Monday, January 14, 2019

Tea For You

Hello Ladies,

I do not have any particular "lesson" or encouragement today, since I'm mainly trying to get housekeeping under control since the vicious running around we've been doing, 

so I'll tell you all to get a cup of tea...

...and ponder this:

The Lord keeps you in perfect peace when your mind is centered on Him, because you trust in Him.

This is what Isaiah 26:3-4  is saying.

I learned from this, that when troubling feelings come upon us, we can immediately go to the Lord and ask him for faith, love, comfort, strength, help, security, identity, destiny, self worth, stability, acceptance, approval, inspiration, happiness, empathy and sympathy, success, and all those things that a human being desires.

I wish I had something more to report, but today has been a busy day of cleaning up and there is still a long ways to go. I have bread rising because we are trying not to buy or eat commercial bread. Even the presumably good bread with all the nice ingredients in it often is sabotaged by other things (soy, corn syrup, datem, phosphates, etc.) , and home made bread has 7 to 10 ingredients that are real foods.

That being said,baking bread does not free up your time, unless it is time at the grocery store. You have to remember not to walk out and go somewhere if it is rising or baking ;-)

I am also catching up on ironing, and continuing to cut out my green coat. I am cutting out the lining today, as well as the hat and purse. Hopefully that field I chose to "go with" is not going to change color or get harvested before I get my "picture took"  alongside it!! I have assigned this week to work on that coat.  

Mr. S. has been out and about, driving to the monthly preacher's meeting, the insurance company, and other places,  and now he is home with his foot  up on a pillow.  He was listening to something on YouTube and I heard him laughing (it has been thought that laughing helps healing) so I was asking about it and he replayed it for me. It was a series  called "Cajun Justice," in which someone was arrested for "possession of alligator."

Possession of______(name the illegal item of each state) is a crime, punishable with tremendous fines and imprisonment. Alligators are protected in that part of the country. We've all heard of possession of controlled substances but  rarely "of alligator".


  1. We bought a new car this weekend. A Kia Niro, it's a smaller hybrid SUV and it's rated at 52 in the city and 49 on the road. With the price of gas, it's a good thing. I went out in the pouring rain to AAA to get the insurance (only going up $150) and then later down to the dealer to deliver some other paperwork. Boy did I pray as I drove down the 405 to the dealer. It was raining buckets.

    It's just drizzling now, but tomorrow we're in for another downpour. Luckily I don't have any where to go. Dinner is planned so I'll defrost the meat and cook it.


  2. Thank you for posting that verse. My word for this year is Peace/Serenity. I am enjoying collecting verses that remind me of the "peace that surpases all understanding" will be yours. I will add your verse today to my sheet.

    I have looked for a green coat for 8 years! I look forward to seeing yours when you are finished.

    May God bless you, and may much laughter come your way!

  3. I'm waiting for someone to comment on the alligator.

  4. Possession of alligator is against the law and is a crime.

  5. My question is WHY a person would want to possess an alligator to begin with. They don’t seem to be a very cuddly pet to have, but you never know. 😮😳😁🐊🐊

  6. They don't keep them as pets . They sell the pelts for alligator purses, shoes, etc.

  7. Boots, belts and saddles; also meat. There is more info about alligators at Wikipedia and other places on the web.

  8. Here in Texas and in Louisiana, people eat it all the time. I don’t care for it. And it doesn’t taste like chicken lol 😝


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