Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Affirmation For Christian Homemakers

To get in the habit of looking on the bright side, replace thoughts of defeat with thoughts of  overcoming.
Repeat this whenever discouraging thoughts intrude.

Stop for tea and time to think.

Expect distractions, delays and resistance to any worthwhile endeavors. When this happens, simply work on it more. 

If you are unable to meet your own set time limits for anything you are trying to accomplish, change the time limits to zero.

Don't be dependent on anyone else to motivate or encourage you, but be able to pick up enthusiasm from unexpected circumstances. 

When frustrated with burdens, pause frequently to notice some small thing and thank God for it.

Prepare yourself. Make your appearance as nice as you can to enable you to feel good about yourself. Respect your Creator, respect others and respect yourself enough to take care of your appearance. It isn't vain or self agrandoising to do so. Think of what others., Including your children, have to look at and give them the best impression.

Make something in your home orderly and clean every day, even if it is a small thing.

Make plans and dreams even if there is no way of doing them right now.

Spend one day a month doing something or planning something or making something you have been wanting for a long time.

List the basics you need to do in a day, and after that is achieved, use the rest of the day to do something you have been avoiding.

Once a day, reach toward the sky, and then try to touch your toes.

Defeating thoughts can be bad for your health. You can live more abundantly when you are cheerful and hopeful. Keep hope alive. Even if hope is deferred, it is better for your soul than despair.

Sing the hymn "Sweet Will of God."


  1. Very motivating! Always nice to know you are with us in spirit!

  2. Thank you for a much needed reminder. I enjoy all of your writing, but today's has really touched my heart. Your inspirational blogs are uplifting.

  3. This is a beautiful, encouraging list of ideas. I think I might print this out and put it inside a certain kitchen cupboard, where I have other encouraging writings and prayers taped up. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for these uplifting tips. They mean a lot and are so helpful.

  5. Thank you, Lydia, that was exactly what I needed to hear this morning.

  6. So very helpful, Lydia.

  7. An answer to prayer today!

  8. Oh wow, Lydia, this was such a lovely and much needed post for me this morning! I am going to print it off and keep it with my planner/journal. It is so easy to get down when things don't go as we have dreamed, but God is good always, even in tough times. Thank you for being so encouraging! God is using you to minister to others. :-)

  9. Lydia, I was just reading over this list before I printed it out, and I realized I didn't quite understand what you were trying to say when you said "If you are unable to meet your own set time limits for anything you are trying to accomplish, change the time limits to zero." Are you saying to remove the time limits if they're unrealistic?

  10. Yes, zero time limit means no time limit!! instead of one hour, just do it until you want to quit.

  11. We so need to remind and encourage one another to enjoy our homes and love to create. All work and no time for more pleasant things, will make you old and tired. We must refresh ourselves and enjoy even washing our dishes. Do what you can each day and make it a good one.
    Because tomorrow is only a day away...
    Enjoy today and tonight and be glad you have a home, people to love and care for and to enjoy something just for oneself!
    Thanks Lydia Loved this...
    Zero time limit means no time limit!! Instead of one hour, just do it until you want to quit.
    Hugs, Roxy

  12. I certainly agree.
    It’s so encouraging to read your words Lydia, thank you!
    Today I planted some bright Primroses in four porch rail boxes and swept the porch. It brightened the porch and refreshed my spirit. It’s amazing how doing one small thing can really give you a lift.
    Janet Westrup

  13. What a lovely encouraging post. It is certainly one I will refer back to often. I guess I will print it, ao better yet - copy it by hand - to have available when my laziness appears once again.
    Thank you, Lydia.


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