Friday, November 09, 2018

The Many Aspects of Home Life

Above: From my mantel arrangement: crystal lily votive candle holder and mantel clock, and plate holder.

 Hello Ladies,

Today I will try to adequately answer a question that was posed to me regarding the content of this blog:
Dear Lydia,

I  like reading your blog because I am looking for teaching on what I might do to carry out my responsibilities at home. However, I notice you write about many other subjects that do not seem to be related to those subjects.  Also it does not appear that you use scripture in every post,  do not often approach the subject of marriage or child rearing, or that you do not major in winning souls.  I see mostly, sewing, decorating, travel, garden and tea parties. Yet, you claim this is a Titus 2 blog. Can you explain this?

Signed: Wife, Mother, Homemaker

My Answer:

Dear WMH,

Thank you for your viewership and your comment.  This is a log on the different aspects of life at home for me, and not necessarily everyone else. In the life of any lady at home, there will be many different things that happen, not just washing dishes or doing laundry.  It is not only about one thing. In a marriage, people do many different things as a team to keep the house safe and secure, and they do things for other people too.  It is about a whole life, not just isolated parts of it.

Also I think there is "teaching" in the way we live, the things we do, and the and the way we present ourselves visually, and the things we say.  This blog has to cover many different aspects of home  life, because what it is all about is what you would do in life itself, not marriage or child rearing alone. We did many different things with our children, and our marriage is shown not just by what we believe about it but about the way we interact.

I show pictures of my own house because then I do not have to go to the trouble to find out if I've taken a copyrighted photo,  and it also shares what I might be doing in a room. I'm quite keen on keeping the decor interesting and fresh because it makes the home a happy and interesting place. While my children were growing up I wanted them to experience the refining touches and art, in the home. I will  also be posting the answer to a question about home interiors soon. 

My husband has been an evangelist for the Lord's church for over 50 years, and my life has been surrounded by soul winning sermons and teaching, and church things. We are involved in Bible studies throughout the week, including the regular Ladies Bible Class of the church here in the Manse.  We are saturated in instruction, Bible studies and hospitality and fellowship in the church, therefore, I use this blog as an outlet for other interests I have, which of course, always embody the life of a Christian woman.

 This little blog is a content of some of my own interests, and not a soul-winning blog or a marriage blog or a child rearing blog, but it represents all the things in life you would experience as a wife,  mother and homemaker. I find relaxation and reprieve in the kitchen and sewing room and I like to keep the decor interesting, even though I'm not pushing those things for everyone. I'm just sharing some of the aspects of my life, as most bloggers do.

I have many excellent sources for Bible study on the sidebar, and will be adding some on marriage that I think are scripturally sound. Because of all that we do in the Bible teaching area, I prefer to use my blog for the other interests I have. However, I try to make the subjects relevant to home living.  Also, I was a homeschooler, and learned to observe things and research them, such as the tow paths, the canals, and other geography. I like some history and some word meanings as well as Koine Greek, which Mr. S. and I once took studies in. I am also interested in nature's health benefits. So I share all aspects of life.

Of course I'm dedicated to Titus 2 and want to careful not to exclude other aspects of the Bible. It isn't good to focus on only one scripture, because one also must be able to tie it in to the other teachings of the New Testament and avoid using one scripture to the exclusion of other scriptures. It is easy to get the idea that Titus 2 is the only thing in the Bible that applies to Christian women, but a wise woman will be able to study other parts of the Bible and tie it in to her commitment to the home.  It is so important to teach the whole thing, not just one part of it. In keeping with that thought, this is why my blog goes into other subjects.

 The crystal lily votive candle holder can be found at Goodwill or TJ Maxx.


  1. Lydia,
    What you do is show a well rounded life in Christ. There is a lot of life that goes on outside the doors of a church. As you said, Bible Study, fellowship and services happen all week long. It was wonderful to read about your driving adventures with Mr S, and to see the beauty of this country.

  2. Ann, You get the award for being the first to comment; and also "loyal fan" ;-)

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    My two cents.

    Homemakers interests have many asepts of working with many hats. Homemakers don't wear just one, but one of several as they indeed have to change out daily, if not hourly at times. I don't know how they do it as I had that pleasure of having that experience one time when my bride had gone to visit her mother a few days after a serious surgery and me with all the kids to homeschool, fix meals, clean house, and make phone calls or appointments. I had never been so HAPPY to see my wife walk back through that door! I shared with her my misunderstanding of her role in the home and how much she does in a single day! Just because I find her sitting in a chair when I get home does not mean she sat there all day. She is a busy lady and her smile cheers me at times when I come home tired and beaten down after a hard days work.

  4. Peacock Man's comment is really good...a wise man. And your answer too, Lydia, is also good.

  5. Dear Lady Lydia,
    Re: the posts that do not mention the LORD: they remind me of the book of Esther - God may not be mentioned, but he is always present, showing in the fruits of the spirit that come through in your life.

  6. Lydia,
    Your blog is precious and so are you and your readers. Wonderful answers and blog material.
    Thank you much!!�� Donna

  7. Also Love the flower candle 💕

  8. The flower candle is available at TJ MAXX or HomeGoods throughout the country. I got mine at a thrift store, Goodwill, I think. Some people don't want too much of this stuff, to dust and move around, it. I have to be careful myself but I like to enjoy it now. You might be able to see one online by typing in crystal (and the name of the flower. I can't think of it right now. It is like a lily, that floats in a lake) candle holder.

  9. I enjoy your reading your blog because of the beauty I see in the pictures you post. I also enjoy the homemaking encouragement you give. While I am a Christian, I don't come here to read anything pertaining to theology. As a Christian who believes in Reformed theology, I am well fed through my church, and other blogs, and appreciate the fact that your blog focuses on the homemaking aspect. I am a divorced (his choice) older empty nester who works full time.

    Another thing, though not related to this post but another one. I work in retail at the Customer Service desk and appreciated your words to be kind to cashiers.

  10. My husband and sons are preachers; I don't want to preach on this blog. I think everyone can see it is written from the viewpoint of a Christian woman, and when I can, I include scripture for what I do. This isn't a Bible study but you can click on some of the links I have on the sidebar for Bible topics.

  11. Fox and Jacobs is now Centex, I think. But I would like to see pictures of some interiors from the 1980's because it was so delightful.

    Another tour you might take is of the nearest Ronald MacDonald house, which is much like those homes. Perhaps if you offered a donation, they would let you tour the home.

  12. I would encourage the woman to go back and read all of your posts from the beginning. I like to do that too from time to time. I feel that so many wonderful topics have already been covered and continue to be. This blog has been such a treasure in my life. I began reading it when I was younger and first became a stay-at-home mother and it has always been a source of gentle teaching and encouragement to me. Lydia, you are an experienced, knowledgeable, confident homemaker in a world where so many younger women need that. This blog is a gem.


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