For Outside in Summer

Hello Ladies,

Today I have been thinking about finishing my summer sewing before the summer is over. Isn't that novel.   Naturally, I am sketching my fashions and choosing the patterns with the great outdoors in mind, because, even if I'm keeping house, I will be going outside a lot, to get the mail, take out the trash, work in the garden, sweep the porch,  hang out the laundry, or sit and sip lemonade!  The next time the grandkids come, that is what I'm going to show them how to do. Its an old old custom that must be maintained. I have a recipe for strawberry lemonade that is quite nice.

 Well, I was on Pinterest today and found some contemporary art (those artists who are still among us wielding their fine brushes!)  Most of these are Russian painters. The first two are Vladimir Volegov. Forgive me if I didn't get the names quite right.

Of the others, I'm not sure of the artists, since the Pinterest posters don't always include the names.

I think it interesting these artists are mostly men, and they paint women in such lovely clothes, so feminine, so summery, so soft.
 In one of my original posts I suggested you dress as though your clothes would inspire an artist!

Someone animated this one with bubbles!

These dresses are like some that were photographed on models at the beach in early Victoria magazines.
 Do you notice how the clothing is so complimentary to the nature that surround the ladies?  I've had the mood-dressing attitude since I was a little girl: white eyelet  for the beach, yellow for the field of spring daisies, blue for the lake, green for the meadows. Oh, the prints and colors are endless, are they not?

This is all I have for outdoor clothing today. I will try to find the names of the paintings and the artists and their websites and include them all there. 

Here are a couple of vintage patterns. I have not checked out what is available with the current patterns.
This design seems to be slenderizing, while the
vintage pattern below is a lot more gathered.  I notice the peasant design historically in all cultures, in some form.

I do want to write a thoughtful post and a video, but I would  like to get some things done first. On my roster today:
Get dressed --I hope soon!
Set sprinkler on gardens every hour a different place
Load the dishwasher twice (I've had company)
Two more loads of towels (I've had company--the kind that uses the swimming pool (stock tank)
Send out an anniversary card, and some others--I'm in letter debt!
Clean up the guest rooms
More house and furniture painting--if I feel like it.
Sew: I have a new dress all cut out and if I'm not too exhausted I hope to get it sewn.

This is going to take a lot of prayer.

What about you all?


  1. I love the paintings, and that Butterick pattern is so pretty - there were a lot of feminine, flowing styles from that era.

    The past few days I have been busy getting some fall crop seeds planted - carrots, parsnips, peas, beets, rutabegas...these all sound boring now but they'll make some nice additions to fall stews in a few months.

    It's quite hot and sunny today so I hung two large loads of laundry outside - I love not having to use the dryer in the summer. Hmm, what else...I spent about three hours yesterday helping my children to clean their bedrooms...what a job that is! But they are slowly getting better at getting rid of things they no longer need.

    Oh, and today I threw out some old magazines and tidied up the livingroom, swept under the couch and so forth. I've been getting rid of a lot of old magazines lately as I really hate how cluttered they can make a room look.

    I love summer, I love the heat, the sunshine, the garden, the laundry flapping on the line, the relaxed feeling in the air, and I love that homeschooling is on hold for now so I have more time to devote to my role of homemaker.

  2. I love the artwork! This morning we went to a clothing/ housewares giveaway at one of the local churches. I was able to find some nice shirts for my husband and the girls found some items too. I got a couple of aprons, some canning jars and a bread basket.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Laura, I think the Butterick pattern looks more slimming. I must confess in spite of how I like peasant styles, they dont look so good on my because they are so puffy, but that Butterick pattern is not so much.

  4. Loved this artwork. Do you think men paint feminine women so well because that is their wish, that women would be soft and feminine? I often am not this way. I am a product of my generation (born in '51), but I fight it now and seek more softness and gentleness and need much prayer for this. I am not a rough woman but definitely have become outspoken and notice my hands on my hips way too often. :( Thanks for all the things you post, Lydia.


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