Tuesday, November 27, 2018

First, Tea.

Hello Dear Ones,

I hope all is well with you today.

Because I am having a ladies tea in a few days, I am sharing some interesting pictures I am using for ideas. If you want to see more, go to my tea time board on my Pinterest, which is on the side bar.

A lady I knew years ago told me that when she got overwhelmed with things to do and didn't know where to start, she stopped for tea and made a list.  I have always found that to be helpful, even when it is hard to sit still in the midst of all that work!

These pictures so "go with" the Philippians 4:8 verse on whatever is lovely!

 Here's is hoping you'll create your own good news today, 

...notice what is going on inside your own house,

...and treat yourself, your mind and body, with dignity deserving of a child of God,
....being grateful for every little thing,

...and enjoy the journey of this day,

...taking note of the way others help you,

...and the elegance that tea time provides.

God bless you all with loveliness today.

"Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely....think on these things."
Philippians 4:8

Ladies this is what I want for my blog: to present loveliness and beauty.  And, I hope this is what you all want for your homes today!

Leave a comment about what is lovely in your home or your life today.


  1. Supper simmering on the stove and freshly folded laundry. Your blog is always lovely and refreshing!

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Yes, tea. Amen.
    The children (all eight) and I had tea time at Two on Tuesdays - we read through a chapter of Daniel Boone, however we usually read poetry together. I baked an apple chunky cake and allowed us to indulge in a fine sprinkle of icing sugar ontop. All tea was poured in front of a cozy fire on a cold November afternoon ...

  3. Christmas lights and candles, sound of rain, hot tea - our nest is cozy and warm.

  4. Wouldn't it be lovely to be on a train taking tea as is the lady by the window!

  5. What is lovely in our home - the view from our front window; since we live in an older building, the windows are very large. We have seen mule deer (bucks, does, and fawns) walk by quite frequently this fall since there is a wild apple tree in the vicinity, a bear walked by last year, a coyote last week (note: predators move quickly, even at a walk) - yesterday we saw a road runner for the first time (my husband said "That is one large bird... it's a road runner!"). Candles flickering (real or battery operated), the smell of a "tea" I make from fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks and anise stars simmering on the stove, the Christmas table setting, Christmas cards being prepared, laughter, conversation - so much to be appreciated and grateful for.

  6. Oh, I always find your blog to be a constant source of loveliness! Today, in my home, I suppose it is lovely because it is clean and tidy. But my little guy has a sinus infection so he's feeling very down. I am grateful that I can be home with him each day and especially on days like this so I can hold him when he needs it and give him extra hugs and keep the cool water, healthy foods, and cuddly stuffed animals coming when he asks. Which is what I am going to do right now...."see" you ladies again soon!

    - Jaclyn Juliette from NYC

  7. I love reading these descriptions!

  8. Ah, a very lovely post.


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