Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Keeping Color in the Garden

Sometimes the flower gardens look wonderful in the spring but towards the mid-summer the blossoms are gone.

 There are several plants that can extend the color of the flower beds throughout the seasons. Hollyhocks,  Asters, "mums", sweet allysum, delphinium, lavender and many others will bloom year round (depending on your climate) and give your garden color long after the spring is over.

It is not necessary to plant only in spring, because it is possible to plant all year around and get fresh flowers in the garden.


  1. Thank you for these flower suggestions. I am in the midst of planting a fall garden of greens and lettuces here in Virginia Beach but would love to add some more color to the front yard flower beds. Also just for laughs your post reminded me of an expression my mother used to use when she was feeling all in. She used to say, "I feel like the last rose of summer". Additionally, I later heard a more homely reference to that same condition as being August's last onion. Hahaha. Wishing everyone a pleasant, end of summer day today! Gail

  2. While everything is so lovely in spring after the bulbs come up, I found it all died off in mid summer leaving just soil and leaves, so that is why I'm searching for things to put in now, to give it color toward the end. I understand there are also winter plants that give color too.

  3. The pictures are so pretty. I have to admit I am done with summer and the high temperatures. Ready for fall, cooler days and getting cozy indoors. Though I might plant some hollyhocks in pots next year!

  4. Around here, people plant pansies and sometimes ornamental cabbages. Sounds funny, but they look pretty.

  5. Dalias and Crysanthimum are perrienials that come up year after year. They provide many colors in the late summer and fall. They also come up in different heights too.
    My uncle, in the Spring, plants marigold and zinnia from seed in boarders around his veg. garden. They come in different heights and many bright colors also.They p

  6. Thank you Jan, I am going to try and do that!


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