Thursday, June 27, 2019

Homemaker Support Video: Speak Royally Well

Today I talk about more figures of speech and the importance of uplifting conversation.

Lipstick: Wet & Wild (Dollar Tree) "Fuscia"


  1. These videos have really been enjoyable to listen to while getting some tasks done. Thank you for these. There is so much to think about I am sure I will need to listen to some again.
    The stories of the two ladies you told about are very inspiring. How they moved forward and made the most of a situation without complaining. We can all use these examples as reminders from time to time.
    I find the information on the Victorian age interesting. Could you recommend any books on the subject? I know you referenced a book in the one of the videos. Are there others? Thank you! Paula

  2. Lilaclady925 please email me.

  3. please tell me if these videos still play. YT has altered some

  4. Yes that is one thing I recently learned—click the bell or the updates won’t apoear and you will have to go looking for them

  5. Wonderful topics today! I used to change my living room or bedroom arrangements every month or so, just give variety. I have found I haven’t done that much in recent years. I think I shall pick up that habit again. Thank you for your companionship and sharing your thoughts and knowledge.


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